Ideology Quiz But a Tad Bit Better.

This is a quiz that very accurately determines your ideology based on 12 questions, some of which are entirely irrelevant to politics. If you're trying to find your ideology: do not treat this quiz as infallible, it's not very accurate.

Please note: This quiz is very West-centric, because different ideologies mean different things in different places. For example, in China a reactionary would be a Maoist, and a moderate centrist type would just be Communist. Meanwhile in Saudi Arabia, their standard moderates are closer to the West's reactionary. Also I don't know much about the political landscape of, say, Laos or Vietnam.

Created by: AbolishMonarchy
  1. Capitalism is the greatest economic system.
  2. The LGBTQ+ community is valid.
  3. Climate change is a serious issue.
  4. My race is superior to others.
  5. The State is more important than the individual.
  6. Religion should be entirely separated from the State.
  7. The French Revolution was..
  8. Democracy is
  9. Regardless of all the economic problems, the USSR deserved to fall.
  10. Death to the King.
  11. My neighbour can grill better than me.
  12. I noticed a pattern.

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