Who is your godly parent? (olympic gods)

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Here you can find out who youre godly parents from the PJO universe is. Its decided between the twelf olympic gods (Exept Hera and Artemis because I do hope Hera is loyal and Artemis still a virgin)

I made another Qizz were you can find out who your Godly parent from the minor Gods is (Cabin 14-20) + Hades because he sadly is not Olympic. Check it out!

Created by: PJO and stuff of [no urls]
(your link here more info)
  1. First of all: you are...
  2. Your Weapon of choice would be...
  3. How would you spent your free time in Camp?
  4. You would mostly wear...
  5. Which Character would be your best friend?
  6. What is your fav animal from the following...
  7. What's your Hobby?
  8. What is your best quality?
  9. What is your worst quality?
  10. Your greatest fear is...
  11. What is something everybody envies you for?
  12. What is something you envie people for?

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Quiz topic: Who is my godly parent? (olympic gods) You can find more quizzes like this one in our Godly Parent Quiz category.
