tomboy9876's Profile


Joined on May 16, 2010
Status Level: Advanced

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tomboy9876's Recent Posts

  • "alright im logging off, its been an hour."
  • "well idk sorry. But I'm here..."
  • "oh hey just thought id warn you that my 10 o'clock might be different than yours... For me, It's 10 o'clock central.. If you"
  • "Great, I'm glad I'm not just some annoying kid... I'll meet you on this same forum tomorrow at 10 pm. Remember that those happy times are al..."
  • "You can never be sure who makes it better.. Obviously our opinions differ. But it's true that your life will get better. (glad we finally ag..."
  • "I'm sorry if I didn't help... I am trying. But I really have to go to bed because I have to wake up early tomorrow. Can we talk tomorrow? Or..."
  • "Well remember all those happy times when you aren't depressed. Hang onto those feelings and don't let them go. Btw, is what S"
  • "Teresa? You still there?"
  • "Goodbye, Selena. I'm sorry if I ever offended you in any way.. I never meant to."
  • "Please don't kill yourself. I know exactly how you feel since I've depressed, too. Multiple times actually. But I promise you, killing yours..."
  • "Teresa, anyone who says what? Sorry, there's sort of a lot going on at once."
  • "I do respect it! I honestly don't judge people who aren't of my religion. I promise. I just don't think anything about religion can be consi..."
  • "Being supportive and doing my best to make her feel better isn't helping? Fine, I'll leave if she wants me to."
  • "NO. Please, don't kill yourself! That's not what I meant... I'm just saying that you'll be happier in the end. None of it's f"
  • "Sometimes pain is necessary to achieve happiness. Jesus died on the cross for us. He suffered, and that's what his followers must do sometim..."

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