How good are your parents? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How good are your parents?

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  • Ah yes, exactly what I thought. I was honest for absolutely all of them and I got 0% haha.

  • I sort of got 9 percent of goodness

    Now it might be that I am overestimating but they don't appear to be more than 30 percent good to me . They give me gifts I don't want , but will disallow me to get gifts I want . Not surprised , good quiz BTW

  • I got a 0% my dad thinks he is always right and super strict but that's not what gets me im 13 so put that into perspective hormones and ect but what gets me is that what i want to do with my life. i want to be a youtuber i have never told him till tonight when my nana was there so he would not over the top and he got very mad he said it was not a career ok maybe depending who you are but it's what i want to do with my life there is also other stuff but one step at a time i love youtube and gaming well i am not aloud to watch youtube because of content witch i have only looked at one bad thing but i'm smart so i know how to bypass it. and he is also very strict i am not aloud on a dives for more than one hour he has a normal time limit but im not aloud a gaming system when i feel like i have done everything he has ask for he says im not aloud a gaming system because he used to be addicted and not what i have done ok sure but you can't yell at me and say im addicted for being on a device for ONE hour and ask for a lest 30 more minutes once when i did something when i was a i think 7or8 i did something bad i don't know what but the only thing i can remember from that day is him saying you make my life a living hell and you fing b*tch i try not to think about that stuff because it make me depressed. the only thing i cant think of of why he is like this is when he was a kid he wanted to be a baseball player but when he could have gone to college his dad/my grandpa said no your going to party and not focus on school so he was denied his dream and i think deep in side without him knowing he holds a grug and the only way of getting it out is throw me. AIDAN

    • Mine was 5%, I am literally called their and I quote,"bubble-baby" and I hate it. I was given two instruments (obviously I play them) and they told me that if I practice my violin and flute for fifteen minutes each, (now he wants me to do 30 each) then read four chapter's of a book I'm not naming, I can have thirty minutes of game time and freaking ten minutes of youtube kids! Also, I have parental controls, so my phone doesn't unlock until 2:00 pm, and it locks at 10:00 pm! And he locks my phone on a daily basis even though I did nothing wrong. And finally the most horrid (I'm not british I'm just using large vocabulary) thing which literally scarred me for life-- he used to spank me. Yeah ik ik no biggie u think but what he started to do is (also I'm not even allowed to be on the internet which includes this, google) he would.... Pull... My.. pants down and whip me with a belt... Until it bruised... Very,very hard... Which I'd say can bruise based on how hard he hits me, 5? Somewhere in that range, and I'm not even allowed regular messenger, I'm only allowed stupid messenger kids! Which I'm only allowed 1 hour on.and btw I'm 13!!! Which means I have a long way to go if I'm ever going to get out of this prison.and if my parents found out I'm on this, I'd be dead meat.. which means probably twice the amount of whipping, and the worst thing is, it's all legal for them to do this stuff, at least i think.

    • And btw I just redid this quiz and it said 2 percent. Lovely the hate of my parents are growing! I am dying of boredom, bcuz homeschooling sucks. Especially if you have parents who like to spank you.

    • GUYS I FOUND SOLUTION. IF YOU WANT SOMEONE OR SOMETHING THAT RELATES TO YOU OR GETS YOU, LISTEN TO NF. HELPED ME SO MUCH IN LIFE, this is bkpkgiffyboi, just on a different account. I'm now 14. Still hard. But I know how to deal with it now. Happy new year and belated merry Christmas .

  • Pretty reasonable that I got a 0%.. I tried coming out to my mom yesterday as aromantic and she just called me delusional and called my dad over and they just laughed at me

  • I got 0% I'm not surprised, but it's not that I think they are bad..they are bad

  • I got 0% and Its pretty accurate. Every time I wanted to have a civil conversation after an argument and try to calm things down she would never hear me out this goes for everything I have done. When I wanted to get outside help she absolutely refused. She threatens to take my phone and my social life if I had ever go against her. Every time I cry she has always just called me a cry baby. I never ever heard her genuinely apologize. She wont allow me to lock my door even though we dont have natural disasters except for floods (although I stay in the Second floor) I think it was an excuse to just barge into my room whenever she feels like it. She once forced me into putting up my hair and when I refused because having a pony tail is pretty uncomfortable shed slapped me until I cried. My dad is currently in the hospital and he messaged a picture to me.

