DaughterOfApollo's Profile


Joined on Nov 17, 2011
Status Level: Hot Shot

Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
Quality Quizzer
100 Quiz
1K Quiz
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DaughterOfApollo's Quizzes

DaughterOfApollo's Recent Posts

  • "North Korea is a communist country 100%. China is also communist. Surprisingly, Russia is not communist. They used to be when they were the ..."
  • "Pretty sure China is responsible for the most CO2 emissions nowadays. That chart took a very large year range into consideration and that’s "
  • "Oh my goodness the sweet baby. She’s adorable"
  • "Gnomad (like nomad and gnome) Iris Waffle fries Oberon Fredrick the third Willow Chaos Nyx"
  • "Alright, from my understanding, you need a firearms license to be able to sell firearms (like a gun store would get a firearms license). How..."
  • "As for extending the bill to all grade levels, I don’t agree with that. I think having a class in 7th or 8th grade about sex education and t"
  • "I meant that as a children tend to forget things easily and you have to keep reminding them on certain things. I do not believe that you onl..."
  • "Sooo you want teachers to tell kindergarteners-3rd graders about all the different types of sexual orientation and preferences? The “"
  • what the f u c k
    "Alright, let me just start off by saying that I am probably known to be pretty conservative on here. However, I am also an English as a seco..."
  • "Hey, if you’re interested, one of my creative writing teachers in college told us all about this website where you can enter writing contest"
  • "35241 with loops instead of points if I’m going fast"
  • Alright yall
    "Oh wow, it’s nice to see you too! It really has been a long time"
  • Alright yall
    "That is fantastic. I hope no one steps in you Lol I’ve been teaching English overseas for the past year and a half, which has "
  • Alright yall
    "How’ve you been? What you’ve been up to? How’s life? What do you have planned? Are you drinking enough water?"
  • What are your beliefs?
    "Sooo I was raised Catholic and then diverted from that and went into witchcraft and would now consider myself to be a mix of them if that ma..."

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