How good are your parents? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How good are your parents?

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  • all the pepole who got offened by the gay pepoel thing, yall are always getting offened and they litteraly said they arnt saying its a bad thing lmfao so get over it

    • If youre going to criticize a whole community, learn how to spell first but anyone who got offended has the right to get offended because homosexuality is not a choice although I saw it as a simple mistake they can just fix, it can be harmful to anyone uneducated and they can get the wrong idea about homosexuality.

  • I got a 0% but I don't think this is entirely true, while yes there are times where they're good/nice to me, but overall most of the time they don't care about what I like to do, and intentionally give me things to do to take my time away from me, and it's the most trivial things that they could do instead, especially when they're just sitting on their asses all day doing basically nothing, and now in moderation that is a good thing, for teaching responsibilities and what not, and if that's their reasoning, then I don't disagree, but I don't 100% agree either, I'd say my score should've been more of a 10-15% at most, bc my parents don't respect my decisions for anything and yet they wonder why I'm always annoyed/mad with them, they don't care about how I feel and whenever I do something that they don't like, whether by accident or not, they don't ever bother to see which one it was, and when they're mad about something that has nothing to do with me, they yell at and punish me, a lot of the time through physical contact, which can range from a simple slap to an outright beating

  • hey besties! Just a note for the last question: homosexuality is not a choice. Its how a person feels and they cant change that, just so you know. You can also search it up it has a lot to do with genes and everything ! Thank u for trying to understand :)

    • We were literally designed to be male-female.

      Just look down there

  • I got 0% and it it really true *fakes being happy* my mom broke me one to many times...she is why I want to die...she abuses me verbally, physically and mentally she is why I love my dad and grandma more then her...btw my mom sucks af

    • I hope you can get away from her/ deal with her soon! And that you can learn and grow from this, well, horrifying experience. Maybe try seeing her more as a very hurt and disturbed person whos probably been abused in their childhood a lot. That helps me a lot lol. Ily

  • If my parents aren't good or they don't really care of me it's their problem. They decided having a kid without being ready and I don't need to be the glue nor feel guilty because of it. I hate that part of this test.

    • Ps: 11% and not surprised.

  • 4%.....Not surprised, and not gonna tell more.

    • Hate how this test makes u feel responsible of how your parents are.

  • You think your parents are 60% good to you 60%

    You have a quite good relationship with your parents. Most of people have this type of relationship, so don't worry if things don't go well sometimes. Your parents aren't too liberal nor too strict.

    Hanna banana111
  • I got 0%, am i surprised? Of course not. Not once did they ever bother to care for me,they'd always make me feel like some kind of controlled dog.

  • I got 18% and honestly am not surprised. My dad has serious anger issues since his father was verbally abusive growing up and he a really dysfunctional family. It's always his way or the highway no in between. He makes me feel, dumb, stupid, and like I can't do anything right. If I say something that offends him or am on my phone for too long he blows up. He'll count to ten yelling the numbers really fast. If I don't get to my room in time he'll chase me up the stairs grab me and drag me to my room. He'll proceed to shove me against the wall and start screaming in my face. One time things got so bad he put his hands around my neck and tried to strangle me. Lately, he's always in a bad mood and just one little thing will set him off. He hasn't been in the best of sorts since he lost his job due to his poor health and is trying to recover. My mom, also, is stressed out by this and every little thing she doesn't like that I do, she'll lecture me for hours. If I try and get her to stop she'll get more and more annoyed and keep going. Eventually, she'll drag my dad into it and my dad will explode from our arguing. She also blames me for not having good enough communication and that if I did we wouldn't argue and keep having these problems. Yesterday, I remember getting in the car from a retreat after school and I forget we were supposed to take this other girl home. We haven't driven her in awhile and I had forgotten. My mom started flipping out and asking where she was. I told her I wasn't sure and I was sorry. She proceeded to tell me I only care about myself and I don't think about anyone else. She said wanted to get home and threatened to not drive me home the next day.

  • I got 14%. Not surprised my parents are terrible at home I fell like I'm in prison. I can't do anything I want and whatever I tell them what I want to be they always say It's not good enough. I'm just waiting for summer break. Then maybe my life will be better.

