awesome89's Profile

Joined on Mar 16, 2012
Status Level: Junior
awesome89's Quizzes
- Do you really know souleater?[published: May 05, 2012, 3 comments]
I made this to see if your an actual souleater fan! Make sure to comment when you finish the……
- How well do you know ninjas?[published: Apr 28, 2012, 3 comments]
I made this quiz to find out how much you know about ninjas. Do you now a lot or a little bit? Make……
- The[published: Apr 26, 2012, 2 comments]
You know what just happened to me that I hate? When i just finished a quiz and as soon as I'm about to go to the……
- Chould you date me?( GIRLS ONLY!!!)[published: Apr 06, 2012, 13 comments]
Hey everybody. I really do feel lonely right now in my life. I really need somebody to share……
- I NEED SOME SERIOUS HELP EVERYBODY!!!![published: Mar 17, 2012, 1 comment]
Awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome……
- How strong is your magick ability?[published: Feb 11, 2012, 4 comments]
Everybody has a powerful force inside of them waiting to come out. Some already have like me.……
- Are you a Bleach fan?[published: Jan 24, 2012, 2 comments]
Ya know Bleach is the only show I like better than Naruto. Why you may ask? Simple Bleach has 30í— more……
- How well do yu know science?[published: Jan 17, 2012, 1 comment]
Hello guys. Yet another person has taken my quiz ! I have many others so make sure to take them! I……
- Do you know awesome 89?![published: Jan 16, 2012, 5 comments]
Hello guys I made this quiz to see if you know me or not. That's cool if you do but if you ge 85-100……
- Are you a good person?(remember this is just a quiz)[published: Jan 16, 2012, 9 comments]
Hey I made this quiz so you guys can check up on your selves and see were……
awesome89's Recent Posts
"Good qustin. Tryin to become a thrapist?"
"HMMM dunno feed the sefish feeling of peoples pity?"
"Well see ya the pistols loaded so im gonna see hell now. BYE!!!!!"
"Ryuzaki...well thats a cool name. Japanese freak like me? LOVE anime."
"Dude im gonna kill myself. If i wasn a reject whould i not kill myself?"
"And nobod cares. Oh well. No one ever loved me anyway."
"Maybe I can visit my parents in hell! Drive over to their fiery pit!"
"Well godbye earth time for me to il myself. 17 and now its al over. Bye!"
"I hate my life! Its al meaning less isnt it? Its all crap. Lies hidden in crap."
"Im drunk so might as well let all my emotion spill out. Im homeless and stole this computer. Poor kid. No more laptop. Might as well blow my..."
"What the hell is wrong with all you rejects?"
"Everybody has to have some kinda sob story or yur not completely accepted. All we have iS a bunch of weirdos who cant talk to REAL PEOPLE."
"I hate you all. See you all in hell."
"Grr? okkkk"
awesome89's Recent Quiz Comments
"first commenter!!!!!!! BOOYAH!"
1 -
"sorry to say but my names not carlos and this quiz isa just pathetic..."
1 -
"......dirty b------....."
1 -
"....of course I'm not mentoined......"
1 -
" watching you."
1 -
"A beutifal quiz. I loved it."
1 -
"That was the most paphetic quiz I ever took. It Sucked. Big time."
1 -
"Nice quiz babe. 60%. I loved it."
1 -
"That was a badass quiz."
1 -
"I got yes we chould but sorry not interested."