LetsParty's Profile

Joined on May 2, 2012
Status Level: Experienced
LetsParty's Quizzes
- Would you survive my life?[published: Nov 08, 2012, 3 comments]
There are many people in this world living many different lives. Myself and my life are one of them.……
- Break Away (Part 1)[published: Aug 20, 2012, 5 comments]
Hey! This is a story about a girl named Miranda and her group of mutants. Please enjoy, and let me know what……
- Stories on GTQ that NEED to be read (Part 1)[published: Jul 19, 2012, 9 comments]
sjsdjdldsloswkwsoqpqidjdfmvfmvfmfjfdjfhdkppwkdjfjfjvhfvdswi1kswarojlpfkvbn vcncvnmc……
- How well do you know me?[published: Jul 10, 2012, 4 comments]
I have talked to many people, but few REALLY know me. After all, I am a unique person. So do you know……
- You've Won an Ultimate Adventure Package![published: Jun 10, 2012, 5 comments]
IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ: This quiz is just for fun. It is not ment to be taken……
- Who would you be in a fantasy story?[published: Jun 10, 2012, 15 comments]
Pie. Chicken. Lemon fudge cake. Bananer puddin'. Orange. Corn. Turkey. Bar-be-que. Hot……
- Ms. Frigg's School for Talented Children: Part 1[published: Jun 09, 2012, 10 comments]
So, this is basicly the Norse version of Percy Jackson. Your name is Katherine,……
LetsParty's Recent Posts
""Hey Hermione, don't forget to tell them about the O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s." The muggle-born first years look at me in confusion and H"
"(Happypuppy: you already did you just never posted. See page one. If you are going to actually participate though, I would like to request t..."
"Great. Ginny's gonna make me explain as soon as we're alone, isn't she. Oh well. "I think everyone thought it would be Harry. Frankly"
"I catch Ginny's eye and try to give her a confident smile. "Congrats on getting Prefect," I tell him."
"(Okay, Wand: 13 1/4", Hazel, Unicorn tail hair, unyeilding.)"
"Glad you're starting to feel better. :) Just keep your head up, stay strong. So, you think that the only way people are going to give a crap..."
"(Name: Clarissa Diggory / Age: 14 / House: Gryffindor / Looks: Short choppy white hair, blue-green-grey eyes (they look different colours in..."
"I walk back in in my Gryffindor robe a few minutes later. I see Ron and pale slightly. "Oh, um, hey Ron," I say, sitting down across from hi..."
"Awesome, should be fun!"
"I've been through some of that too. It's hard, but we're all here for you. *hugs*"
"Your top ten traits: 1. Religious 2. Athletic 3. Intellectual 4. Traditional 5. Liberal 6. Adventu"
"Argh. Let's try that again, shall we? Email: LetsPartyofGTQ @ gmail . com Just remove the spaces."
"I'd like to join if you're still accepting applications. Username: LetsParty Email: [no emails] The ema"
"Hee. Wrong. :) Straight blonde hair, green eyes."
LetsParty's Recent Quiz Comments
"Yeah...fine...just fine...but I'm glad you're back and continuing this series, Max. I need to talk to you sometime, but we're never on at…"
1 -
"Ahhh...I'm still crying...scratch that, sobbing...I hate that word..."Always"...T halia and Annabeth and Luke...Snape and Lily...Katniss…"
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"Bianca: Then that should count for two classes for one month or more. Maybe three. :) Most of my skill lies in my mind."
1 -
"I dare you, Bunni, to kiss Draco. :)"
1 -
"Okay! Thanks Sage!"
1 -
"Usually just black boots, sometimes a black shirt and pants (she always wears black, but she's not like goth or anything -- no offense to…"
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"Sorry if that's a bit much... :P"
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"For the Sonic story:
Name: Clara
Age: 14Appearance: She's a completely white hedgehog, except for her eyes, which are a…"
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"Awh I'm sorry. You're probably thinking 'who is this random stranger that is acting like she knows me' but whatever. XP
1 -
"Awh I'm sorry. You're probably thinking 'who is this random stranger that is acting like she knows me' but whatever. XP