What's your IQ?

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Are you smart,average,or not-as-smart? I wanted to see how smart people on GTQ are because Im really curious. I hope you do really great. Good luck to all of you!

Not many people are edicated...can YOU answer these quiestions I put on the quiz? I bet you can't!:) Just kidding,you probably can since Im only in 5th grade...

Created by: Biance

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is 213/4?
  2. How about 51x28?
  3. Form the singular verson of "Our house".
  4. True or False: Ellis Island is the most popular city in New York City.
  5. Which planet does Pluto revole around?
  6. How many island(s) makes up Hawwaii?
  7. Who was the first woman doctor,Elizabeth Blackwell or Besty Ross?
  8. Sream: Screams,Screamed,...
  9. What is 34/100 in decimal form?
  10. What size is the sun?(Not from Earth distance,mabye Mar's distance)

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Quiz topic: What's my IQ?