What American accent do you have? | Comments

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  • This quiz is utter BS. I was born in Los Angeles, and raised in the San Fernando Valley - near thirty years of my life. I am now in MI (have been for a couple years now), and people here tell me *ALL* the time that I have an "accent" that sounds vaguely "surfer". This quiz just said I have a Midland accent. That's utter BS. 1 star out of 10. :o(

  • Accurate as far as a large area of the country goes, but the PA accent is much different than the Southern IN accent. Other questions would be more discriminating (pronunciation of creek, roof, bush; names of items - sofa, couch, Davenport). Really, though? Whore was the best sound-alike you could come up with?

  • Lol I grew up in North Carolina, but it said I have a midland accent, with western and Boston in second and third respectively. How in the world do I have accents from opposite sides of the country XD

  • I think the quiz is right on. I have lived in the north for over 50 years but the quiz said I had a southern accent. It knew I was born in the south and grew up listening to my mom and dad who were both from the south. People tell me I have a southern accent but I never believed them until now.

  • It said I have a Boston accent, my dad is from Philadelphia and my Mom is from Houston, I was born and raised in Houston and have always considered myself to have a "general" American accent, but I got 88% Boston?

  • Got it 100%! Cali girl, born and raised... Mostly. Lived in Oklahoma as a baby. The quiz creator did an awesome job! Great questions, awesome answer options, and a perfect result! 10/10 stars from me!

  • Wow, I got 95% and I'm not from Boston, N.Y. or the south.

    I'm Spanish American from northern New Mexico, where the local population tends to have an Spanish accent--we tend to drag the last vowel. Like he has an acceeet...

  • Don't know why it designated me to Philly, since I got 85

    Don't know why it designated me as Philly when I got 85% South and 80% Midlands. I was born in Alabama and lived most of my adult life in Tennessee. It was still interesting.

  • I am most definitely from Upstate Eastern NY, but I came out as Inland North. So Upstate New Yorker, living in Northern New England for 30 years. DOes knowing other languages change results?

  • I don't believe this is at all accurate. I was born and raised in the west, I only lived east of the Mississippi for a couple years when I was a little child. Most all of my life I have lived west of the Rockies.

  • Wrong! I was pegged as Inland North. I was born, raised and am still living on the island of Bermuda. I've never called drinks "pop", only soda. It was an interesting quiz though. Had a good laugh.

  • It said Philadelphia (100%) for me - actually I grew up on Long Island and have lived in far, far upstate New York for almost 40 years. I do have family from Philadelphia with whom I spent a lot of time when I was a child.

  • I think at the end they should take the region which you are from to try to get more accurate results. I say this circulate from people I know born and raised in Connecticut and we all got Wisconsin area.

  • I came out "midland", but am Pacific NW bred and born. Why are we not represented? (Ask if "milk" rhymes with "elk".) Also: "Mary" and "marry" are the same but different from "merry", a choice I could not express.

  • Quiz results were 100% Philadelphia, but I've never even been there. Born in St. Louis, mostly grew up in the Detroit area, but two years in Roswell, NM. One year of college in Boston and now 52 years in Seattle.

  • The test said I'm from the NE. WRONG!!! I spent my first 25 years in Arkansas and except for 20 years my husband was in the AF, I spent the next 25-30 years there. I've lived in SC for the past 10 years. I've never lived any further NE than Ohio (2 years - 48 years ago) The AF stationed us in Florida (twice, about 2 years each time) and Texas (twice, also 2 years each time) and Minot ND for one year. But these were all 30 to 50 years ago.

  • I must talk funny because the quiz says I am from inland North. I am a Michigander born and bred with a little bit of Illinois accent and a little bit of British accent. I also say pop not soda.

  • Loved Shasta's comment. I grew up in Northern Illinois, but 40 years of living elsewhere have leached the term "pop" from my lexicon, even if I immediately recognize the term when I hear it.

  • My family homesteaded in Northern California in 1870 and your quiz says I'm from Philly, a state I've never even visited. Several other Northern Californians said they got this same result. You need to redo this quiz.

    Marilyn Domer
  • My family homesteaded in Northern California in 1870 and your quiz says I'm from Philly, a state I've never even visited. Several other Northern Californians said they got this same result. You need to redo this quiz.

    Marilyn Domer
  • Right for the area, but I have never been to Philadelphia, grew up in North Jersey and college in Boston. However, on 8, I pronounce Mary and marry the same way, merry differently. There was no option for that.l

  • Right for the area, but I have never been to Philadelphia, grew up in North Jersey and college in Boston. However, on 8, I pronounce Mary and marry the same way, merry differently. There was no option for that.l

  • It said Philadelphia and I never even lived in Pa. I was born in Savannah, GA and attended UGA and the University of New Orleans. Lived in southern states most of my life. In other words, this quiz is worthless.

  • I have been trying to figure out my accent for the longest time now. I ended up with Inland North accent at 96%. This is exactly where I live and it makes complete sense. I didn't know that we even had a name for our accent. Thank you!

  • Born and lived in Seattle for 17 years, then on to Colorado and NY/NJ/CT until we settled in NC 18 years ago. I got Philadelphia. What's up with that? If you want to get the Pacific NW the test should include the word "Thanks" Does it sound like tanks or tannnnks.


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