    I didnt want to see it because why would I want to see that also I didnt want to talk to her since she was yelling at me 30 minutes ago so when I showed no interest in wanting to look at the photo she said You are a cold hearted person

    When I was about 5 she would start using the Asian punishments.

    She calls me fat she even said I looked pregnant. She call me a slob and etc.

    Etsu Chan
    • Like my post if you made a fake profile just to post your reasons. Btw liking this does nothing it's just a thumbs up I checked.

  • I got like around 13% and I am not surprised. My step dad always like to yell at me and takes everything seriously. One time I had my hearing aids because I forgot to use it earlier so I was a minute late for dinner, he got mad at me and he started yelling and I pretty much cried. He always treats my mom like a queen and he's such a hypocrite he would always tell me to stop crying like a baby and its pretty harsh because its hard for me to control my emotions and I am just 12 years old I don't have a lot of experience so I normally cy. Also, my mom is not mean at all and that's what I really love about her. She is strict but she understands I'm only a child and I make this mistakes but shes there to give me advice. Also, I always get so much punishments Its not even fair. I hope when I grow old I treat my own son or daughter same as my wife because a real mean treats his family equally.

  • My Dad is super nice. My mom hates me. My mom yells at me for things like her own business that I have no clue it even exists! My mom doesn't care about my side of any story at all. Then she gets my dad on her side. I wish I could live with my BFF. I'm fact,maybe I will...anyway,my mom is super mean.She makes me want to cry. I can't cry,because that gives my parents more power. But I'm stuck with them until I can leave for college. That's a lot of time to wait. I try to avoid my parents.I know that they secretly hate me or they use me to show me off. I've been the top of the class in all the time I've been to school,but my parents don't even care. I hope your parents are better than mine. Bye!

    • This quiz is oriented towards teenagers, and it should be more general to all ages. Not only teenagers have problems with their parents, and it isn't partially the teenagers fault either that they don't have a good relationship. The majority of times it's the parents. This should be merely focused on judging the parents competence in being educators and the final results should show that, not give tips as trying to convince the alleged teen to make up with them. Just saying.

  • I got You think your parents are 0% good to you

    Your relationship with your parents seems to be very bad. You think they don't care about you, or that they mind their own business more, but you should know that a child is a parent's biggest treasure. If your parents are harsh, maybe you should try to calm things down a bit. I know it's not your fault, but maybe you can go talk to them and tell them why you don't agree with their way of behaving with you.

    It was supposed to be my grandmother because my parent divorced when I was like 3 years old

  • I got 0%, which seems impossible, but for me it's a sad reality. I have bad relationships with my mother for last 3 years. She seems to care more for her three dogs (YES, three) than her only male son. When I shared something that I have achieved in school, she just ignores me, but when I had a fight with a teacher, she immediately intervenes and berates my past behaviour, not caring if I was right or wrong, just to save her reputation. I constantly daydream of suicide or escaping from her, but I have no materials for suicide nor a place to hide. I just want to die ASAP.

    • Don't kill yourself. This is a saying me and my siblings are saying untill it happens,"One day we'll all be free to live our lives the way we dream." Or," ODWABFTLOLTWWD." I have had lots of thoughts about running away. The best way to do it is give them coffee or their tea, hug them say "I love you" try to be funny even though your really sad or depressed.

  • my score was 4% and it is pretty accurate for me.I think my parents are manipulative ,controlling ,possessive ,bad mouthing and distant from me.We never have verbal communication or solve a problem by talking it out.They expect me to do everything perfectly and boast of my talents to their friends.If I am unable to satisfy them ,they tell me how I don't actually do anything with my own merit but it's always because they intervene and save the day.They demand attention constantly and if I do not respond well to their demands they can turn violent and hit me.They turned off data in my phone so I can't use the internet and make sure I don't have any other online outlet like an sns.Besides all this,I'm always forced to be at home.There is usually no respect for my feelings ,privacy and personal space.I get treated like a piece of garbage and I know there's nothing I can do about it because I can't afford help or therapy.Its basically a taboo to talk badly about parents here because they raised you and you are their personal belonging.

    local flute kid
    • 4? wow i got 12.. i can understand having parents like that who want u to be perfect, better than all ur friends and their friends children

    • I got 1 persent.

