Mockingbird's Profile


Joined on Aug 18, 2012
Status Level: Novice

Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
100 Quiz
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Mockingbird's Quizzes

Mockingbird's Recent Posts

  • The Hobbit
    "ACB, I got so ticked off at the end of the movie, I seriously started shouted no at the screen...a bunch of strangers laughed at me!"
  • The Hobbit
    "I just saw it this week, and I was pretty pleased with it! There were some parts that were disappointing, like when they cut out the fifteen..."
  • Contest
    "Thanks Skyler"
  • Contest
    "So, I know it has been over a month since the last time I got piece of Supernatural Studies and for that I apologize. I really haven't had a..."
  • Favorite quotes?
    ""Don't be sad because it is over, be glad because it happened."- Dr. Seuss"
  • Would you rather?
    "Orange or apple?"
  • Would you rather?
    "Chapstick, gloss is too sticky"
  • Contest
    "Thanks Sage"
  • Contest
    "Oops, I meant comemings. And I reserve the right to change a name or use a nickname."
  • Contest
    "So, I know it has been over a month since the last time I got piece of Supernatural Studies and for that I apologize. I really haven't had a..."
  • "Well it depends, because in my opinion, age matters less and less as you grow older, but right now the most would be five years, and I'm not..."
  • I hate history.
    "AARGH! I hate physical science..."
  • I hate history.
    "Meg, I used mostly and in general in the same sentence. I guess not necessarily stupid, but I think it sounded a little weird..."
  • I hate history.
    "That was really stupid of me...."
  • I hate history.
    "I like history, don't love it, mostly because I don't love school in general..."

Mockingbird's Recent Quiz Comments
