vulturemonem's Profile


Joined on Jul 18, 2012
Status Level: Senior

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vulturemonem's Recent Posts

  • Would you rather?
    "Family of hoarders. I DO live in a family of hoarders!! Listen to your most hated music for two hours or watch your most hat"
  • Would you rather?
    "Newbie. Newbies can become non-annoying, ordinary users, at least! Harry Potter or The Hunger Games?"
  • Would you rather?
    "I don't know either of them, so stuff it -- neither! Be slowly tortured with your most hated music or most hated film?"
  • Would you rather?
    "Brad Pitt. Meet Emma Watson or Jennifer Lawrence?"
  • Would you rather?
    "Neither. Be rich with average relationship with family/husband etc., or be poor with good relationships?"
  • Would you rather?
    "That's a really inappropriate question. Talking about the former is so disrespectful. I do hope you realise that there are people out there ..."
  • Would you rather?
    "It depends what the fame was for... If the fame was for being an acclaimed author or journalist, then fame, else, fortune. I'm not money-hun..."
  • Would you rather?
    "No food - you can survive on water! Have friends but no family, or family but no friends?"
  • Would you rather?
    "Uh, the first one. Never read again or never play sports again?"
  • Would you rather?
    "Gun. It's quicker... Usually. Marry the person your parents love, but you only like; or the person you love but your parents"
  • Would you rather?
    "10xRose, definitely! While I liked both David Tenant and Christopher Eccleston, DT is so much better! Alonzi! Harry Potter a"
  • Would you rather?
    "A minute in a room full of spiders. Love someone that doesn't return your love or not be able to love at all?"
  • Would you rather?
    "Greek. Dawn or dusk?"
  • Would you rather?
    "Seekers. Countryside or city?"
  • Would you rather?
    "Hm. Hard one. Twilight, just. Inside or outside?"

vulturemonem's Recent Quiz Comments
