How good are your parents? | Comments

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  • I got %29 but that is not true. My parents are amazing and not strict one bit, the only thing I'd say is that they embarrass me but that's their job am I right?

  • My mom is the best person in the world shes so nice and always helps me when I need help, shes very supportive and I love her so much, but my father is the exact opposite if I do something wrong he hits me and once he told my mom to die just cause we called him out on his disgusting parenting and how he swears a lot but if we swear he hits us in the face and its f---ed up we want to leave but now my mom doesnt and I dont want my little brothers to get hurt too I dont know what to do

  • Hah I got 0% I think it's more like -100% I can't evan talk to anyone in my family without being shut down being being child I was a bused like f--- from people all around me not just my family and when I told them about it they just ignored me and then would tell me to not make a big deal about it because it isn't anything evan if I came back home seriously injured they wouldn't give a dam my mother says to me if I broke a leg she will just watch me suffer and not take me to get help so I agree 0% fits

    Dead gost
  • damn, i got 0%

  • Bruh how did I get 0 percent?-

  • For the lgbtq question i dont think they tried to offend anyone, they probably added it to see if your parents were judgemental about you or were offensive. Also for the boy or girl one i wouldnt say its too bad its probably just a simple mistake that could go over anyones head while making this quiz, so try not to hate on the poor person (especially since everyone on this website is sad or angry right now and some ppl will probably send offensive things).

  • I got 3% but I answered the questions as if it was only my mother. My dad is chill and my relationship with him is quite good, my mother on the other side makes me angry all the time and I was thinking about moving out so much but I can't since I'm only 15.

  • I got %16. I cant say my parents dislike me but I cant say that they unconditionally love me all the time too. My mom is a great person she cooks for me and takes cares of me when I get sick. But she is a pathological liar. She tells me a girl should study to be successful but then she tells my aunts that I should marry and a men is the best way to go. She also thought I was gay because I never told her about the boys I liked. I used to share everything to her but now I barely tell her anything. My dad is an alcoholic so Im not even gonna start talking about him. How ironic that my mom suffers because of my dad but also tells my aunts that I should find a men. How pathetic. My parents do not trust me and neither do I. They constantly say that I couldnt born luckier and that I have the best parents ever. Again, how ironic I dont even like them.

  • Ha I wish I could try to speak my side...that will never happen it seems to be threats anymore. I just wish things got better really soon.

  • my parent are so bad i just live my life to suffer and to be taunted my own parents.the moments when someone comes to ours house to stay for sometime are the best moments of my life because they cant show there real side to the world.they say that i dont study even if i get good grades.its if like they just like taunting me all the time.once i ordered a mouse for 271 (roughly $3.50 cents) and they said why is it so expensive and i was thinking what!! becuase thats the cheapest i got from amazon and it doesnt even matter to them that was the money my grandma gave me around 2000 (roughly 26 dollars) im lucky to have a sister i cant thnk what she went through when i was not born and thats all i will say because i think my mom is coming and she will kill me if she see's this so okay buy peace

  • 0% and no not every child is a parent's biggest treasure. a lot of parents hate their kids. Some parents even purposefully kill their children. So that is a terrible blanket statement. Telling my parents that I dont like any of their behaviors is just an invitation to be castrated even more. And I would only advise other 0% ers to do this if they are masochists.

  • 10%,my dad is fine but my mom, terrible.

  • Luckily I got a 70%. It's pretty accurate. Me and my parents are only fighting for dumb reasons like the AC .

  • I got 4% i think that is quite low but a lot of the time my parents would say they treat me better than a lot of other parents, I feel like they care abt the stupidest stuff but the stuff that matters to me they don't care abt. I feel like they don't feel proud of me often, I constantly get bodyshamed by them while no one else has said anything abt my appearance, also, I feel pressure to even express emotions so most I would like to try my best to turn it off

  • I got 0% and it definitely doesnt surprise my parents couldnt get any worse

  • I got 0%, and people don't usually accept the fact that some parents are 0% good to their 12 year old kid. Yes, I am 12.

