What person in the friend group are you?

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So who are you in the friend group? If this gets popular (like, over 30 people have taken it) then I’ll make a part two! There are 5 results, the nerdy one, the life of the party, the introvert, the mom and the mentally Ill one.

I don’t think anyone actually reads these….. but if you are then you’re in luck! I found out a secret marvel website and the password to it! The password is rsd3px5n7s. The website is ‘the invasion has begun’

  1. So first off, how many people in this certain friend group are there?
  2. Now think of the last time you talked to your friends. What were you talking about?
  3. What is the perfect hang-out spot?
  4. How would you describe yourself?
  5. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
  6. I’m a deck of cards, what card would you be?
  7. What’s the best play?
  8. What’s your favorite school subject?
  9. When do your friends normally talk.
  10. Alright, that’s all I need, bye!

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Quiz topic: What person in the friend group am I?