  • i got 3%
    not suprised, dont care
    just waiting till im able to move out

  • Oh, 0%... I shouldn't be surprised, everyday is total hell to me. I'm constantly grounded because of small thing.(I rebel, they ground me. I sneak because I need to enjoy my life, they extend my grounding. By grounding I mean taking my electronics away.) My mother yells at me for small thing, threat me by extending my grounding. When I started to cry, she yells yet again because she think I shouldn't crying unless I'm baby. I can't tell her how I really feel, or else she will take me to counselor... or thats what she says, she doesn't care about my feeling, as long as I clean living room, empty dish washer, wipe the table, watch my siblings tear up the room for 999th time. My step father is technically my mother's dog, he listens to what she says every single time. He also grounds me though, but at least he's kinder than my mother, which is ironic since he's not even biologically related.

    So, I am forced to "love" my parents...I think I'm running away, bringing some of my allowance, leaving my not-working-phone so they can't track where I am... anyway, thanks for reading, hope your parents are being good to you...(I searched up "is my parent good? quiz" because I didn't like them so I really hope you guys have good life...)

    All sincerely, 0%.

  • Both my mom and dad are terrible. It's been a hard time as a teenager for me. They both always find ways to insult me. Seriously because of them I am suffering from anxiety . They both have snatched away my phone from me and they let me study for atleast 14 hours. And not do anything else. No matter how much I study it is always less for them. They have also distanced me from my grandparents. What to do I can't talk to my grandparents. I have to bear it all with them. O God give me power.

  • I got a 4% and I'm just disappointed. My mom currently has my phone set so If I even have it open it goes off after 30 minutes. This makes it hard for me to be able to contact my choir instructor and do my classwork on my phone. Ever since I became a teenager my mom has bashed punishment after punishment for things I've done or not done. Not too long ago she got mad at me for not cleaning up after my sister when I just woke up to get ready for school. I understand her getting frustrated that I had clothes on my bedroom floor but I'm not in charge of my sister and her clothes. And yesterday my mom was getting upset that I wasn't talking or just looking serious when we went out for my great grandmother's birthday.

  • I got 6% not surprised they are rude and ignorant.

    Then they ask me if I love them if I don't say yes or don't answer they will think I have problems and take me to therapy.

  • it was an okay quiz, just, please list gender neutral options because it causes strong dysphoria for me and others. 6.6/10

    a fem them
  • mereka selalu mikir kalau mereka itu bener dan udah menjadi pendengar yang baik bagi anak-anaknya, tapi setiap anaknya berlawanan argumen atau melalukan sesuatu dalam hal positif tapi bagi mereka itu bukan jalannya, mereka akan teriak teriak dan mulai memukuli anaknya. kalau mereka belum puas dengan amarah nya, mereka akan panggil adek atau kakak ku untuk disalahin. yes, they are my parents. orang-orang disekitar ku sadar akan hal kayak gini, tapi mereka keburu takut buat negurnya, karena semakin ditegur maka mereka akan selalu menjadikan anak-anaknya semakin salah. jujur ini berat banget buat gua sama adek adek dan abang gua, khususnya adek gua yang paling kecil, yang sekarang punya trauma yang begitu dalam kalau ngeliat ada orang yang kasar, karena dia selalu ngelihat kakaknya dimarahin dan dipukuli tanpa menjelaskan kesalahan yang pastinya karena setiap marah kesalahan yang dulu dibahas lagi, padahal sudah tidak pernah dilakukan oleh anaknya. kalau anak-anaknya udah minta maaf, jika mereka belum puas mereka akan lempar lempar barang atau mecahin gelas sampai mereka lega, lalu menyalahkan anaknya untuk bersihin setiap pecahan gelas tersebut. adek aku mau kuliah ke dokteran dipaksa sebegitu rupa dan gapernah didukung, ketika adek aku nyerah karena sudah berkali kali coba dan sadar akan kemampuan dirinya, orang tua aku ga terima sama sekali, dia sampe ngebakar semua buku buku adek aku, padahal adek aku selalu dikamar untuk belajar test kedokteran. alhamdulillah, kita masih bertahan kok sampai saat ini, semoga kalian juga ya, semangat bagaimanapun itu tetap orang tua kita