  • I got 0% they act nice and fake to other people but they are mean and critical to me and make me to hate myself and to fell insecure of myself and my dad make jokes of my insecurities and he talking s--- to other people for me he tell me that I am crazy and he threatens me he gone give for adoption and he gone close me to psychiatric hospital and at all I tried many tes to fix the bad relationship but he always find way to fight withe and my mum is ignorant and support him no matter what as he and my m is homophobic and I am bisexual but I never tell them I begin him to buy my a electric guitar and he said no and made fun of me that I want to be singer and actress but I try to focus to my passions and my mom made fun of me that I stated design clothes and drawing and I have a little brother that always compare me with him but the truth is that he is lazy he play video games 24/7 and they call me lazy because I feel tired to do things and I rather read books and drink teas and listen music and now they took my phone because I have* bad attitude* as they say but I have my mom phone and I done this test by the way they are ignorant emotionally and I try to be in peace with myself but they have them ways to upset me and blame me for things and make me crazy but it is fine because is my path and karma that I will learn and left in past god bless you all and let things go think positive of yourself and be yourself every single time never be scared of nothing you are all protected god bless you all ,and I forget to say they hate that I am spiritual and vegan and always have to say bad things of me but Idk live yo all

    • I mean i don't care sorry an love yo all buty mom phone is broke lol

    • I mean but but again my mom phone is broke

  • I got 0%. The thing is, they act super nice and friendly when I'm not talking and don't notice when I leave the room, but when I say something they immediately start to yell at me and they say 'I don't like the tone of your voice' or even 'I hate your voice' and other similar phrases. Every day they end up yelling at me at least once. It's not like they don't love me, it's just that they are in bad moods sometimes for no reason. They don't have work one day, and I bring my math homework they have assigned to me over the summer because I have a question and suddenly I'm hit with; 'why are you so stupid?' Or 'shut up' or even 'this is so simple, why don't you understand?'. This has been happening since I was eight when I couldn't achieve something in a sport I am about to quit. I don't know what to do.

  • lmao I got 7% and I found it pretty accurate, my parents are always bad mouthing about me, only cares about how much I score, only worry about their feelings, they're such narcissists they always make everything about themselves.The most annoying part is they think they're right NO.MATTER.WHAT. They demand attention 24/7 and don't even respect my boundaries. They're so full of ego that they've never said sorry, let that alone they never even accepted their faults they try to validate it or generalize it. They would yell at me so harshly when I was little till now that I developed a very terrible anxiety issues, it just hurts I feel like crying seeing others with their parents being happy and having a great time, but yeah.

  • I got 37. But my dad is different of my mom, he's open minded,here whenever i need to talk, tries to understand what i go through, if he wasn't there i would have left home. My mom is the opposite of him, she's absolutely not open minded, everytime we talk about the lgbtq+ community,and me in general(since i'm a trans gay guy) she yells at me and said that i'm a disgrace in the family,that i'm not her kid anymore.

    But it's almost the end, just have to be eighteen, 2 years more and maybe i'll finally see freedom

  • I got 0% and I'm pretty sure that it's accurate for both parties. I have been blamed for sexual harassment/assault/grooming, I've been gaslit, talked about behind my back, I have no social life because 'aN AdUlT NEEDS tO bE pREsEnt', grabbed, shoved, insulted, got the silent treatment and so much more. I'm getting to the point I fantasize about them dying, all because they treat me like trash. I feel no connection to them whatsoever. And I'm twenty-one.

  • I got 14%, I am calling bulls--- on this, More like negative 3000000000000%. My parents literally hate me and I don't even have enough time in my life to write all the reasons cuz Im probs gonna kill myself in the next month :) Cheers

  • I got 4%. Yay. (This is sarcasm if you couldnt tell). My parents arent tooooooo bad bat they are very strict and they judge me a lot. My mol needs to know where I am 24/7 or shell freak. It sucks

  • There's constant fights arguments yelling one time I went to a store my mom's shoe fell under the coat hanger she put the phones and her purse on the coat hanger it fell on me my phone cracked I told her why would you do this and she got mad and yelled aggressively at me. She ends up getting aggressive pushers or throw things at me

  • homosexuality is not a choice

    • Exactly. The rest of the test was fine, but that part really triggered me. I answered as if it was asking if your parents saw you wearing revealing-ish clothes, how would they react because as someone mildly homosexual I can confirm it is NOT a choice.

    • It is too a choice. We were literally designed to be male-female. There is evidence literally below your waist line.


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