The Unforgiven and Unforgotten part 17

Hello my readers and here is another part. I'm sorry if there isn't enough romance between you and the guys, but I'm more of a humor and action type of write. No matter though I'll try my best to add in some romance. Also sorry I took long to write this part, I'm on spring break and I've been working on my new blog!

Shane has light brown hair, emerald green eyes, pale skin, lean muscles, and a to die for smile. He's also a Vampire. Drake is the antisocial and mysterious type with his dark brown hair with natural blonde highlights, icy blue eyes, tan skin, two military dog tags around his neck, sexy body and sexy deep voice, and hot muscles. He's also a Werewolf. Omar is the funny yet smart one with his dirty blonde hair, bright amber eyes,and perfect muscles. He's an Immortal with powers. Aaron is sort of the leader type with his coal black hair, gorgeous golden eyes, fit body, lean muscles, and adorable dimples. He's also a Fallen Angel. Jayden is the trouble maker with his dark brown hair and red highlights at the tip, violet eyes, lean muscles and body. He's a Werewolf/Vampire hybrid.

Created by: Cometlight of Fading Words and Echoing Thoughts
(your link here more info)
  1. My eyes widened and I was frozen in place with excitement and astonishment as I saw who my attack is. "Well this is a warm welcoming now isn't it princesa?" A deep yet calm and soothing voice said, but his voice had changed a lot. His voice was now one of those voices that can easily send chills down your spine just by speaking one word, and that's exactly what happened once he spoke chills went down my spine and made me shiver. "White Fang!?!?" I screamed and knelt down. White Fang chuckled and stood up he shook his pelt free from the crumbled leaves and trotted over to me. He nuzzled my arm and I pulled him into a strong embrace. Tears formed in my eyes as I wrapped my arms around his neck and he placed his head on my shoulder. He still had the same herbal smell in his fur and what also smelled like citrus. "Is it really you?" I asked because it was too hard to believe, White Fang had disappeared for a week and left no traces. White Fang chuckled and buried his muzzle into my shoulder. "Yes princesa it's really me." He whispered happily and I released him from the hug. I wiped the tears away from my eyes and smiled. "What happened to you why did you disappear?" I asked and there was so many other questions in my mind that I didn't even know where to begin. White Fang smirked and flicked his tail. "I'll explain all of that later but right now we must get going." He said and began to trot off towards the opposite direction. I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms. "Um White Fang what about the guys?" I asked since there is now way I am leaving those clueless guys behind. White Fang turned around and sighed. "We can leave them it doesn't matter." He said playfully. I shook my head and smiled does White Fang really dislike the guys that much? I don't get it what's so bad about them? "No we are not leaving them behind and lost in this dense and confusing forest." I said and spread my arms out towards the trees to show how large this forest is. "Plus Jayden is back." I added in. White Fang groaned and threw his head back as if he was going to howl. "That just makes things worse." He growled softly and lowered his head to look at me. I laughed softly and threw my hands down to my sides. "That's just how it is White Fang remember these guys are my protectors." I said and turned around to the direction I came from.
  2. White Fang rolled his eyes and trotted after me. "I could always protect you." He mumbled and was now trotting beside me. I smiled and shook my head as I turned left. "I doubt you can hold off 20 men all at once White Fang." I said and continued on walking, I was starting to get confused since all my surroundings were the same. White Fang shrugged and sniffed the air as he walked. "Perhaps but you'll never know." He said softly and came to a halt. "What's wrong White Fang?" I asked as I turned around to face him. White Fang smirked and chuckled. "You do know that your walking towards the wrong direction. If I hadn't stopped you and you continued on walking you could have possibly fell off a cliff." He growled softly. "Well sorry I'm not very good with directions unlike someone here." "Maybe you should learn." He said and smirked. I rolled my eyes and stood beside White Fang. "Harsh much." "I'm only stating facts princesa." He said and trotted off towards the south east. Why do I even bother arguing with him? I asked myself and trailed behind White Fang. I listened to the forest but everything was pure silence, no birds singing no trees swaying, and the odd thing no wind blowing. This can't possibly be about that argument I had with Delgado can it, but that was only in a dream how can the wind in my dreams be connected to the one in reality? I shook my head erasing the thoughts and listened to soft sounds of leaves crunching underneath White Fang's paws and under my shoes. White Fang stopped in his track shorty after and motioned his muzzle forward. "Ladies first." He said and smirked. I narrowed my eyes and threw a small tree branch at White Fang, too bad it backfired on me. White Fang simply smirked and snapped the tree branch in two with his sharp white fangs, which is also how I named him. I passed through the bushes and looked to see the guys. Omar was on the ground sitting down with his head leaned back on a tree trunk. Jayden was dodging Shane's attempts to tackle him down and laughing during the process, and Drake was kneeling down beside Aaron. My eyes were then focused on Aaron immediately for some reason. His knees were bent and his arms were on his chest but I couldn't see his face cause Drake was blocking my view. Drake then moved back and I gasped at what I saw. Aaron turned his head towards my direction and smiled weakly.
