Supernatural Studies part 2

Hello! It's Mockingbird! This is part two of my series, Supernatural Studies! I noticed that a lot of you didn't like Xander, so I added a new character.

But I can't tell you anymore about them so read! Note: I probably won't be able to get part 3 out for a while okay? Just wanted to notify you so you wouldn't be wondering where it was. Hope you like it!

Created by: Mockingbird
  1. It's good thing that town was close to Forest Richmond, because all I wanted to do was get to bed. Which was weird, because it was only nine fifteenish. I was still staring out the window when I realized it was raining. I loved rain. It was one of favorite kinds of weather. When I was little I would watch the raindrops slide down the window and pretend it was a race. I smiled at the memory. The rain stopped abruptly. "We're at Forest Richmond," announced Hummus in his Irish accent. I stood up and nudged Xander, who fell asleep. He just made a groaning noise and said, "Where am I?" "You're on the bus, genius." I said. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. I suppressed the urge to laugh, Xander was still really only half awake. You could tell because he kept tripping over nothing. Hummus made a fake concerned look, "You'll make sure he gets into bed, right lassie?" This time I did laugh, "Sure Hummus." I said. The elderly bus driver smiled, "Don't stay up too late now, ya hear?" he called after us. Xander still looked he was in some sort of trance still. I sighed, I was literally going to have to get him into bed. "Xander," I said, he was starting to go off into the street, "You have your dorm key, right?" He just nodded at the bus stop sign. Oh my gosh, I felt really bad for his roommate. I walked over and turned him in the direction of campus. "Xander, which hall do you live in?" He mumbled something, but I don't know what it was. "What?" I asked. He mumbled again, louder this time, but still unintelligible.
  2. Ugh, why did he have to come back at the same time as me? Now I felt like I was responsible for him, since he was acting like he was drunk. I started pushing him onto campus and hoping he would come to his senses. Luckily, he was kind of sleepwalking, so I just had to push him in the right direction. Then I remembered something, all the dorm keys said which room and hall it went to. "Xander, get your dorm key out." He fumbled with his jacket pocket and handed me the key. I couldn't see very well, since it was dark, but I managed to read, Ash, Room 341. "Alright Xander, at least now I know where you're supposed to go." I continued pushing him along the path that led to Ash. There was one problem. Girls weren't allowed in guys dorms and vice versa unless it was an open dorm day, and I was pretty sure it wasn't. And I didn't know what the code on the Ash's doors was. I would ask Xander, but he probably wouldn't know what his middle name was if I asked. I just kept pushing him towards Ash, hoping maybe someone would recognize him and take him off my hands. "Hey Xander, is that your new girlfriend?" I heard a voice call. I looked in the direction the voice came from, but I didn't see anyone. I turned around, and felt someone tap my shoulder. Startled, I turned around again and saw a dark haired guy, with icy blue eyes, and around my age. He seemed very amused with my predicament.
  3. "So, you're Xander's new girlfriend?" he asked with a grin. I knew he was teasing me, but I blushed anyway. "No, I'm doing the bus driver a favor. Xander fell asleep on the bus and now is barely conscious." The guy smirked, "That's typical. Why don't you go back to your dorm, I'll make sure he gets into bed." "You guys are roommates?" I asked. "No, but I do know what the code is for his dorm, and I could make sure he doesn't flop over on the soccer field." I breathed a sigh of relief, I seriously had no idea what I was going to do with Xander. "Thanks" I said. "No problem," he replied, "Hey, what's your name?" "_______, what's yours?" "Vincent. It's nice to meet you, _______," he said, shaking my hand. I smiled. At least not all the guys on campus were totally annoying. "Well I'll see you around," Vincent said, pulling Xander to Ash. "See ya!" I called, walking towards Ivory. He was nice. Once I finally reached Ivory and got into my room, Miranda was already there, on her bed, reading a book. But this time, instead of sitting there with her eyes glued to the page, she abruptly closed the book and looked up at me. "How did the big job hunt go?" "Good," I said, plopping myself down on the bed, I quickly told her about my hunt. "I love Churros! Their food is amazing!" Miranda said. Hopefully I got the job. Katelyn seemed nice enough, and she did say they had an opening.