    • I got 96% , I got everything I want :3 . I even got my own computer XD. my parents are the best. idk why you guy got such bad parents I cant believe it:(.I'm as happy any children can be. I got the best parents , they let me be free and do whatever I want. my room is sooooooooooooo big and beautiful and the whole house is like full of my toys.I understand some parents can be harsh but ive never felt it but I understand some parents are really bead I mean REALLY!anyways Im happy with my life byeeeeeXD. I hope your parents are not SO BAD.I MEAN I HOPEwell anyways been typing for a while sooo byee:D !

    • Stop bragging. Its rude and its not their fault they have bad parents.

  • 23%? My mother would kill me if she found that out, but to be fair I don't think she's bad personally... but the quiz says otherwise. She gaslights me and guilt trips me (things I recently found out) so maybe it shouldn't be shocking but I'd hate to have othr think she's bad...bad? I cry anytime she says ANYTHING critical to me and I can't even control it, she just talks so mean and accusatory, she makes me panic and flinch. I don't want to cry but the tears and sobs just racket me.

    • I have the same reaction... I didn't know I was so weak, and my mom always told me that they were 'crocidile tears' or just for attention. Is that bad parenting though? I really shouldn't be crying at that. Shouldn't I be able to control My emotions? I don't want to be selfish but I don't know what to think of my mom.

    • Same thing happens here, And according to mutable other quizzes, I got similar results.

  • I got a 26% and frankly, I'm not surprised. My mum is harsh and strict, whenever I go on my tablet or phone for just 2 minutes she always finds an excuse to get me off of it, Such as feeding the pets for the 8th time or getting something. Whenever I do something wrong she yells and doesn't tell me on how I coukd improve and will just act like I don't exist for the rest of the day. My dad is fine but when he comes home after my mum has yelled at me she will tell him all about her side of the story and completely ignore my feelings, then my dad will be mad at me too. I've cried way more than I should and spend most of my time in my bedroom after especially bad yellings, I have thought about running away at least every other day. I hat my mum's harsh attitude, she never thinks about my feelings or my side of the story, she is always right and I am always the naughty kid. When i start to cry I get called sensitive and a crybaby. I am legitimately terrified of her and when I've just been yelled at and she walks away, I don't know what to do, she'll just dismiss my apology and If I do nothing she'll get even angrier

    • Dont worry im the opposite i get good grades but my parents just think of me as just the smart child they blame me for things i never did and when my siblings need help and im busy they tell me to help them if i dont listen theyll scold me. ive been wwaiting for a phone for years and even my birthday doesnt feel like one because it was never celebrated like a birthday. My parents treat me like this all the time and tbh im old enough to have a gadget but i didnt get one a few days ago cuz my bday was a few days ago i didnt get anything unlike my older bro he got a ps4 last year because of me and my siblings begging my parents to buy him a ps4 and he got it but when my lil sis kept begging my parents to buy me phone it didnt happen but its fine my life will always be like this anyway.

    • I am on the exact opposite end as you. My mom does the same thing except I am the one that gets everything. I know I should not be sad about that, but I have to listen to my mom and sis scream in the other room almost every day.i am not saying that your situation isn't worse, but maybe your siblings understand what's happening but just don't know an escape. If I get angry it makes it worse, if I cry my mom blames my sis for it. if I just leave they think the walls are soundproof and start yelling even louder. I just don't know what to do to help anything anymore.

    • all kids deserve parents, but some parents don't deserve their kids.

    • Yes, TOTALLY TRUE.

  • bruh, i think i have amazing parents an i get 17% wrong, b----. I know my dad was abusive to me but that was like 2 years ago, now he is very good, he just has anger issues. But I love my parents. I love them and they still love me more than how many srats in the moon

  • I tell my family once how i feel but they dont even want to listen they have a doubt from many year once they caught me that i have a bf now they do continueously doubting me for that also telling me not making friends & i dont have mim my story is different thank u for this quiz but im not feeling good no one know i want suicide due to lockdown i cant do anything & i cant explain on this not easy for me Thank u God bless u

  • No actually I got 22 percent for my mom and 29 percent for my dad

  • I only got 22 percent

    • For both praents

    • No actually for my mom is 22 percent and for my dad its 20 percent.

