What American accent do you have? | Comments

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  • 87% Philly...originaly from Tucson, Arizona, but was raised in Hyattsville, MD, till I was 17. From then on...all over the west coast. I love my east coast accent and was afraid I'd lost most of it. It really gets stronger when I go home for a visit. Thought this was fun to take, maybe not accurate for some but, it's just a quiz, not life changing or graded. Thanks for this quiz.

  • Missed by quite a bit! Quiz says I'm from the Inland North, but I've lived in New England (Connecticut) my whole life and so have my parents (father grew up near Boston and sounds like he never left!). And BTW, I call carbonated beverages "soda", not "pop"!

    quality lady
  • hahaha... I have lived my entire life in west Tennessee & north Mississippi, but the quiz says I sound like I'm from New Jersey, NY, or the general northeast. I've never even traveled to that part of the country. *smile* I think television has "homogenized" my dialect, but as my Mom always jokingly says "We'uns doant hefta tawk lack thet, lessins we waunts tew!

  • I have lived in California for over 50 years. The result said Inland North. Born in Pennsylvania. People from there think I have an accent. I don't talk anything like them when I visit. They say roof like a dog woof. I say roof like root. They say crick. I say creek (creak). I don't know what accent I have. I think North American.

  • Not even close...I'm from MICHIGAN...although , my Mother was from England's Midlands...many people have a problem with my "so called" accdent...this really did fit me,as for Mother being a war bride she lost her accent shortly after she came to the USA....I've also lived in Florida for a while...and sometimes I get a southern accent if someone near me has it....Now I live in Arizona and everyone herhas an accent...who knows where from...they're all different!! so go figure....LOL

  • I come up "inland north" even though I was born and raised on Long Island. My father was from Syracuse, NY and my mother had her Queens accent driven out of her in High School in speech class. I grew up listening to relatively neutral English.

  • I got 85% inland north. Never been there. I have always been accused of being a Yankee when I speak. Born and reared in Tennessee, but my mother insisted on perfect pronunciation. All soft drinks are Coke(dark), Sprite(clear), or Mountain Dew(yellow).

    Tracy A
  • Got it all wrong! It said "You probably are from the Midland (Pennsylvania, southern Ohio, southern Indiana, southern Illinois, and Missouri) but then for all we know you could be from Florida or Charleston or one of those big southern cities like Atlanta or Dallas." I am from Washington State!

  • Im alittle surprised, I was raised in upstate new York until I was 15 years old. In 1950 we moved to Dallas, Texas area and lived here ever sense. People always ask me where I am from - and I didn't realize I have a yankee accent, but guess I do., surely tests don't lie ??

  • I have a heavy Connecticut (specifically a Southern CT) accent and was once marked within 20 square miles of my hometown in a bar in Chicago. I'm still trying to figure out how pen and pin, and collar and caller can every be made to rhyme.

  • Well I'm from tiny little Dela-Where? Yea, thats right, try to find it on a map! lol And it's saying I have a southern accent. A lot of people say I do but I don't hear it. It ain't like tidewater even though Delaware has some tidewater amongst the older folks in the "slower-lower" portion of the state.

  • I grew up in NC and have lived in Georgia 36 years.

    I spent a good deal of time in the Philadelphia area while going to school in Princeton, N. J. The accents I remember hearing did not sound like my Southern accent, so I am surprised that I was identified as having a Philadelphia brogue.

  • Interesting. According to the quiz, I'm 95% Midlands. Even though I'm borned and raised in Florida (and have been told by others that I have a good voice for radio as the descriptor says), I have also been told by others that I sound like I'm from Chicago or that area. I think this has a lot to do with where people are from who raised us, taught us to talk. At least it does in my case.

  • Aww[no urls]:.)
    My little sister,Emily is so sweet!

    She just said "My love for you reaches higher than heaven,

    Mommy" to my mom.She's only 5 years old!

    I also have a baby sister named Sally and she's 2 years old.

    They're both so adorable! I love my family more than anything

    in the whole wide world!xoxoxoxo:.)

  • I was raised in Philly for my first 18 years, then went to the midwest(IA and St Louis)and have been here for almost 40 years. The profile said Inland North, made references to Chicago and Wisc. No way do i sound like them. But the bar graph had me Philly as the 2nd highest. Been told by many I don't sound eastern, but guess I still do somewhat !!

  • Born in Southern IL, I moved north to Rock Island in 1942, and was amazed to hear my classmates pronounce the short a sound. It seemed to me that most said AH for all such words.

    Back home, the a in the words are,far,and car rhymed with or, four, and core. This 80 year ol' boy lives back in his birthplace, and writes music and lyrics to songs.

    Heartland Max
  • Says I am from the midland north and that when I step away from the great lakes people ask me if I am from Chicago... that I call sodaby the name (pop) hmmm I am from Florida born and raised, my family are from PA. I have a peeve about people calling a soda a pop (soda is soda as every good Floridian knows!!) wrong as wrong can get..As far as Chicago never been, but loved the movie....and all that jazz !!

  • i have a pretty distinct southern accent and i got "midland" haha. improve your knowledge of southern accents - that's probably why it's the lowest category. they are very diverse and don't sound much like they do on TV. Eastern NC is different than western NC, Mississippi from Louisiana, and Texas, Oklahoma, Kentucky, and Arkansas could not be more different than the rest - or each other. Look into it.

  • Inaccurate for me, I was born and lived almost all my life in the Puget Sound area. However, my grandmother was a teacher who was born and raised in Nebraska and my mother was a stickler for diction and "proper pronunciation" so that might skew my results.

  • What American accent do you have?
    Your Result: North Central

    "North Central" is what professional linguists call the Minnesota accent. If you saw "Fargo" you probably didn't think the characters sounded very out of the ordinary. Outsiders probably mistake you for a Canadian a lot.

  • I'm British but my result was:

    Judging by how you talk you are probably from north Jersey, New York City, Connecticut or Rhode Island. Chances are, if you are from New York City (and not those other places) people would probably be able to tell if they actually heard you speak.

  • Wow, this is freakily accurate!!! I'm from Wisconsin and my description said "When you step away from the Great Lakes you'll get annoying questions like 'Are you from Wisconsin?'" 10 stars from me. :D

    I don't mind my Wisconsin accent, but what bugs me is when people think they know how to pronounce the name of my state better than I do. Yanno, the whole, "You're from Wiscaaahhnsin" thing. Well duh it's not "Wiscunsin" or something. :P

  • I thought the results were very accurate in my case. I was born and raised in Texas, but am from Ohio. My Mother and I got to Texas in December of '47. Five months later, I was born. Since I don't want to ever be from Texas, I'll always enjoy being from Ohio and wonder about what I'm missing.

  • Your Result: North Central

    "North Central" is what professional linguists call the Minnesota accent. If you saw "Fargo" you probably didn't think the characters sounded very out of the ordinary. Outsiders probably mistake you for a Canadian a lot.

    Haha! That's funny because I AM Canadian! They got my accent right on!

  • What American accent do you have?
    Your Result: North Central

    "North Central" is what professional linguists call the Minnesota accent. If you saw "Fargo" you probably didn't think the characters sounded very out of the ordinary. Outsiders probably mistake you for a Canadian a lot.

    lol i AM canadian soooo lol


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