What person in the friend group are you? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz What person in the friend group are you?
Your Result: The nerdy one. 82%
You are the underrated gem that everyone loves in the friend group. You are a tad bit introverted, but once you know someone, they're your ride or die.
76% The mentally ill one.
66% The introvert.
54% The mom.
54% Life of the partyi'm the introvert friend, but i'm also the life of the party, things tend to get a bit crazy when i'm bored lol. this quiz is pretty accurate
i'm agoraphobic, so that might be the "mentally ill" part
Everyones a little mentally ill XD
facts tho
The introvert. 78%
You love your friends, but you also like to be alone. You get overwhelmed a lot. It takes a lot for someone to earn your trust and friendship, but once they do, theyre never gonna leave.
58% Life of the party
58% The nerdy one.
57% The mentally ill one.
54% The mom.That makes me so happy, Im not the mom but then again, I am
me too! We are the same person. literally.
The introvert.
True.Once they know enough about me, there are only two options: You stay my friend, or you die.
That got dark REAL fast.
And I love it XD
Good quiz, but I got Introvert and I'm not an Introvert; I'm an Ambivert. I think I'm more like The nerdy one, which I was close to getting :)
I kinda lumped them both together in a couple of the questions, so that probably has something to do with it.
The introvert. Cool!
I think you got my result wrong. I got the life of the party. When I would be the drunk mom. I always have snacks and make
Sure my peeps are fine THEN Im the life of the party and I act drunk. Even thought I am in middle school
I originally was going to put drunk babysitter for people like this, I am the same way, so I get it. Sorry you didnt get the result you wanted.
Let's just say it was a good quiz.....
Okee :)
What do you mean "mentally ill"?
Uh. I mean mentally not ok, if that makes sense.. its kinda hard to explain.
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