Political Spectrum Quiz

Discover your place on the political spectrum! This quiz will let you know where you fall on social liberties, economics, foreign policy-- even the culture war.

Below you will see a series of statements that you must agree or disagree with. Based on your responses we will place you on a graph--also termed a political compass--that separates social liberties from economic opinion. (Note: "political compass" is a term popularized by the web site of that same name. GoToQuiz.com has no affiliation with the political compass web site). We will also show you what type of foreign policy you support, and how liberal or conservative you rank in the culture war.

To discover your political labels, there are two pages of statements for you to respond to. Specify how much you agree or disagree with each. You may also specify how much each statement "matters" to you relative to the others (that is to say, just because you strongly agree with something does not mean it matters greatly to you). We'll find where you stand on the political spectrum as soon as you respond to each, starting below.

If you'd like to play with the data gathered by this quiz, try our demographic comparison tool! We've done some fun things with it, like these political maps of the US.

  1. Laws should restrict abortion in all or most cases.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  2. Unions were indispensible in establishing the middle class.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  3. In nearly every instance, the free market allocates resources most efficiently.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  4. Public radio and television funded by the state provide a valuable service the citizens.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  5. Some people should not be allowed to reproduce.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  6. Access to healthcare is a right.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  7. The rich should pay a higher tax rate than the middle class.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  8. School science classes should teach intelligent design.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  9. Marriage must be heralded for the important role it plays in society.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  10. Sometimes war is necessary, even if it means you strike first.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  11. Patriotism is an overrated quality.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  12. Radio stations should be required to present balanced news coverage.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  13. Government should do something about the increasing violence in video games.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  14. If our leader meets with our enemies, it makes us appear weak.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  15. We must use our military from time to time to protect our supply of oil, to avoid a national crisis.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  16. Strong gun ownership rights protect the people against tyranny.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  17. It makes no sense to say "I'm spiritual but not religious."
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  18. It is not government's responsibility to regulate pollution.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  19. Gay marriage should be forbidden.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  20. It should be against the law to use hateful language toward another racial group.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  21. Government should ensure that all citizens meet a certain minimum standard of living.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  22. It is wrong to enforce moral behavior through the law because this infringes upon an individual's freedom.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  23. Immigration restrictions are economically protectionist. Non-citizens should be allowed to sell their labor domestically at a rate the market will pay.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  24. An official language should be set, and immigrants should have to learn it.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  25. Whatever maximizes economic growth is good for the people.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  26. Racial issues will never be resolved. It is human nature to prefer one's own race.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  27. People with a criminal history should not be able to vote.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  28. Marijuana should be legal.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  29. The state should fine television stations for broadcasting offensive language.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  30. It does not make sense to understand the motivations of terrorists because they are self-evidently evil.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little

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