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Joined on Jan 12, 2016
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DracoMalfoyFan's Recent Posts

  • ~Modern Loneliness~
    "thank you guys! I did get it finished but over the summer to minus the curve I'm gonna study algebra, physics, psychology, and Russian. I wa..."
  • ~Modern Loneliness~
    "Y'all I decided to fall behind in school for three months so now I have 102 lessons of math to do in one day. Plus an essay and a half but t..."
  • ~Modern Loneliness~
  • ~Modern Loneliness~
    "Draco* And I made this usernmane four years ago lmao I liked him back then. Now I prefer Voldemort tbh."
  • ~Modern Loneliness~
    "bonk. wow I was gone a long time. possibly because a lot of shiz happened. a fire started on my property two days ago so I'm not mentally he..."
  • k
    "You're the cutest here two to one outnumbered."
  • ""Time to wreak havoc, yes." Athena moved her long hair out of her face and nodded at everyone, slightly impatient and ready to go."
  • "Athena glanced towards the girl and sighed. The group was getting a bit big but they'd have to take everyone in that got broken out. She the..."
  • ~Modern Loneliness~
    "I kind of want to tell my friends whats been going on with me but I'm also not going to because one of our friends tried to kill herself and..."
  • "Athena snorted at Julius and rolled her eyes. "Thats a good idea, I need my weapons back, or weapons at least before we get our"
  • ~Modern Loneliness~
    "its way too hot in my house wtf"
  • "Athena looked up as Lucidia flew up into the air to stretch her wins and she smiled. Often times Athena felt almost useless compared to the ..."
  • ~Modern Loneliness~
    "Jared ended up reaching out again and messaging me through River. He apologized for everything and I don't know how to feel about it. I'm re..."
  • ~Modern Loneliness~
    "I'm not sober anymore"
  • ~Modern Loneliness~
    "I'm always so late for this I don't know anymore."

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