Biance's Profile


Joined on Feb 10, 2010
Status Level: Senior

Level-up Progress:
14-Year Club
100 Quiz
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Biance's Quizzes

Biance's Recent Posts

  • "Blank Space-Taylor Swift"
  • Hey...
    "I'm planning to stay for a while,hopefully. The forums are totally different since last time."
  • Hey...
    "Nothing really. It's really weird to be back. I haven't been here in so long."
  • Hey...
    "Hello Ann,hello Heph!"
  • Hey...
    "Thanks c:"
  • Hey...
    "Hey,I'm back! And I have a new picture."
  • Hey...
    "I honestly don't know who it is. In fact,I don't even have the picture on my computer anymore. It was just a picture I had found on the inte..."
  • Hey...
    "Nothing much really. What about you?"
  • Hey...
    "Okay,well nice to meet you,SG!"
  • Hey...
    "People used to fight a lot too back then when I was on more often. And I'm also glad I decided to post again,everyone's being so nice to me ..."
  • Hey...
    "I'm not sure why I decided to come back. I just came on and decided to post something. There was a lot of new things and the website seemed ..."
  • Hey...
    "Hi SG115,nice to meet you! If there's a nickname you want me to call you,just let me know."
  • Hey...
    "Atleast it's less then me,haha ;p"
  • Hey...
    "Sorry,hello Ann! c: It's nice to see you again,dragon! When was the last time GTQ Guy was on anyway?"
  • Hey...
    "It is,especially since GTQ Guy is not on that often"

Biance's Recent Quiz Comments
