What mental disorder do you have? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What mental disorder do you have?
well i got manic depresive i think dat is true
wtf68961 -
holy s*** its true!!!!!
ashton1 -
fred_9293: this quiz was weird...:)
elmo2114: i am actually ADD lmao..:) fred figglehorn rocks and so does elmo but sorta weird too.! :P
elmo21141 -
im manic depessive.....inter esting.
Azumaro1 -
Renesme, you poor thing. My heart goes out to you! <3
whats so bad about OCD? its not a disease...
weird. the one i actaully have is lowest...
weird. the one i actaully have is lowest...
ocd lol ya no im perfecly normal i think
cameron1 -
i feel the same..
im tired...school sux!
freakin awesome
i bipolar12cwatki1 -
Lol so true GAD is definatly me XD
thats a great quiz thanks for making it
why the f--- does the comments block out words... if i want to cuss that is my chose!!!!!!!!!!!!
ADD? hmm... it's true! nice quiz
- hyuiuhy1
ADD88% yupp sounds like me
amd1314a1 -
WoW there are alot of ppl on this guiz tht have ad..wait what am i...any tht have add 2!lol;)
***my friends says and i quote*** NOT RIGHT!!!!! I HAVE f---ING ANGER ISUES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! her words not mine!
zomgirl1 -
ADD,thats pretty much true...
6 6 sick1 -
lol i got add 100% ._.
zoltan1 -
im ADD and i like cookies weeeeeee