~Warriorcats: Clan life ( For She-cats only!)

There are lots of quizes on Warrior cats clanlife but this one is like a story. You will choose your own path and there will be a series of these and plus this quize is like a love story so please try it and commen and rate!

In this quiz You are a She-cat named Heatherfur and you belong to Streamclan, there will be toms chasing after you so it is mend for girls only. Please try it.

Created by: Wolfstar

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You are a silver she-cat with icy blue eyes named Heatherfur. "Heatherfur Heatherfur!" Your clanmates cheered. Dapplepath, your menthor came to you and meowed, "You will have to sit vigil until dawn." You nod and sat beneth a willow tree. "Heatherfur!" You heard a voice meowed. It was Badgerclaw. "I glad that you are a warrior now, so we could share the same den," he purred, nuzzling you. You...
  2. After what you did he padded off to the warriors den. You saw Thornheart and Dustwater approching you. "Congrates on becoming a Warrior! Why not we hunt together tomorrow morning?" Dustwater asked." No, don't hunt with him, hunt with me. I am the best hunter in the clan." Thornheart meowed glaring at Dustwater. "But I am deputy, so I arranged the patrols." Dustwater snarled. Thornheart looked ready to brust with anger when Moonstar stepped in. " I am your leader so I want Dustwater, Thornheart and Heatherfur to hunt together." Moonstar meowed firmly. "But Moonstar......" Dustwater tried to protest, but he had walked away. Now you are thinking...
  3. After the vigil, You went into the warriors den and saw the toms getting up. You curled up beside...
  4. You was woke up by the affectionate licking on your ears by Dustwater. "Come on, I will give you a piece of freash-kill then we could hunt." He meowed gently. You purred and quickly gulped down a shrew before heading off with Dustwater and Thornheart to Sky Rock for hunting. While hunting, you bumped into Thornheart. "Sorry." You quickly meowed. "No, it was just an accident no need to be sorry." He meowed giving you a licked on your head. "Lets hunt together." He meowed. You nodded. At one point your pelts touched, you...
  5. After the hunt, Moonstar announced that you and the other toms are going to the gathering as well. "Want to eat with me?" You realized Dustwater beside you. "Sure!" You meowed in reply. He choose a fat rabbit to share with you. You were tired as Dustwater guided you to the warriors den letting you lean on him. He curled up beside you. You are thinking...
  6. Time skip* You reach the gathering place and a tom came to you "Hi, I am Swiftfur warrior of Moorclan, What about you?" You introduce yourself to him and both of you seem to have a nice talk. "What about we meet at the border between our clans near the stream every night?" He asked. You purred and nodded. The gathering starts and nothing intresting really happened you are thinking...
  7. (Okay I know this is sort of repeated but I can't think of anything else.)You were tired when you reach camp and curled up next to...
  8. Then it hit you You had forgotten about the meeting. So you quietly padded out of camp and went to the stream. "Swiftfur!" You purred when you see him. But right when you were going to touch noses a fox appeared infront of you. Before you could react you fall into total Blackness... CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!!
  9. Commen?
  10. Rate?
  11. Do you like the quiz?

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