  4. I noticed now that Miranda was eating an oreo. "Where did you get that?" I asked, "I have a boxsh of oreosh," she said with her mouth full, "Have shome if you like." I smiled. Miranda was awesome. I ate some of her oreos, and everyone knows that you need milk to go with oreos, so I got some milk from Miranda's mini fridge she said we could share. "I love oreos!" I said after finishing my last one. Then I realized my mom said to call her at the end of the day. I rummaged through my satchel for my cell phone and dialed her number. The phone was ringing for a few seconds, but Mom eventually picked it up. "Hello?" she said. "Hey Mom, it's me." I said. I told her about my entire day except about Xander, Vincent, and my special book. I had always felt awkward talking about boys with my mom, so I didn't mention them at all. I'm not really sure why I didn't mention my book, I wanted to, but I felt as if I just couldn't.
  5. Mom told me that everything at home was fine, and to not stay up too late. The same thing Hummus told me, all adults were the same. I hung up and laid down on my bed. I had one more day of leisure, then classes started. I decided to take a look at my special book. Haha, that rhymed! I pulled my book from the satchel, and opened it. The pages were snow white, and they seemed to never end, but there was nothing written in it. Not one word. "Miranda, can I see your book?" Miranda looked confused for a second. "Which one?" she asked. "The special one that the school gave you, could I see it?" Miranda thought about it for a minute, then she said, "Well you can see the outside of it, but only the owner is allowed to look inside." I studied the book she was holding out. It was cream colored with black writing that said Ivory Hall. I really wanted to look inside to see if it was blank like mine, but she said only the owner was allowed to look inside. "What is it supposed to be a journal or something? Is that why only the owner can look inside?" I asked. Miranda shook her head, "It's not a journal, but no one besides me gets a look inside. School rules." I sighed, what a stupid rule. What's so important that only one person can see it? Mine sure wasn't important, it was just a book of blank pages.
  6. "That's too bad." I said. I laid back down on my bed, deep in thought. I was still puzzling over the book and its rule. Maybe Miranda was just fooling me because it really was her journal. But that didn't seem like the kind of thing she'd do. I drifted off to sleep while having those thoughts. I had a peculiar dream. My dream was I was fighting with Eve again. Well actually a little before she tried to hit me, when the other Parrots were examining my book. "Ivory? There's no way that's right," snorted the ginger. "So what if she's in Ivory? Isn't that where all the Nons go?" Eve said. "Isn't that where all the Nons go?" the words echoed in my head, making me feel dizzy. I felt like I knew what Eve meant by Nons, but it didn't make sense. I should know, I felt stupid for not figuring it out. "People in Ivory couldn't possibly have any Skills, they just pretend they do." Eve continued. Skills? What does she mean by Skills? My head was reeling. "What's going on?" I thought. Then Eve cut my lip with her ring, and I woke up. I was in a cold sweat by the feel of it, and it was about seven in the morning. I decided to take a shower, to feel clean again, I never changed my clothes last night. I walked into the bathroom and closed the door. Once I had peeled off my damp clothes, I hopped in the shower. My dream was really odd. Even odder than the usual ones, and those were pretty odd.
  7. I washed my body and rinsed my hair after lots of thinking. But seriously, who doesn't do that in the shower? I dried off and got changed into a pair of jeans and a sweater, it was already October, and pretty cold. I realized it was still early in the morning, so breakfast wouldn't be for a while yet. But since it was like, seven thirty, and the bus came at eight, I could get breakfast in town. I grabbed my satchel, put on a pair of black flats, and left Ivory Hall as quietly a possible. Or at least as quiet as I could manage. I walked across the soccer field and to the bus stop, which just happened to have a little bench for waiting. I sat down and waited. "Hey _______," said a voice behind me, I turned around, but no one was there. Then I looked forward and saw Vincent. I started, which made him chuckle, and that made me scowl. "That's the second time you've done that," I said furrowing my brow. "Done what?"he asked innocently. "Appeared out of nowhere." I said. He shrugged, "My friends tell me I'm like a ninja." I smiled and rolled my eyes. "So what are you doing up this early?" Vincent asked. "No reason." I said. I didn't really want to tell him. I just thought how weird it would sound. Yeah Vincent, I had a bad dream, therefore, I need breakfast.
