sammierox1997's Profile


Joined on May 28, 2010
Status Level: Senior

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14-Year Club
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sammierox1997's Recent Posts

  • I have no life
    "I work in a butchers as my Saturday job and they sell rabbit. A lot of locals buy it it's surprisingly popular"
  • Would you rather?
    "Be an assassin, for like a day then I'd retire :) No school or No Food?"
  • "Keith Lemon. The man annoys me I would enjoy seeing him suffer :D"
  • Would you rather?
    "Be a murderer. See your best friend get killed or your parents"
  • Would you rather?
    "Raining :) not as slippy or below freezing at least I can have spring showers too! Hate a guy that loves you or love a guy th"
  • "It keeps saying an error has occured, but I know ive defo got the titile and password right"
  • Hi
    "I came on here like 3 years ago :/. My School blocked the website :P"
  • Would you rather?
    "Escape prison, if i can do it once i can do it again :) No sense of touch or No sense of taste?"
  • Hi
    "Hey :) I'm online just recently started coming back too"
  • Would you rather?
    "WTF? To the previous :) No arms or No legs?"
  • "Charlie Higson The Fear"
  • Would you rather?
    "Spiders ill just squash them. Walk upside down or speak backwards all your life?"
  • "Fortunately they are playing anyway so we are just living with it :) To person above: think you meant unfortunately. Or am I "
  • "Fortunately I wasn't seriously injured and can run fast."
  • "Fortunately the police were too busy trying to stop the fight so I could run off into the woods and escape."

sammierox1997's Recent Quiz Comments
