What American accent do you have? | Comments

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  • Did a pretty good job. Called me "93% Inland north" I was born and raised in North Dakota and you can't get more "Inland North" than that. But then I spent most of my career in radio/TV and then voice work for commercials so I had to "lose" any accents. Kinda fun!!

  • Incredible. 50 miles from Philadelphia. I always felt that the "cleanest" non-accent was from Nebraska and Kansas. Now you got me. I have been in 40 states but seem to keep my "inflections." And I thought that I did not have any strange pronunciations.

  • California Girl:

    This quiz said I was "midland" and was probably from Philly or other places back east. Nothing could be further from the truth. I was born and raised in Oregon and then moved to California about 40 years ago.

  • It said Inland North and I guess that is right but I don't feel too inland right next to Lake Michigan with frequent trips to Lake Superior and Lake Huron.

    Fresh water is so much better than all that salt water at what they call the coast.

  • I've lived in suburban Philly nearly my entire life. People around here say that despite that, I don't talk like someone from around here. Well, the quiz says otherwise. It pegged me as "Philadelphian as a cheesesteak." Pretty amazing, I'd say!

  • I am 65 years old and have lived all my life in California, and I have to make sure that people do understand the difference in what words I use. Wisconsin---Not from there, never lived there,no family members are from there. They were born in Kauai.

  • The Northeast is what I got. New York City does a job on

    you since there is where I spent years working. However,

    I was born, raised and educated in Norway and had English

    (not American)in school as a second language.

  • I don't think so! People often ask me where I am from. NOT because I have no accent (midland) but because I do! Born in VA but lived in Dallas 2nd through 5th grade, where I acquired a decidedly Texan twang. Then moved back to VA. This quiz must miss out on some factors that can't be tested for in an online quiz!

  • 1800iluvpopcorn: What is with you and hating quizzes? Seriously? If you're going to hate them so much, then don't take them. I mean, there have been tons of quizzes I've taken and you have as well and your comment is always something like "I hate this" or "this is stupid" or "just like any other quiz on this site, I hate it". Could you just refrain from doing it? Thanks :)

  • I am from Regina, Saskatchewan, so I don't have any accent, I tooke the quiz and it said from the Inland North, which it basically correct. Very good quiz. I was just wondering why people from England have accents, when North Americans don't. Shouldn't it be the other way around?

  • Western Accent...I'm from North Carolina, Lots of people say I have a southern accent then drift into a foreign which happens if the muscles in my face freeze. Strangely enough I speak in a Spanish accent while I'm speaking Chinese

  • i never really thought about me having a southern accent, cuz when i go down south in the summer to visit my family there, they have got some of the most southernestmost accents you'd ever want to hear! I was born and raised in the north, but both my parents are from the south so i guess if anything i picked up my "southern sounding" accent from them, huh? hahaha

  • I seem to be a hundred percent "inland north," according to the test, but I was born in California, lived here all my life, and the closest I've even been to the inland north was a week in Topeka, Kansas at a business meeting.

  • "North Central" is what professional linguists call the Minnesota accent. If you saw "Fargo" you probably didn't think the characters sounded very out of the ordinary. Outsiders probably mistake you for a Canadian a lot.

    Haha, that's funny because I am Canadian.

  • first of all i agree with speechguru. also, if you speak from what you are taught in school and not what you hear in your area than you wouldn't have an "accent" either.

    quiz result: "Your accent is from the west no one thinks you have an accent. And really, you may not even be from the West at all, you could easily be from Florida or one of those big Southern cities like Dallas or Atlanta"

    not even close. i am from maine. born and raised. i just chose not to sound like an ignorant hick. which, ironically, i am very proud of being.

  • My results said i have a northern New Jersey accent. I'm actually from England! Haha! :) I'm fascinated how some American accents sound like English ones. Particularly New England, New York some Texan and Virginian accents can sound kind of English.

  • "Judging by how you talk you are probably from north Jersey, New York City, Connecticut or Rhode Island. Chances are, if you are from New York City (and not those other places) people would probably be able to tell if they actually heard you speak."

    o_________ ____o
    I'm actually from Texas. XD

  • Northeast but frankly speaking I am a non-native speaker from Poland. While modelling my accent after a range of British ones I encounter daily in my work, I would agree with Zugbach that there is a thing about New England being really New England

  • ""North Central" is what professional linguists call the Minnesota accent. If you saw "Fargo" you probably didn't think the characters sounded very out of the ordinary. Outsiders probably mistake you for a Canadian a lot."

    Good thing, too. I am Canadian.

  • "North Central" is what professional linguists call the Minnesota accent. If you saw "Fargo" you probably didn't think the characters sounded very out of the ordinary. Outsiders probably mistake you for a Canadian a lot.

    Lmao! I am Canadian.

  • Also, I say soda because I got tired of ppl actually giving me "Coke" when I said "coke". They were suppose to ask me what kind..duh?!? lol. You know it's funny. Wherever you go, ppl judge you by what you call soda, pop, coke, or any carbonated beverage. It's a common difference when discussing locals....

  • According to the quiz results, I'm "Inland North," but I was born an grew up in northern Virginia, and all my ancestors are traced back to the earliest of Viginia. I have been told a couple times that I sound somewhat English.

  • North Central" is what professional linguists call the Minnesota accent. If you saw "Fargo" you probably didn't think the characters sounded very out of the ordinary. Outsiders probably mistake you for a Canadian a lot.

    Hahah. I am Canadian. X]

  • Tonight at midnight your true love will realize he likes you.if you don't send this to 5 other quizzes you will have relationship problems for the next 10 years if you post this on 10 other quizzes you will get everything you want tomorrow.

    • Tonight at midnight your true love will realise he likes you. if you fon't post this on five other quizzes you will have ralationship problems for the next ten years, if you post this on ten quizzes you will get everything you want tommorow

  • Why do we even take these kinds of quizzes? Wouldn't we rather know what nationality we mostly are or something? Sometimes I have a country accent, other times it's kinda Irish, but of course this stupid quiz doesn't account for that either! Whatever!

    Clara Ford

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