How Clean are YOU??

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There are many clean people out there and a few hygine freaks. Hygine freaks are recognisable and hopefully you'll never get too extreme with your hygine but as long as it's good no probs

This quiz will analyze how clean you truly are remember it's not at this exact moment but overall on long term. By simply asking you about your routine we can help you recognise how clean you truly are

Created by: sammierox1997
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How often do you wash your hair???
  2. How often do you wash your body???
  3. How often do you brush your teeth???
  4. Do you use Deodrant???
  5. Do you use Body spray???
  6. IF you use make up, when do you take it off???
  7. How often do you brush your hair???
  8. Do you wash your hands before mealtimes???
  9. Do you wash your hands after you've been to the toilet???
  10. Would you like to improve your cleanliness

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Quiz topic: How Clean am I??