  • I got a 4% which doesn't surprise me at all. My mom makes me cry every day and only apologized for it rarely, when she does she brings u how 'lazy' I am, & how I only care about myself and no one else. She lectures me days on end along with shouting at me. She takes my phone and it results in me not having from anywhere from 3-5 months. My grades aren't good and rather trying to help me and talk things through. She constantly goes through my mobile devices. Last night she woke me up and started yelling at me for having a passcode on my phone. Parents ig

    • The same thing happens in my case too, only except my father is the one doing it.

  • 5%

  • My mum is a single mother as she divorced my dad when is was 3 because he used to hit me and my mum and he is crazy. right now my mum always says what i do is wrong and being on my phone/tablet/tv/laptop is bad even though she ALWAYS uses he iPHONE X like omg- i hate her i have never had 1 good day in my life without my mum or dad ruining it and my dad moved to portuagal and is sooo anoying ugh

  • I got a 82%, and I'm suprised, I thought I'd get higher, but my parent's and I get along very well. now I don't mean to brag in any way, shape, or form, but for everyone who says they got a very low percent, instead of posting coments about how low you got and how your parents treat to fairly ill, you should go and tell a therapist, or someone you trust about it. yes, you can post anonimously here, but it helps more if you talked to someone with a lot of experience. thank you.

    N Y A N K O S U
    • It's concerning how low everyone's is.

  • i have 0% .. yes .. i mean i am not really surprised i had a boring and strict childhood but my parents were there at the start but after i was about 7 they weren't there for I had to learn by myself and my sisters, I always think about my future when I'm only 14 !!! I should be outside exploring the world, having fun and living my life as a main character but no .. I take care of everyone but not enough for myself, I have to cry to go to sleep sometimes , in fact i'm well enough i don't have to complain i have a roof over my head, something to eat, sleep in a comfortable bed .. but i just want some attention for once. When I "accidentally" broke my shoulder when I was between 5 and 8 years old (I can't remember) for once I felt like I was surrounded with a family. as soon as I returned to college for the first time I lost a lot of friends and I don't want to work because in the end it is useless to know all this because we all die one day or the other and it will be useless. My parents believe that all this is just whims when I feel full of things that I had to learn to hide over time, I have a lot of angers issues and they believe that it is because I am not not raising well while guess what? it's you who didn't bring me up sometimes I don't feel any more but it's good to talk about it from time to time i just wanna go out in the rain and run around with my bestfriend and just laugh till I can't breathe and just be so happy and it never end.

  • I got 0 percent and honestly wasnt even surprised im an immigrant and at every little thing my parents threaten to send me back to my home country.I live in constant fear of having everything I love taken from me for any reason. My parents yell at me and act like they want to hear my opinion but if i dare say a word tjey get even angrier or if I dont say anything they still get angry. Either way its a lose lose situation. I can't wait till college because I can finally move out and get away from them.

    • A mi me sucede lo mismo me am3nasn con eso yo tuve un 1% y me sucede lo mismo y lo peor es que tampoco me dejan ni quedar ni nada con amigos ni nada

  • I got 0%. And im not surprised honestly. I've never recived any support or love from them. I can never open to them or talk about anything. I'm just never good enough, I'm never involved in anything, all they do is yell at me without even listening to me. I'm scared to tell them anything because I know that they will judge me anyways. I'm not trying to play a victim here or to hate on them. They are my parents at the end, there's nothing i can do about it, we can't chose our family. But whenever I have kids I'll never ever let them go through everything I went. I'll support them and love them unconditionally and always be there for them. I wanna show them things I never had with my parents :)

  • I got 20%. It's mostly my dad that is the I guess you could say toxic one.He always has something for me to improve one and something I should do better which makes me feel bad about myself.He also makes fun of me with "jokes".My mom on the other hand is a pretty kind women.But she is very moody a lot and has said some "opinions" on me wanting to be transgender. Idk I don't really talk to my parents because they always have something to complain about me.


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