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Joined on Sep 18, 2012
Status Level: Hot Shot

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rvelez's Recent Posts

  • My thread:3
    "love ❤"
  • My thread:3
    "Well I told him off a couple days ago. Hopefully I won’t experience another problem involving harassment at work."
  • My thread:3
    "He doesn’t even know me like that too. So definitely."
  • My thread:3
    "Bru it doesn’t matter if he’s attractive or not. He doesn’t take no as an answer and that says a lot."
  • My thread:3
    "He chose the wrong girl for that s---."
  • My thread:3
    "I have this guy at work who bombs me with compliments and tells me he care about me a lot. Then he goes days even maybe a week without sayin..."
  • My thread:3
    "I was only going 5 over… tsk 🙄 Yeah. Of me riding yes."
  • My thread:3
    "Also my stepdad rode on the back last week and he told my mom I was speeding but I really was not. It just feels faster on a motorcycle. 😐"
  • My thread:3
    "I’m still holding off on wrapping her. :( I want her more yellow."
  • My thread:3
    "And obviously I added accessories and s--- so she don’t look as bland as that one 😂"
  • My thread:3
    "She’s a big girl."
  • My thread:3
    "But this is how she looks like for the most part 😂 "
  • My thread:3
    "I honestly never have a pic of my motorcycle lmaoo.. i only have videos."
  • My thread:3
    "Not atm but it’s this one "
  • My thread:3
    "I’m good lol Plus it’ll hide my sweet badass helmet 😫"

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