kmalfoi's Profile

Joined on Dec 15, 2012
Status Level: Novice
kmalfoi's Quizzes
- Which Mexican Food Dish Are You?[published: Dec 19, 2012, 1 comment]
There are a lot of great-tasting foods out there. Mexican food, in particular, is really good.……
- Are You Narcissistic?[published: Dec 16, 2012]
Are you vain, feel too much entitlement, are narcissistic, or controlling? If you suspect you are, or are……
- How Well Do You Know Taylor Swift's Songs[published: Dec 16, 2012, 3 comments]
Taylor Swift is one of the greatest artists of our generation. You might believe you……
- The Best (and Most Accurate) Harry Potter House Quiz[published: Dec 15, 2012, 22 comments]
There are so many Harry Potter quizzes out there. Many of them are petty……
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kmalfoi's Recent Quiz Comments
"Air Wolf! Yay! I saw that coming, however... :)"
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"The Arty/Community Joe Life 78%
You live in a apartment/small house and have a husband/wife who is probably pretty/handsome in an…"
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" I agree with Doodle :) I am 73% genius and would survive!"
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"Chocolate Mousse!!! :)"
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"100%!!!!!!!!! :)"
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