I'm very sad...

Well, I'm very sad today, the quiz will tell you why. If you don't care, don't read it, don't comment harshly because I'll give you a MissPrissyCat style reply (compliment)

Well, I'm very sad today, the quiz will tell you why. If you don't care, don't read it, don't comment harshly because I'll give you a MissPrissyCat style reply (compliment) contact me at sally.k.rivers(@)aol(.)com without the brackets

Created by: vulturemonem

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Today I'm very sad
  2. Many things make me sad, but usually good things outweigh the bad
  3. But not today.
  4. Today, my old friend died.
  5. I must say I'm crying again because I'm listening to Skyfall on capital and thinking of this.
  6. She was called Lilyanna, beautiful name, beautiful girl.
  7. Lilyanna was with me since my primary school when I was seven. She was loyal and loving
  8. Lilyanna died doing something that was her through and through. Saving something else.
  9. Her mother emailed me today, Lilyanna saw a young deer on the side of the road, obviously injured. She obviously planned in pulling it off the road then phoning the appropriate people. But while pulling it off the road, a large van came too close to the curb and hit her and the deer. She died immediately and probably painlessly. The deer also died then.
  10. The driver didn't stop, but according to witnesses it was a French registration number plate.
  11. So, I'm very sad today
  12. When we lost Lilyanna, we lost a friend, someone to confide in, a penal. We lost her loving, caring, loyalty and famous and hilarious sarcasm.
  13. Lilyanna had beautiful auburn hair, soft hazel eyes and smooth honest voice. She never admitted her beauty, both physical beauty and her inside beauty.
  14. Lilyanna was always honest with everyone, she was sturdy and dependable, and I loved her.
  15. She helped me write everything I have written, she helped me write Don't Gimme Excuses when my 'writing partner' Sally was in hospital.
  16. I owe her more than I can put here, but I will always remember and love her. I leave you with her favourite quote, she loved Harry Potter...
  17. "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if only one remembers, to turn on the light" - Albus Dumbledore
  18. I love you Lilyanna, I will never forget you. Contact me at sally.k.rivers(@)aol(.)com without the brackets.

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