What American accent do you have? | Comments

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  • That's funny, I'm from Miami, Fl, and I'm not a transplant so I didn't think I had any accent at all. I've never been to the midwest so I'm curious as to how they speak, other than the obvious Wisconsin or Michigan accents. I don't call beverages "pop" like the quiz said I should. I call them "soda."

  • Well, I suppose my result was accurate (Midlands), as I am indeed from Pennsylvania, but what does it mean when it says it's "just another way of saying "you don't have an accent." I mean, doesn't everyone have an accent? In any case, I always had this vague hope that I sounded really exotic to other people, haha...

  • I was born in Eastern Pennsylvania, but grew up an Air Force Brat. I pick up accents easily - to immitate, but honestly don't really have one. I find it amusing that this quiz put me squarely in the "Midland" category which included Pennsylvania... but I sound nothing like my relatives!!!

  • Just because you don't live or ever visited whatever region you got as a result, doesn't mean it's impossible for you to have that accent (or whatever you want to name it -- regionalisms and whatnot). What matters is the people with whom you have most contact and hear talking most often.

  • Got the area right - Minnesota. But we do NOT sound like the actors in FARGO or Canada for that matter eh, I don't know anyone here in Northern MN that talks like the Movie Fargo, and I am pretty far north. Maybe you are thinking of North Dakota as Fargo is not in Minnesota.

  • none of these questions had much to do with southern accents, except maybe pen/pin and feel/fill. of course, we shouldn't expect a 13-question quiz to cover the nuances of over three million square miles' worth of regional accents, but I was a little disappointed to get 90% midland and only 46% south. that's what I get for being floridian/georgian lol

  • Your quiz results
    What American accent do you have?
    Your Result: The West 96%

    Your accent is the lowest common denominator of American speech. Unless you're a SoCal surfer, no one thinks you have an accent. And really, you may not even be from the West at all, you could easily be from Florida or one of those big Southern cities like Dallas or Atlanta.

    95% The Midland
    75% Boston
    73% North Central
    33% The Inland North
    27% Philadelphia
    27% The South
    21% The Northeast

    Hello person
  • I got Midland, I found that a little funny since I've grown up in Tennessee, a VERY southern area. But I guess I just don't have an accent... (I wish I did). Well, then again, everyone does. Spanish is my first language so I probably do have some degree of Spanish accent in my English.


    That's a Southern accent you've got there. You may love it, you may hate it, you may swear you don't have it, but whatever the case, we can hear it.


    Well I don't know... just sounds like me speaking everyday....

    81% The Midland
    80% The Inland North
    54% Philadelphia
    43% North Central
    28% The Northeast
    14% The West
    0% Boston

    Liz Sanchez
  • Your Result: North Central 88%

    "No rth Central" is what professional linguists call the Minnesota accent. If you saw "Fargo" you probably didn't think the characters sounded very out of the ordinary. Outsiders probably mistake you for a Canadian a lot.

  • It's funny how it said midland and I'm from Virginia and people say I have an emphasis on certain words like bird or other simple words like that but maybe that's cause I'm from New York born a New Yorker raised a Virginian

  • Well i think its kinda funny cause I'm from PA but i live in MI and it And yous guys said i have an inland norh accent but sadly everyone here looks at me like im crazy when i say outin the lights or say something along the lines of dog or coffee and they ask me if im from NY

  • I thought that the results were spot on! I live in Arizona but I was born and raised in Wisconsin. In the results it said that I was from the Midwest and that I bet you get asked if you are from Wisconsin or Chicago! Couldn't believe that they nailed it!

  • I agree with Lippen. I am from California also but my mother was from Montana and my dad was from Arkansas so I am sure they influenced me but when I visited Canada all the locals asked what province I was from and thought I was Canadian

  • The quiz says I have a northeast accent.I have lived in Alabama for 41 years the other 11 years in two foreign countries and three different states.my father was in the Air force, every one says I have a southern accent. I purposely changed the way I spoke to fit in here.

  • It says philly or jersey. I never even been to those places. Moreover, I can spot a jersey/ nyc accent after the first two words and I can guarantee you, I don't talk like that. When I say "on" it sounds like "own". Whoever made up this "quiz" don't know poop from peanut butter.

  • As someone who was born and raised in East Texas and has lived in Houston for 13 years, the fact that this says I am Inland North (Wisconsin) is hilarious! My husband is from Wisconsin and I don't speak ANYTHING like him at all!

  • I disagree with mazchort when he stated that the pronunciation of "ow" by folks "all over the West" sounds like "ayow"...I'm from San Francisco and I've never heard anyone include the "y" sound when they say "ow" around here and I'm as "West" as you can get! That sounds more "Southern" to me.

  • I'm from the country sO I have a country accent and I got 100% on like Inland Or something and I'm a mutt which means I'm part everything so and I can speak perfect British Amd perfect English but I'm a country talker at heart

    Blue Moon
  • It said I was from the Midlands of course I could also be from Florida. 88% Midlands 87% North etc. Well I was born and raised in Connecticut, traveled extensively over the years and retired to Florida, so I guess that makes me a mixture of most everything.

  • unfortunately this "quiz" isn't even remotely close - I am not from the American upper mid section of the states such as Chicago or Wisconsin, in fact I have spent VERY little time in that specific portion of the USA. So, perhaps there are other factors that need to be taken into consideration

  • Not even close. I was born and raised in Southern California and I'm a well educated professional. I now live in Washington state but the test pegged me at a 90% chance I'm from Pennsylvania/Ohio (Midland accent). Wrong!

    Calif girl
  • I was born and raised in southern California and spent the last 20 years in the southern border states. I am well educated and use proper English consistently, dont understand the inland north accent I rated.

  • SURPRISING! Said I was from Boston. That's correct (I grew up in Boston).

    However, because I did a lot of speaking I purposely LOST my Boston accent so others could understand me. I've lived in CT, OH, TX, So. CA & GA for 35 of my 65+ yrs. of age.

    Almost noone picks up my Boston accent. Actually, I get asked fairly often if I'm from Canada. I don't know why???.

  • People complaining "I'm not even from America and I got X accent."

    Of course you didn't get your accent. The name of the quiz is "What AMERICAN accent do you have?" It's not programmed that way.

    Still, there aren't enough questions for this quiz to be anywhere near accurate anyway.


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