What mental disorder do you have? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What mental disorder do you have?
don't mean to burst anyones bubble but it's not like a phy...thingy wrote this so there for not accurate it told me the i had everything thats not even possible i don't think it's very accurate it's only a quiz
comment on that!
dizzy1 -
I got manic depressive
I got Paranoia. 78 or 77%. The Manic Depressive I got was -1 on Paranoia
It's quite true about my paranoia.
Kiddix1 -
I got paranoia. Wait, I cant trust you guys with this information
It said I have paranoia what is kinda true ,I have autism and a social communication disorder
I will thinking about it while I fixed a chicken sandwich !
77% Paranoia. You know me so well, internet quiz!
chatroom1 -
Manic depressive, fun...
No_name1 -
I got Manic Depressive. Sooo true. This test is pretty accurate!
I hate Draco Malfoy that dirty death eater!
Paranoia. Only a very small bit.
All of this spam clogging up the comments section.
I got ADD, which is correct, seeing as I have ADHD
Manic depression.
Sounds about right. -
I have depression true but also ADD
Junara021 -
Stop posting this crap about crushes! It's stupid and pointless!
Paranoia. True, but I probably have every mental disorder on that quiz.
Hahahaha apparently I have ADD when I actually have severe depression/suicidal . Lol this made me laugh.
I got Manic Depressive
Pretty true and accurate though
I actually have ADD so this quiz is right. Interesting...
kaelyn091 -
Paranoia. Yeah, that's true..
BTRfreak1 -
I already know that I'm bipolar. The quiz could've been longer and more in depth.
I'm manically depressed. Yay, lucky me. That answer is not surprising
Manic Depressive. That's true. This quiz is accurate!