If You Were A DemiGod, What Power Would You Have? | Comments

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  • Your Result: Son/Daughter Of Apollo

    Apollo's children are superior archers, healers, and musicians. They are additionally shown to be able to afflict others with curses such as rhymed speech due to their Father's position as the God Of Poetry. In ancient times, many of Apollo's children were blessed with foresight. Some descendants of Apollo, like Halcyon Green and Octavian, can interpret the will of the Gods, while others like William Shakespeare have become famed poets.

    50% Son/Daughter Of Hephaestus
    50% Son/Daughter Of Aphrodite
    50% Son/Daughter Of Hades
    50% Son/Daughter Of Dionysus
    25% Son/Daughter Of Poseidon
    25% Son/Daughter Of Ares
    25% Son/Daughter Of Hermes
    25% Son/Daughter Of Athena
    25% Son/Daughter Of Zeus

  • If You Were A DemiGod, What Power Would You Have?

    Your Result: Son/Daughter Of Zeus 83%

    Zeus' children have command over the domain of Heaven as their Father is Lord of the Sky. Born to one of the Big Three, they are more powerful than other Demigods. In addition to natural leadership ability, they are known to possess great bravery and strength. They may also have Electrokinesis (control and creation of electrical currents) and Aerokinesis (control and creation of air currents)

    83% Son/Daughter Of Athena
    55% Son/Daughter Of Hades
    55% Son/Daughter Of Dionysus
    28% Son/Daughter Of Apollo
    28% Son/Daughter Of Aphrodite
    28% Son/Daughter Of Hermes
    28% Son/Daughter Of Ares
    28% Son/Daughter Of Poseidon
    0% Son/Daughter Of Hephaestus

  • If You Were A DemiGod, What Power Would You Have?

    Your Result: Son/Daughter Of Hephaestus

    Like their Father, children of Hephaestus are greatly skilled builders and craftsmen. Their talent as engineers are second to none and they can instinctively detect, identify, and operate any piece of machinery. In rare cases, they are blessed with the ability to create and control fire.

    100% Son/Daughter Of Dionysus
    75% Son/Daughter Of Zeus
    75% Son/Daughter Of Aphrodite
    75% Son/Daughter Of Poseidon
    50% Son/Daughter Of Hermes
    25% Son/Daughter Of Athena
    25% Son/Daughter Of Apollo
    25% Son/Daughter Of Hades
    25% Son/Daughter Of Ares

  • If You Were A DemiGod, What Power Would You Have?

    Your Result: Son/Daughter Of Athena

    Although she is a virgin Goddess, Athena conceives offspring through a meeting of minds with her lovers. Demigods of war and wisdom, Athena's children excel in intellectual pursuits, and have exceptional skill in warfare, particularly strategy. Children of Athena are masters at invention and strategy and have a high knowledge and skill with weaponry

    100% Son/Daughter Of Hephaestus
    75% Son/Daughter Of Ares
    75% Son/Daughter Of Hades
    50% Son/Daughter Of Hermes
    50% Son/Daughter Of Aphrodite
    25% Son/Daughter Of Zeus
    25% Son/Daughter Of Poseidon
    25% Son/Daughter Of Dionysus
    0% Son/Daughter Of Apollo
    I am perfectly fine with this

  • Son/Daughter Of Apollo

    Apollo's children are superior archers, healers, and musicians. They are additionally shown to be able to afflict others with curses such as rhymed speech due to their Father's position as the God Of Poetry. In ancient times, many of Apollo's children were blessed with foresight. Some descendants of Apollo, like Halcyon Green and Octavian, can interpret the will of the Gods, while others like William Shakespeare have become famed poets.

  • If You Were A DemiGod, What Power Would You Have?

    Your Result: Son/Daughter Of Athena

    Although she is a virgin Goddess, Athena conceives offspring through a meeting of minds with her lovers. Demigods of war and wisdom, Athena's children excel in intellectual pursuits, and have exceptional skill in warfare, particularly strategy. Children of Athena are masters at invention and strategy and have a high knowledge and skill with weaponry

    Son/Daugh ter Of Apollo
    Son/Daughter Of Hermes
    Son/Daughter Of Dionysus
    Son/Daughter Of Hephaestus
    Son/Daughter Of Aphrodite
    Son/Daughter Of Zeus
    Son/Daughter Of Hades
    Son/Daughter Of Ares
    Son/Daughter Of Poseidon
    I really like this quiz!^^

    Magical Nonsense

    If You Were A DemiGod, What Power Would You Have?

