What Chinese Ideology Are You? Improved

This is a quiz that assigns a Chinese ideology to you, there are a total of eight answers. Chinese politics tend to be confined to the AuthLeft, LibLeft and AuthRight quadrants so there are no LibRight ideologies here.

At the end of each result there are four axes for reference. Economy, Culture, Civics and Diplomacy. These are the ranges each ideology may land at...

Created by: AkakiDemosots
  1. How should the means of production be owned? Not asking your end goal, just asking your preferred policy.
  2. Do you think the class narrative is outdated?
  3. What's your opinion on Mao?
  4. What's your opinion on Deng?
  5. What's your opinion on Marx?
  6. What's your opinion of FLG, the cult religion?
  7. Do you identify as a world citizen or a Chinese citizen?
  8. Do you think men are the enemy of women?
  9. Do you support the LGBTQ+ movement?
  10. Do you support the late November protests?
  11. Do you frequently sympathise with oppressed minorities on social media?
  12. Do you frequently sympathise with economically oppressed workers on social media?
  13. Your favorite rainbow flag?
  14. Opinions on your average male low-wage manual worker?
  15. Do you agree with this statement: we need a strong government.
  16. What motto do you like the best?
  17. Is Taiwan part of China?
  18. Finally, what ideology do you identify with the most?

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Quiz topic: What Chinese Ideology am I? Improved
