Flight's Profile

Joined on Aug 21, 2011
Status Level: Experienced
Flight's Quizzes
- Teresa22, please read this.[published: Sep 26, 2012, 2 comments]
Teresa22, this is for you. It's an apology to that damn "How Asian Are You?" quiz. I didn't even……
- The Awesome Quotes Quiz 2 (please read!)[published: Aug 17, 2012, 6 comments]
First of all, this quiz does not tell you what type of quote you are, or what quote……
- The Awesome Quotes Quiz[published: Apr 20, 2012, 11 comments]
This is not really a quiz, more like a sharing-showcase kind of thing. My friend sent me via email a ton……
- Would We Be Best Friends?[published: Mar 05, 2012, 9 comments]
Do you think we could be friends in real life? Or could you care less right now? :P This quiz is just……
- ~~RaNdOm AwEsOmEnEsS XD[published: Feb 20, 2012, 2 comments]
Well, here you go: the random quiz by yours truly, Flight. :p How random do YOU think you are? I my self……
- Are You Selfless, Honest, Fearless, Smart, or Peaceful?[published: Dec 14, 2011, 38 comments]
This is from a book called Divergent by Veronica Roth, and it is to……
- How Well Do You Know the Book I Am Number Four?[published: Dec 11, 2011, 9 comments]
Okay, I know this series isn't entirely popular or anything, but it's one of my……
- ~Stay With Me Love Story: part 2~[published: Dec 03, 2011, 28 comments]
First off, if you haven't taken part 1, please do right now or you won't get any of this!……
- ~Stay With Me Love Story: part 1~[published: Sep 07, 2011, 31 comments]
Thanks for choosing my quiz; I worked awhile for this one, but I really hope you like it,……
- What's Your Warrior Cat Name?[published: Sep 02, 2011, 7 comments]
Okay, so thanks for choosing this quiz, I know there's tons of these out there, but yeah, thanks……
- How Well Do You Know The Hunger Games series?[published: Aug 31, 2011, 2 comments]
I know there are thousands upon thousands of Hunger Games fans out there, but do……
- ~Warrior Cats Love Story: part 1~[published: Aug 22, 2011, 12 comments]
Ok, first of all, from taking various quizzes here, I've learned that no one ever reads these,……
Flight's Recent Posts
"Cool. I'll follow you guys! XXBLUTIXX. AAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!! "
"Just wondering... I'm @Skyful"
"That's cool; I write there, too. What's your username? :)"
"TheRecklessBam, xxblutixx, AddiBabyy, and DaughterOfApollo. =)"
"Sketchbook of paper Filled with pictures from my head Blooming with new life"
"Former temporary Headmaster of Hogwarts?"
"The Hunger Games, definitely! Although Harry Potter's not bad. =)"
"It's absolutely beautiful... I hope you keep on drawing. :)"
"@Kepler - YESH. FENCING IS AWESOME. =D I love it so much!"
"This is my eighth year playing the piano and my fourth with the violin."
"Hmm... magical love story? Sounds good! ^.^ Haha, I'm not that good with titles, either, but I do love to create characters! I'm not "
"I Knew You Were Trouble ~ Taylor Swift"
"I have two quizzes that are just a whole bunch of quotes; I love all the ones that are in there. =)"
"I really like "Alone" and "Wonderland" :)"
Flight's Recent Quiz Comments
- My life is now complete.Holy craziness... Kiki... oh my goodness... :'( I don't know what to feel anymore....…"
1 -
"Very nice!! I can tell you took care with this quiz and thought everything out perfectly. It was quite accurate (I got iris) and deserves…"
1 -
"100% ^.^ Great quiz! The questions were very accurate and weren't too hard or too easy. =) 10/10 stars!!"
1 -
"Congrats, fireprincess1996!! ^.^ I'll go and take your quizzes now. =D"
1 -
"Sorry, I meant to say part 41... -.-lll"
1 -
"Oh my gosh. *.* You've probably heard this tons, but you are a phenomenal writer! Both this series and The Life Between Magic & Boys…"
1 -
"Sorry I haven't said anything in so long! DX Like you, I'm really busy, so I totally understand with quizzes taking a long time. =) This…"
1 -
"Artist! ^.^ Wow... the description fits me perfectly. :O Awesome quiz, very accurate!"
2 -
"Aww... sorry to hear that, DOA. :<
My name on there is Keaton; it means "where hawks fly", which goes with my username,…"
1 -
"WHOOOOO!!!!! THE PIE GUY IS BACK!!! XD lol jk. Sorry.
Aww, you can't get an accout? :< That's okay; I totally understand. My…"