    Your Result: Son/Daughter Of Zeus

    Zeus' children have command over the domain of Heaven as their Father is Lord of the Sky. Born to one of the Big Three, they are more powerful than other Demigods. In addition to natural leadership ability, they are known to possess great bravery and strength. They may also have Electrokinesis (control and creation of electrical currents) and Aerokinesis (control and creation of air currents)

    100% Son/Daughter Of Ares
    100% Son/Daughter Of Athena
    100% Son/Daughter Of Apollo
    100% Son/Daughter Of Aphrodite
    75% Son/Daughter Of Hermes
    50% Son/Daughter Of Poseidon
    50% Son/Daughter Of Hades
    50% Son/Daughter Of Dionysus
    25% Son/Daughter Of Hephaestus

  • Your Result: Son/Daughter Of Poseidon 83%

    Poseidon's children are stronger than most Demigods as their Father is one of the Big Three. Most of them have power over his domain with the capacity to generate earthquakes and hurricanes and control and create water. They can also communicate telepathically with equine and sea creatures since Poseidon created horses.

    83% Son/Daughter Of Aphrodite
    83% Son/Daughter Of Hades
    55% Son/Daughter Of Athena
    55% Son/Daughter Of Zeus
    55% Son/Daughter Of Hermes
    55% Son/Daughter Of Ares
    28% Son/Daughter Of Hephaestus
    0% Son/Daughter Of Apollo
    0% Son/Daughter Of Dionysus

  • If You Were A DemiGod, What Power Would You Have?

    Your Result: Son/Daughter Of Poseidon

    Poseidon's children are stronger than most Demigods as their Father is one of the Big Three. Most of them have power over his domain with the capacity to generate earthquakes and hurricanes and control and create water. They can also communicate telepathically with equine and sea creatures since Poseidon created horses.

    100% Son/Daughter Of Apollo
    100% Son/Daughter Of Aphrodite
    75% Son/Daughter Of Ares
    75% Son/Daughter Of Athena
    50% Son/Daughter Of Hephaestus
    50% Son/Daughter Of Zeus
    50% Son/Daughter Of Hermes
    50% Son/Daughter Of Hades
    25% Son/Daughter Of Dionysus

  • If You Were A DemiGod, What Power Would You Have?

    Your Result: Son/Daughter Of Ares

    The children of Ares are more aggressive and martial than most Demigods. As offspring of the War God, they have incredible martial abilities with an extensive knowledge of combat. Some are even given a blessing of invincibility by their Father for their bold courage and righteous wrath in battle.

    100% Son/Daughter Of Apollo
    100% Son/Daughter Of Aphrodite
    75% Son/Daughter Of Zeus
    75% Son/Daughter Of Hephaestus
    75% Son/Daughter Of Athena
    75% Son/Daughter Of Hades
    75% Son/Daughter Of Dionysus
    25% Son/Daughter Of Poseidon
    25% Son/Daughter Of Hermes

    Puppet master12
  • Your Result: Son/Daughter Of Hades

    The power of Hades' children is greater than most Demigods due to their Father's status as one of the Big Three. As Demigods of the Underworld they have control over all that is subject to His Kingdom beneath the earth. In particular, their geokinetic abilities surpass those of Poseidon's children. They can also have control of gems because they are beneath the earth, but this is much more common in children of Pluto, Hades' Roman form. Children of Hades are some of the only Demigods able to control and raise the dead.

  • My bro's result:
    Your Result: Son/Daughter Of Hephaestus

    Like their Father, children of Hephaestus are greatly skilled builders and craftsmen. Their talent as engineers are second to none and they can instinctively detect, identify, and operate any piece of machinery. In rare cases, they are blessed with the ability to create and control fire.

  • Hi remember this quiz is for fun, I hope you like it

    I got Athena but Aphrodite was also at 100%

    This may happen to a lot of people but look at the first result as that is what counts!