  8. Vincent raised his eyebrows. "Okay, that's a lie. Really why are you up this early?" I frowned. How did he know I was lying? I guess it didn't matter that much. "I couldn't fall back asleep and I was hungry, so I'm going to Churros for some breakfast, they open at eight." At least that was part of the truth. Vincent smirked, "Well I feel like you're holding out on me, but I'll accept your answer." "I just met you last night, can you expect me to tell you every detail of my life?" I said, kind of annoyed, but only because he could tell I only said part of the truth. "Fair enough," he said. The bus, being awesome to keep saving me from awkward moments, pulled up and me and Vincent got on. Hummus smiled at the sight of me and said, "You're quite a catch, aren't ya girlie? Everytime I see you yer with a different lad." I blushed slightly and Vincent laughed. "It's nothing like that, sir. We just both happened to be going to town this morning." Hummus chuckled, "Of course of course. But I wouldn't be surprised if it were the other way. Lovely girl like her." Hummus said. I blushed even more and sat down in the back of the bus. Vincent came and sat next to me. "Mind if I sit? I don't want to be bored on the way there." he said. "Well you're already sitting, so go ahead." I said. "So you're the new girl, huh?" he asked. "Yeah. Does news always spread around this quickly?" I asked. Vincent chuckled. "Hey, welcome to high school." he said.
  9. I smiled. "So, you asked me why I was going to town, but we never got to why you were." I said. "And?" Vincent said, trying to avoid the question. "So what are you doing in town?" "Same thing as you, couldn't sleep, so I'm getting breakfast." I thought for a second. "So last night when I asked you if you lived in Ash, but you said you didn't. If that's true, where do you live?" "Glass," he said, "What about you?" "Ivory," I replied. He just nodded. I felt like everyone at Forest Richmond knew something I didn't. Even the freshmen, who didn't actually know anything until they were sophomores. The bus stopped and we were in town. I got off and thanked Hummus, followed by Vincent. I walked into Churros and saw Katelyn, who greeted me warmly. I ordered a cup of hot chocolate and another piece of crumb cake. When Katelyn came to give me my breakfast she had news for me. "I've thought about it, and decided that you're hired!" she said happily. "Really? That's awesome! Thank you so much!' I said giving her a hug. She smiled and said, "You start Thursday, what time do you get out of school?" "Three thirty," I said. "Perfect, you can start at four thirty and stop at seven. How does that sound?" "Good, what time should I be here on Saturday and Sunday?" I asked. "Oh you don't have to come on weekends, I have someone else to fill those shifts." At least I'll have weekends free. Katelyn left and I ate my crumb cake. I paid for my food and walked out the door with my hot chocolate. I didn't really feel like exploring town, so I sat down on a bench and sipped my hot chocolate.
  10. a cup of what was probably coffee. "Coffee?" I asked. Vincent shook his head, "I hate coffee, it tastes nasty." he said. I smiled. "So Vincent, you have a book right?" I asked. Vincent nodded, "I have several books, actually." I rolled my eyes. "No I meant like a book that the school gave you." I said. Did everyone make that joke? "Yeah," he said, "Everyone has a book from the school. You got one, right?" I nodded. "So, what do you want to know?" "Well, what are the books for?' I asked, maybe I would get somewhere. "Well the thing is about the books, well, they're different for everyone. Their purpose isn't the same for each person." "Well what is your book for?" "I can't tell you that, only the person that owns the book is allowed to know." I frowned, everyone had the same answer. "Well that's a stupid rule, what is it to keep your criminal record or something? My book isn't special at all." I said glumly. Vincent didn't say anything. The bus pulled up since it was now nine, and I got on. "Hi Hummus," I said sullenly. Hummus frowned, "What's the matter girlie? Don't tell me yer didn't get the job?" "No it's not that," I said, "It's a school problem."
  11. I went to the back of the bus and sat down. "I would tell you, but it's school rules and I could get expelled." Vincent said. "I know, I'm not blaming it on you," I said, although I kind of was, "It's just sometimes my curiosity gets the best of me." "I know what you mean." he said. "I just don't get what's so important. I mean, it's just a book, right?" I said. Vincent hesitated. "Right?" I asked. "Yeah, just a book." I frowned. Vincent was keeping something from me as well. Just like everyone else. But not for long.

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