Political extremism test

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This quiz is intended to see how acceptable your methods of achieving your ideology are to the general public of most societies, English speaking, Germanic, Traditional, Eastern, or Chinese etc etc.

This quiz is not supposed to evaluate how effective, scientific, heinous or morally corrupt, your ideology is. Only how your methods of achieving it will be viewed in a relatively peaceful society, the higher the score, the more negatively the methods of achieving your ideology will be in a society not undergoing an incredibly extreme political crisis like the great depression, The famine on mount Lebanon or Belgian Colonization.

Created by: Roh Tae Woo
  1. How dedicated are you to your political ideology?
  2. Which is more important?
  3. Are Human rights abuses justifiable in achieving your ideology?
  4. are you willing to provoke international wars in order to prevent other countries from opposing your ideology?
  5. To what extent do the ends justify the means?
  6. Who is your ideology intended to benefit?
  7. Is torture ever justifiable?
  8. Is there a mainstream party that has gained control of your country democratically, the leaders of which practice your ideology?
  9. Have people called your ideology extreme or unpopular before?
  10. Do you believe in any form of potential self determination for a majority people?
  11. I condemn most international terrorism
  12. The current system be violently overthrown and destroyed, not reformed. (I believe in accelartionism)
  13. I will never compromise with my enemies
  14. I condemn all my enemies with a fiery passion.
  15. My version of my ideology is far more orthodox, fundamental and superior to the corrupted mainstream.
  16. Most people have been tricked into believing ideologies other than mine.
  17. My way is the only true way, and no one can ever convince me of anything else!
  18. I would suppress opposition if I were in power

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