Dulcinea's Profile


Joined on Jun 14, 2018
Status Level: Advanced

Level-up Progress:
6-Year Club
100 Quiz
1K Quiz
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Dulcinea's Quizzes

Dulcinea's Recent Posts

  • "Hey y’all, it’s been awhile. :) Can’t believe I’ve been off here so long, life’s been busy. I have to say it is really comfor..."
  • "Croods 2 lol. (Very underrated)"
  • "How can I possibly choose just one???! At the moment I’ve been insanely invested in a show called Miraculous Ladybug (which ha"
  • "I’m a Christian: I believe that Jesus died on the cross to save me from my sin and when I die I will not go to hell, but live forever in hea"
  • No Pressure
    "Wow, isn't it amazing how you can hear the right song at the right time and it changes your whole perspective? <3 I love that song, as it..."
  • "“Revenge is like peeing yourself to keep warm. Oh it feels wonderful in the moment, but then it leaves you colder than you were before.” "
  • "Ugh that must be awful. :( Overheating is the worst, messing with your body, mind, making everything so much harder, especially when "
  • "When you mentioned having trouble focusing and feeling delirious from the heat, did you mean the stress from your home life or literal heat?..."
  • "I’m sorry to hear you’ve been struggling so much lately. :( As far as “having something wrong with you” I’ve actually read that peo"
  • Miraculous
    "Weeellllll....yep, stalking is totally wrong and I don’t know why the show lets her be so totally insane XD. As far as the statue incident."
  • "I’m a Christian: I believe that Jesus died on the cross to save me from my sin and when I die I will not go to hell, but live forever in hea"
  • Hi, um I new
    "Hi! Glad you’re here :)"
  • "I looooove that show! (Can’t wait till you finish it! ;D ) You liking it so far?"
  • ";)"
  • "Aloha :)"

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