    This is not a personality quiz so it doesn't necessarily describe your personality but what you are likely to have XD

    Please let me know if I should make another Demigod quiz, I hope you liked this one, cheers!

  • Your Result: Son/Daughter Of Zeus

    Zeus' children have command over the domain of Heaven as their Father is Lord of the Sky. Born to one of the Big Three, they are more powerful than other Demigods. In addition to natural leadership ability, they are known to possess great bravery and strength. They may also have Electrokinesis (control and creation of electrical currents) and Aerokinesis (control and creation of air currents)

    100% Son/Daughter Of Athena
    75% Son/Daughter Of Aphrodite
    50% Son/Daughter Of Apollo
    50% Son/Daughter Of Ares
    50% Son/Daughter Of Hermes
    50% Son/Daughter Of Hades
    25% Son/Daughter Of Dionysus
    0% Son/Daughter Of Poseidon
    0% Son/Daughter Of Hephaestus

    hmmmmmmmmmmmmm athena or zeus i think zeus and why did i get 100 for both????????????????????????????

    • Son/Daughter Of Poseidon

      Poseidon's children are stronger than most Demigods as their Father is one of the Big Three. Most of them have power over his domain with the capacity to generate earthquakes and hurricanes and control and create water. They can also communicate telepathically with equine and sea creatures since Poseidon created horses.

    • doesn't help me

  • Daughter Of Zeus

    Zeus' children have command over the domain of Heaven as their Father is Lord of the Sky. Born to one of the Big Three, they are more powerful than other Demigods. In addition to natural leadership ability, they are known to possess great bravery and strength. They may also have Electrokinesis (control and creation of electrical currents) and Aerokinesis (control and creation of air currents)

    100% Daughter Of Aphrodite
    75% Daughter Of Hermes
    75% Daughter Of Hades
    50% Daughter Of Hephaestus
    50% Daughter Of Athena
    50% Daughter Of Dionysus
    25% Daughter Of Apollo
    25% Daughter Of Ares
    25% Daughter Of Poseidon

    • Your Result: Daughter Of Zeus

      Zeus' children have command over the domain of Heaven as their Father is Lord of the Sky. Born to one of the Big Three, they are more powerful than other Demigods. In addition to natural leadership ability, they are known to possess great bravery and strength. They may also have Electrokinesis (control and creation of electrical currents) and Aerokinesis (control and creation of air currents)

      100% Daughter Of Ares
      100% Daughter Of Aphrodite
      100% Daughter Of Hades
      75% Daughter Of Hermes
      75% Daughter Of Hephaestus
      75% Daughter Of Dionysus
      50% Daughter Of Poseidon
      25% Daughter Of Apollo
      25% Daughter Of Athena

  • Daughter of Zeus,I do tend to find myself very brave and strong for all the stuff I went through in my life it's been one hell of a journey. I also like to be independent and a leader as well. Cool quiz mate.

  • I got Hermes 100% and everything else (Except for Hades) 75%. I'm honestly thinking of looking for CHB because it'd be a few hours away from my house.

  • Demigods are said to live among us. They are half Human-half God and may possess the powers of their parent. Are you a Demigod?

    yes yes i am i am a demigod daughter of jupiter

  • I got Zeus

    I honestly thought I would get Demeter but it didn't have it.Or Athena.

    But besides not having Demeter it was a great quiz

  • Daughter of Zues!! Oh, I loved this quiz!!!!

    Please make one on Egyptian gods and on Indian gods. I bet no one must have thought about Indian Gods but you did.

    Please make, please make, p-l-e-a-s-e!!

  • Ok so I got like 100% Athena AND 100% Apollo?! How is that possible? I always throught I would be a daughter of Apollo, follower of Athena, and hunter of Artemis

  • Well, I got the son of Hermes and the description sounds correct or somewhere near there so pretty nice quiz

  • 100 percent daughter of Zeus. Cool! Hey, Kish, I'd look forward to one of these as Egyptian gods/goddesses. Or even Welsh.

  • Every one who knows me knows i am smart. That is why im a son of athena. But, I still think apollo is better. [even though in the series he looks like a dam emberassing parent.][ Get it?]

  • Mikael Shadows Demigod Earth Devil Born 23 B.C.


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