ChameleonLeap's Profile


Joined on Dec 30, 2019
Status Level: Senior

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4-Year Club
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ChameleonLeap's Quizzes

ChameleonLeap's Recent Posts

  • Were gonna have a good day
    "and my parents literally have so many friends and not a single one has a kid thats anything like me"
  • Were gonna have a good day
    "im the most jealous of people who dont just have school friends, but cousins their age, ir family friends their age, or just anything along ..."
  • Were gonna have a good day
    "no im the only one lol im just ranting so sorry for the confusion"
  • Were gonna have a good day
    "specifically the people that my family is around im not even joking its like worse than watching paint dry. i genuinely try my very..."
  • Were gonna have a good day
    "best person ive met on this trip was some distant relative who was literally normal even though my dad described him as someone who couldnt ..."
  • Were gonna have a good day
    "it also makes me extra mad at people like this is why i hate meeting new people im always like excited in some way and hoping that ..."
  • Were gonna have a good day
    "i keep trying but i dont rlly think im gonna find many people like that i just wanna live alone when im older and not talk to peopl..."
  • Were gonna have a good day
    "its just frustrating like i wanna be around people who feel real like i want deep conversations and i wanna feel like people are di..."
  • Were gonna have a good day
    "but now i just have the expectation that people are gonna let me down over and over and its not even an expectation its just the tr..."
  • Were gonna have a good day
    "and its annoying because i keep on being social and its like talking to a wall or trying to communicate with a 90 year old person"
  • Were gonna have a good day
    "and then people get pissed when u pick at your food and dont talk id talk but ppl just love to let me down 🤗"
  • Were gonna have a good day
    "thousand yard stare every time i try to do social things and i end up putting myself through hell"
  • Were gonna have a good day
    "and im literally social to but when i tell u introvertness or whatever literally spreads"
  • Were gonna have a good day
    "just stop letting me down its taking a real toll on my mental health"
  • Were gonna have a good day
    "its fine this is gods way of showing me how to appreciate the very infrequent and rare people in life that ill actually connect with"

ChameleonLeap's Recent Quiz Comments
