What American accent do you have? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What American accent do you have?

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  • I am originally came from New Jersey, and when I moved to California at the age of 6 in or around the early 60's, my New Jersey accent was so heavy my Grade School teacher thought I had a speech impediment. Funny thing was she talked like a "Valley Girl."

  • The quiz said I was from Philly area but I grew up on Long Island,NY and have lived in deep South for last 33 years and thought I lost any trace of 'up North' accent. When I'm in the South I have been told I have a touch of Northern accent-when I'm up North have been told they could tell I was from the South. I give up and just talk as tho I'm just an AMERICAN!!!!

  • I am from Maine and have a strong northern accent - yet my results were "North Central" - have to wonder if this quiz can really pick up on a northern accent - didn't see any questions like do words that end in "er" and "a" sound the same, nothing about park and car etc

  • I have lived my entire life from infancy to age 68 in east central Georgia (USA) and whoever created this quiz thinks my answers indicate that I have a JERSEY accent??? Whereas for my entire life, no one has ever mistaken my accent for anything other than authentically, quintessentially Southern to the max! Somebody needs to take a reality check and accept that he/she doesn't actually know diddly-squat about regional linguistic markers!

    Auntie Mamie
  • The West

    Your accent is the lowest common denominator of American speech. Unless you're a SoCal surfer, no one thinks you have an accent. And really, you may not even be from the West at all, you could easily be from Florida or one of those big Southern cities.

    Yay! i am infact from the west :3

  • It said I have a Boston accent with 94% probability? Completely wrong. My parents are from Boston and I know how they and their relatives sound, and I do NOT pronounce things like they do. I probably have some vestiges of it but there is a massive difference in how they talk than "normal"

  • Well, it's 88% certain I'm from the Northeast. I'm actually from south-east Scotland and didn't move to the US until I was 26. Then again, I lived in Virginia for four years, and I've been in Wisconsin for about 15, so maybe my average location by now has reached New York by now.

  • As someone who grew up on the Georgia/Alabama line and who could give Scarlet O'Hara a run for her money when it comes to drawls, this quiz's completely off. Got Midland, then West, even when I took it while doing the worst Alabaman accent I could.

  • Hey,I'm Rory.I was wondering if any of you boys would

    like to go out with me.And no,I'm not gay-I'm a girl!

    I know Rory is mostly a boy's name,but whatever.

    Anyways, I have shoulder length wavy medium brown hair,

    light skin and green eyes.I'm 5'5.If so,let me

    know by commenting on this quiz and tell me a bit about

    yourself.I'm not crazy!

  • Your Result: The Inland North

    You may think you speak "Standard English straight out of the dictionary" but when you step away from the Great Lakes you get asked annoying questions like "Are you from Wisconsin?" or "Are you from Chicago?" Chances are you call carbonated drinks "pop."

    i am from nc!
    check out my quiz what type of bird are you

  • I'm thinking that this quiz has an Eastern coast bias...just because I pronounce words the way they are supposed to be pronounced doesn't mean that I am from the Northeaster part of the US...I am an original Californian, living in the SF Bay Area all my life with no Eastern relatives known to me...

  • I was born in Massachuestts as a snowbird going to Florida every winter, then lived in New Jersey, Philidelphia area, then out to California but toured the U.S. in show business for over 30 years. You called me midland but My home is Florida for over 50 years. But I do live on the west coast of florida. So Midland I can not see.

  • Answer my question below please if u do
    It'll make me really happy(: thanks
    Somebody plzz answer! Thanx(: well this one

    Friend of mine told a guy a really like I know

    Where he live n he kept on making up

    Songs that say I'm a creep n stuff n respeted them

    Over n over again (behind my back my friend

    Told me) when she said quit singing about her!!!

    He was like " ew i dnt like her I dnt like her

    I dnt like her!" n at lunch he's one table away

    From me n looks at me for 3 seconds maybe 2
    With eye contact sometimes n he is not mean
    To me wat does this mean???? Plzz answers!

    Lil hihi
  • "North Central" is what professional linguists call the Minnesota accent. If you saw "Fargo" you probably didn't think the characters sounded very out of the ordinary. Outsiders probably mistake you for a Canadian a lot.

    I find it funny that i got this since i am Canadian.

  • Seriously hilarious - The quiz result says I'm from boston, and I was born in San Diego! My mother is from NY and I know I say a few things differently - why don't you ask how to pronounce "orange"? Do you pronounce the "o" like the "oh" in "lions and tigers and bears, oh my"? or do you say it to rhyme with the first syllable of "awful"?!!!

  • True, I am from Wisconsin and yes I can even ketch myself saying things with dah yoopers' accent, but I rarely say pop, soda is my word of choice for that kind of beverage. Other than that this was probably the most accurate test I have taken online.

  • What American accent do you have?
    Your Result: North Central

    "North Central" is what professional linguists call the Minnesota accent. If you saw "Fargo" you probably didn't think the characters sounded very out of the ordinary. Outsiders probably mistake you for a Canadian a lot.

    I'm canadian, and i almost could not usnderstand that movie fargo. I don't talklike that. and all candaians sound different XP

  • Your Result: The Inland North

    You may think you speak "Standard English straight out of the dictionary" but when you step away from the Great Lakes you get asked annoying questions like "Are you from Wisconsin?" or "Are you from Chicago?" Chances are you call carbonated drinks "pop. cool quiz!

    I Rock
  • Ok first of all everybody in Cali has no accent.The only people that will have kind of a different accent are people from a different country but thats different.Sometimes people will have a different accentt from here or either they are from another state.Like my neice was born here in california but she only lived here for 2 years then she went to florida,japan,now mississippi so im pretty sure almost all of us have no accent.

  • Your Result: The Northeast

    Judging by how you talk you are probably from north Jersey, New York City, Connecticut or Rhode Island. Chances are, if you are from New York City (and not those other places) people would probably be able to tell if they actually heard you speak.

    ...ok cool=)

  • Mine says Boston, I even took it twice to be sure, except I spent the first 8 years in central New Jersey, and then moved to the deep south for the past 35 years. I don't understand it. I don't sound like the people I meet from New Jersey, and I can identify a Boston accent, I don't think I have it.

  • Well, I'm from coastal southern virginia, but apparently have a philadelphia accent. Odd. Maybe Philadelphia is a a compromise accent--Tidewater, VA mixed with NY, Boston and SoCal. Hilarious.

    BTW, Phildelphia has more than one accent depending upon what part of the city you're from. Certain parts sound more lake Baltimore, others more like Jersey.

  • Hairclips, you're right, I can't and I shouldn't tell you not to post. However what's the point when NOBODY CARES about what results you got. As for wasting time, who took time to yell at Emotrix and I? How does posting a comment make me lazy or on my high horse? Honestly, do you even understand yourself?

  • The inland north? I guess my being German proves that this quiz isn't THAT accurate ;) Well I'm trying to sound American, but I think nobody would fall for that.

    Your quiz was nonetheless quite entertaining, so thank you!

    Cheers from Germany,

  • I lived in Western Mass (Greenfield, Charlemont, Rowe) for many years. I now live in Toronto, Canada. The accent here is very similar if not the same as Greenfield. Does anyone know why people from Greenfield/South deerfield often say "hey" at the end of sentences?


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