  • 9%

    Faceless Knight
  • Can I just say that being homosexual is not a choice, and should not be treated as such. It is how you were born, and no one would CHOOSE to walk into a world where they would be criticized for who they are. I don't exactly think that this was a matter of ignorance, just a lack of understanding. I know this could possibly offend people who struggle with sexual identity and would want the last question to be changed.

    • Thank you for saying this, I noticed the same thing and found it quite offensive. My parents know I'm queer and accept it but they also know that it is not a choice and the phrasing of the final question and answers was not done well. I'd also like to point out that the only two options for gender were male and female, which are not the only genders.

      Rainbow Lee
    • yall get offened by everything. they litterally tried to not and offend you but anything that has to do with lgbtq offends you, litteraly get over it

    • Im sorry, but @Rainbow Lee we are trying to stand up for ourselves. I am someone who is both queer and on the non-binary spectrum, and think YOU are the one who needs to literally get over it. You comment put our community down, and we would appreciate it if you either supported us or just left us alone. Although we understand the creator may be uneducated, we are merely bringing to their attention that they have incorrect information that could be improved on their quiz. Thanks for your time, and have a good life.

    • Wait Im so sorry, the comment I made was directed to averythebestistnot Rainbow lee, I messed up on who wrote the comment. Again, SO SORRY!

  • I got 32 percent. I was severely depressed in middle school (5-6th grade). Sometimes I often debated taking my own life. I was afraid to open up to my mom because she's always in a bad mood because she works night shifts. My step dad is deaf and barely understands me. I only had my friends, and one of them was also suicidal, the other was toxic, and the last one wasn't that close to me. My step dad is closed minded. That meaning he doesn't understand when he tells me that "I'm being lazy" that it hurts me emotionally. I watch my 1 year old sister almost every night and I have a brother on the way that I'll probably have to watch too. My mom is always asleep and my step dad is mostly gone during the day. I cut my dad out of the picture because I was sexually assaulted as a child and he didn't believe me. I was hit in the head, legs, arms, etc as a child as punishment and my mom claims she stopped that because it didn't work. Life sucks sometimes but I'm forced to believe I have it good. Even though I do, it doesn't feel like it.

  • I did the quiz twice once for each parent like someone in the comments did and I got 9% for my mom and 0% for my dad and honestly it sounds about right, my father only cares about my grades and constantly tells me I'm a failure and my mother doesn't care about my grades and puts me down when I tell her how I feel, one time when I told my parents I was suicidal my mom yelled at me for not being grateful and that other people have it worse and that I'm selfish, and my father just ignored it and a few months later told me that in europe in the middle ages there were fanatics that self harmed to feel closer to got and told me I was as stupid as then and made fun of me even though I don't believe in any god and I self harmed because I wanted my parents to notice my pain and they didn't notice until I told them a year later. So yeah pretty accurate quiz

    The hurt child
  • 1%.. because they still give me money for buying essential stuffs. They become distant with me since I made my own choice of transferring to another school. Well, I mean they will die anyway, why do I waste my time to sympathy myself for they don't love me.

  • 16%, reasonable. theyre kinda really strict with me and never listen to what i have to say. they always blame it on me and say that im misbehaving and if i try to talk about stuff they shut me down or i get punished. theyre really controlling. my moms been like this since she met my stepdad. i never open up to them and they always invade my privacy. they do tell me they love me and do activities with me, but overall i cant do much while my stepsister can get away with a million things.

  • 12%, makes sense, all they do is scream at me, lecture and tell me everything that they think is wrong with me. They make fun of me and tell me how Im a disappointment cus it probably makes them feel better about themselves. They do it to try and hurt me but Ive gotten better. I know Im better that what they think of me, I guess Im just used to living like this.

  • 0% sounds right. They stole my money and closed my bank account for no reason. They constantly told me I wasn't good enough for them. "Oh, your cousin runs for miles every day and you just sit around" and "Some kids actually do good things but YOU just whine!" and other stuff like that.


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