What American accent do you have? | Comments

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  • Good quiz. I've always suspected I have a middle class Northeast accent. This accent does pop into parts of central Massachusetts, where a number of my relatives live now. The one question that was hard to answer was how I pronounce Mary, marry, and merry. I pronounce Mary like marry, but I always get an e sound in merry.

  • West

    Your accent is the lowest common denominator of American speech. Unless you're a SoCal surfer, no one thinks you have an accent. And really, you may not even be from the West at all, you could easily be from Florida or one of those big Southern cities like Dallas or Atlanta.

  • My name is Paula and I was born and raised in Minnesota and Wisconsin. My Army husband got stationed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. That's where I first learned I had an accent. A young North Carolina boy would just stare at me when I spoke. Finally I asked him why and he said, "Oh Powla! You tawk so purrrty!"

  • You got me all wrong! I was born and raised in Middle Georgia and at 84 I'm still being accused of having a "Southern Drawl. Many times when I meet a stranger they say "what part of the south are you from?" That happened to me less than two weeks ago and the person asked if I was from Texas or Alabama.

  • This was fun! You got my accent "right on". I was born and spent my first 35 years in Pennsylvania. Last 35 years in Raleigh,NC. My relatives up North think I have a Southern accent---Friends in NC think I sound very Yankee!! Some folks spot the accent immediately and say "you're from Pennsylvania, aren't you?" Go Figure! Love ya'll!

  • Says a midland accent which means its good for tv thats great I've always wanted to be an actress and that works. All the people saying its wrong try really listening to the way you say it anyways where you live doesn't make your accent it's also genetics and just what you get used to it so be nice to the maker of this quiz whether yhuu think they are wrong or not.

  • I grew up in the Deep South, and my "on" pronunciation rhymes with "moan" and "bone" and "stone." It does not rhyme with "dawn." Since no other option was given, I picked "dawn." Does anyone else pronounce "on" the way I do? Obviously, this test was not meant to be that comprehensive, but it was still fun to take.


    Southern Pride
  • Midland accent? Dude. O_O I live in Louisiana, and have lived here my whole life. Seriously, I know how we speak, and, quite frankly, it is NOT midland. I know we have an accent, so I find it very strange how I got...midland. Lol, I think my ELA teacher is trying to get us to speak that way. For instance, you wouldn't say,"Who the heck made this quiz!?" You would have to say,"Whom the heck made this quiz!?" and also, apparently, you have to say,"The next speaker is 'she'" instead of saying 'her'. It's confusing DX But, I really don't care |D

    Zetsu Girl 13
  • Workk123 is a 40 year old online because he is insecure about himself, and is putting on false answers to boost his confidence.

    Also, check out "How old will you live until", and "What is your future job" This one is number 16, and lists bands as an opening. Do them both completely and leave a comment!

    The guy is wierd, but a genius

  • Ongz thats totaly right:
    Your Result: The West

    Your accent is the lowest common denominator of American speech. Unless you're a SoCal surfer, no one thinks you have an accent. And really, you may not even be from the West at all, you could easily be from Florida or one of those big Southern cities like Dallas or Atlanta

  • What American accent do you have?
    Your Result: North Central

    "North Central" is what professional linguists call the Minnesota accent. If you saw "Fargo" you probably didn't think the characters sounded very out of the ordinary. Outsiders probably mistake you for a Canadian a lot.

    born and raised down south i dont get it

  • What American accent do you have?
    Your Result: The West

    Your accent is the lowest common denominator of American speech. Unless you're a SoCal surfer, no one thinks you have an accent. And really, you may not even be from the West at all, you could easily be from Florida or one of those big Southern cities like

  • The only problem I had was with question eight.

    "Mary" and "marry" sound exactly the same to me, but "merry" sounds different. There isn't a choice for that.

    My accent was Inland North though. I come from Connecticut so I thought I would get Northeastern. I don't say "pop" for soda, haha.

  • Your Result: The Midland

    "You have a Midland accent" is just another way of saying "you don't have an accent."

    LOL. Everybody asks where is my accent from. I'm from Czech Republic, Europe, but I live in Southern California.

    This quiz is the first to tell me I have none :]

    How is Mary, merry and marry different?

  • Hee hee, yup I'm from the Great Lakes, Michigan to be exact. Yes, I do call carbonized drinks "pop"! LOL I was once asked if I was from Canada though. And someone from Ohio asked if I was from Ohio. Both kinda close enough. No one asked if I was from Wisconsin though. Someone did ask if I was from Chicago though as the results suggested.

  • Hey, I live in the Midwest states, and have never lived in the south...But I received that accent. Well, I love the way they speak and try to imitate it. When alone and talking to myself, I find myself talking with a southern accent. Aren't we all funny? I AM happy with what I got. Xavier Kun, keep on doing good quizes.

  • Very interesting, but wrong. The quiz said I'm from "North Central". I was born and raised in Western Washington and have spent the last 20 years in Alaska. I'm about as northern as they come, but not Central. It's a fun quis, though. The only think I can figure is that my mother is from North Dakota and I must have picked it up from her roots.???

  • Northeast...not a chance. I was born and grew up just an hour from Charleston, SC. Have always loved hearing others speak and have an M.Ed. plus 30 hours from U. of SC in English Education and Educational Adm. Know I have a slight souther accent because others can pick it up, but many times get questioned about where I am from originally.

  • I am an SLP (Speech Language Pathologist) and although your test pointed me out and Inland New England I pride myself as having Standard American English (like at Northwestern University that standardize the American English pronunciation.By the way Tom Brokaw has a horrible /l/ pronunciation-called a dark /l/. You can hear it in all /l/ words, initial, medial and final and all /l/ blends. It is very hard for me to listen to him or Barbara Walters. They are articulation errors, lack of tongue tip alveolar ridge contact or specific retractions and compressions of the tongue.

    nanc speaks
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  • Your Result: The South 80%

    Thats a Southern accent youve got there. You may love it, you may hate it, you may swear you dont have it, but whatever the case, we can hear it.

    66% Philadelphia
    55% The Midland
    46% The Northeast
    45% The Inland North
    2% The West
    0% North Central
    0% Boston

    I totally agree, I have a south african accent. I was born in SA in Cape town.

    • but at first i had a bit of an afrikaans accent of english, bc i was friends with many coloured ppl. Tho im black... I still love my english tone.. Ive wished to got to UK to become a Citizen and have a British tone:))

  • Strangely, it hit the nail right on the head. Although born and raised in Germany, and English being my 2nd language, I've lived in New Jersey for the past 40 years. I guess the accent does rub off.

  • Apparently, I have a Midland accent, and I have a voice for television. That's not true! Almost all the time, even with my friends, I have to repeat myself. The test also says that a Midland accent is "no accent." So, how is it that many people say they love my accent? Hmm? This test isn't accurate, just like all the other tests I've taken that have come from this website.

  • "North Central" is what professional linguists call the Minnesota accent. If you saw "Fargo" you probably didn't think the characters sounded very out of the ordinary. Outsiders probably mistake you for a Canadian a lot.--seriously? I am Irish and Half English...WTF?

  • So wrong.. not even close... it had me in Wisconsin somewhere! I MAT have spent an entire month, of my entire life, anywhere near that area. I was Raised in a combination of Central NY, South Florida and Ashford, Ireland (just south of Dublin)... and I have been living in southern California for the last several years!!!


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