rvelez's Profile


Joined on Sep 18, 2012
Status Level: Hot Shot

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rvelez's Recent Posts

  • My thread:3
    "I’m actually in the mood to ride my bike. Not my motorcycle. My electric bike."
  • My thread:3
    "Took today off bc I’m not dealing with ice. But honestly the roads look clear rn. Still don’t regret staying home tho bc I need a day to mys"
  • My thread:3
    "I feel better"
  • My thread:3
    "A part of me was willing to stay there all night."
  • My thread:3
    "Like I’m not worried about her getting stolen. I have her tracked and park braked locked. I’m more worried that someone is going to try to b"
  • My thread:3
    "Now I gotta get up real early and walk back over to retrieve her. In hopes that nothing bad happened."
  • My thread:3
    "It hurts me that the one time I needed you, you didn’t answer the phone. I was out in the cold, stuck for a couple hours. I was in need of c"
  • My thread:3
    "When it snows again, I’m not riding at all anymore."
  • My thread:3
    "I’m also pissed at my f---ing coworker. Istg this should be my reason to quit."
  • My thread:3
    "I’m angry at myself. I should’ve left her at my job and walked home. Now she’s stuck on the side of a random road and I hope to god nothing "
  • My thread:3
    "So my baby got stuck…"
  • My thread:3
    "Like these helmets better give me god like abilities or some s--- too"
  • My thread:3
    "And AGV selling the pista helmets at $1000 almost $2000 is beyond me 😭"
  • My thread:3
    "Icon also have nice helmets but they don’t sell helmets for my head shape so that suck"
  • My thread:3
    "alphinestars have the sick looking helmets but $1000 for a helmet is crazy"

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