Catfan's Profile

Joined on Apr 15, 2021
Status Level: Novice
Catfan's Quizzes
- Warrior cat's love life part 3 (She-cat's only)[published: May 11, 2021]
Hey! I'm Catfan and this is a warrior cat's love story series (SHE-CAT'S ONLY!!)……
- Are you a true bookworm?[published: May 07, 2021, 1 comment]
Hello!! Cat fan here! This is a very short, 10 question quiz where you find out if you are a bookworm!……
- Which dog breed are you?[published: May 07, 2021]
Hello! Catfan here! This is a quiz where you can find out what dog breed you are!! (Or possibly get……
- Warrior cat's love life part 2 (She-cat's only)[published: May 07, 2021]
Hello! I'm Catfan and this is a love quiz series inspired by Erin Hunter's……
- Warrior cat's love life (She-cat's only)[published: May 06, 2021]
Hello! Catfan here, and this is a love story where you are playing as Cinderpaw, a……
- Life as a warrior cat[published: May 06, 2021, 1 comment]
This quiz is about your life as a warrior cat. Are you shy and gentle? Brave and loyal? PURLY EVIL? Well……
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Catfan's Recent Quiz Comments
"Nice quiz!"
2 -
In response to rainpath:
Your Result: Goldheart 86%…"1 -
"I got Snowfall! Great quiz."
1 -
"Darkstream! (Me: Why the exclamation point?)"
1 -
"I got Flameclaw and Stargazer AT THE SAME AMOUNT?? WHAT DO I DOOOOOO!"
1 -
"Great job! (I got Wolfang)"
1 -
"And I got 81% (Dustwater)"
1 -
"I love it!"
1 -
"84% you are sweet and kind,
81% you are the silent type,
48% your a little mean.
Great quiz! (:"In response to Wcrocks:
"Yay! I'll comment myself! I LOVE it!"
1 -
"I agree. By the way I got Sweetleaf at first to. I thought that it didn't fit my personality (I do know lot's about herbs but want to be…"
In response to Nightflower:
"I got Sweetleaf but....... I barely know…"