SecretlyUnspoken's Profile

Joined on Aug 2, 2012
Status Level: Novice
SecretlyUnspoken's Quizzes
- For ivoryleaf, from SecretlyUnspoken.[published: Sep 08, 2012, 3 comments]
I threw my wish in the well, don't ask me, I'll never tell. I traded my soul for a wish.……
- What's your future?[published: Sep 02, 2012, 22 comments]
There are five different destiny paths to choose. Which one will you follow? Our futures are very important……
- A cool brain teaser.[published: Sep 01, 2012, 10 comments]
This is a quick brain teaser that I've heard many times before. I posted it on gotoquiz before, but a lot……
- You think you know me (SecretlyUnspoken), click here.[published: Sep 01, 2012, 17 comments]
How well do you know SecretlyUnspoken? Well, with this epic fifteen……
- GreenEyedAng3l! Click here![published: Aug 22, 2012, 5 comments]
Allissa, Firey_Soul, GreenEyedAng3l, whatever you wanna be called, you are EPIC! So epic that the……
SecretlyUnspoken's Recent Posts
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SecretlyUnspoken's Recent Quiz Comments
"Make part 7 for 250 Without You soon! Pwease? *puppy dog eyes*"
1 -
"You're quiz was a total backfire. Everyone's on my side. You know what awesomeness? I deal with enough crap in real life, I don't need to…"
1 -
"Adric. Totally lovable! "
1 -
"Yay! Part 6! *day dreams about Adric*"
1 -
"Epic to the point where epic is just too epic."
1 -
"Love you! OMG! New guy... british? Pwease? "
1 -
"OMFG! British? If I had a British accent, I'd never shut up. Anyway, your writing skillz = epic! :)"
1 -
"T.T *shows hand* T.T"
1 -
"OMG! Epicness to the fullest! =D"
1 -
"Pink. 100% accurate. ;P"