  3. I was at a lost for words and stuck in my place. I looked at Drake and he just smiled and gave a small nod. Jayden stopped evading Shane's attacks for a moment and looked at me. "About time you came back_______, I told the guys not to look for you since I knew you would come back." He said and grinned. I ignored Jayden and continued on staring at Aaron, he's been out for days and now that he's finally awake I don't know what to say. The last time I had seen him was when I was training in Dream Leaping and he had kissed me. I snapped out of it once White Fang nudged me with his muzzle. "Go." He whispered and motioned his muzzle towards Aaron. "How?" I asked but White Fang interrupted me. -I'm no stranger to your thoughts princesa, now go talk to him.- White Fang told me telepathically and trotted over to Omar. I took a deep breath and walked over to Aaron causally even though I was dying inside to tackle him down and never let him go. I knelt down beside Aaron and in returned received a smile with his amazing and adorable dimples showing. Drake smirked and stood up. "I'll leave you two alone." He said just above a whisper and walked off.
  4. I sat down beside Aaron and leaned back against a tree that was behind me. I fiddled with my fingers and looked at Aaron, who was just looking at me with his golden eyes and a smile on his face. I couldn't resist but smile in return. Aaron then grabbed my hand and entwined his finger with mine, I blushed and for sure now I was speechless. "Sooo..." I said but like I said before I'm at a lost for word. Aaron smiled and laughed softly. "You know you make the most happy moments awkward_______." Aaron said and his voice was hoarse and raspy. I smiled and glanced at Aaron. "So I've been told." I replied and then turned towards Omar. "Hey Omar." I called out. Omar lifted his head up and gave me his 'what's up?' nod. "Toss me a water bottle." I said and then motioned my head towards Aaron. Omar nodded, understanding what I meant and grabbed his supply backpack which I now know why he brought it along. He took out a water bottle and threw it towards me. I caught it with one hand since Aaron was holding my other hand and I didn't want to be rude and release his hand from mine and all. I opened it and handed it to him. "Hear drink this your throat is sore, I can tell just by the sound of your voice." I said and Aaron thanked me with one of his smiles with his adorable dimples. White Fang grunted and stood up. "Alright let's get moving." The second White Fang spoke I saw all the guys including Starfire shiver. "White Fang what's up with your voice?" Omar asked while he stood up and stretched. White Fang growled and narrowed his eyes. "Nothing it's perfectly natural because when a wolf hybrid, uh nevermind." He said hurriedly and looked away from everyone's gaze. I raised an eyebrow and Aaron released my hand since he knew I was going to stand up, which I did. "White Fang what were you going to say?" I asked. White Fang shook his head and growled. "Nothing just drop it princesa." He growled as he gazed at me with his bi colored eyes. Jayden then spoke up, his eyebrows were furrowed. "Hold on if you were going to say what I think you were going to sat, then that means." He said with his eyes wandering but then Jayden grinned widely and looked at White Fang. "Chow, White Fang." Jayden said and started howling. White Fang snarled and bared his fangs. "That's enough Jayden." He snarled viciously but Jayden continued on howling. Aaron then raised his hand up as if he was in school and wanted to speak. "Uh I'm at a lost here." He said and looked at all the guys. "Your not the only one Aaron." I said and crossed my arms. Drake bit his lip, Shane casually looked away, and Omar whistled and gazed up at the trees.
  5. "Guys." I said commandingly but they all refused to talk. Aaron then smiled lightly. "Wait I'm remembering now." He said and looked at the other guys who were all mouthing no to him, except Drake who was just smiling and shaking his head. Aaron laughed and looked up at me. "She's going to find out either way guys so might as well tell her." Aaron said while glancing from me to the guys. Jayden was still howling and White Fang was trying to get him to stop. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Starfire." I called out and soon enough Starfire came climbing down from a tree and stood on the tree trunk just above me. -I'm on it- She replied and glared at Jayden with her piercing cloud gray eyes. In a matter of seconds Jayden suddenly stopped howling and took a step back with his violet eyes wide. I gave a small nod towards Starfire and looked back at Aaron. "You were saying." Aaron smiled and cleared his throat. "As I was saying I'm starting to remember, when Mason kidnapped you we had no idea where he had taken you when we were close to saving you. When we returned back to the mansion another wolf hybrid had came along. Her name was Lusa and she claimed she could help us find you." Aaron explained. Lusa the name kept on repeating in my head as if it meant something. Then images started flashing before my eyes and then I was sucked into a flashback. *Flashback* The man that saved me from Delgado's wrath was in front of me with a woman beside him. She looked in her mid 20's with long silky brown hair that reached her waist, she had flawless olive skin and the deepest chocolate brown eyes I've ever seen, her hair was in a braid with a laurel leaf crown settled on the top of her head. She was also wearing greek clothing. She walked over to a cradle that held an adorable baby inside, the man walked over to her and placed his hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry dear she'll be fine with the new warrior I have hired." He spoke softly and turned around when the doubled doors opened. A slender golden wolf hybrid stepped into the room with her head held high, she then bowed down. "I give you my full services your highness's." She said and raised her head up. "We thank you for accepting our offer on such short notice, Lusa." The women said and smiled warmly. The wolf hybrid smiled and shook her head. "The honor is all mine, you should be going now or you will be late for the meeting." The man and women nodded and were led out by the guards, but before they left the room the man turned around and walked towards the cradle. He bent down and kissed the baby on the forehead. "Sweet dreams my child and may the stars guide you." He whispered and then left the room.*End of flashback*
  6. I blinked my eyes opened and looked around, I was still in the forest obviously but also someone was carrying me. I looked up to see that Drake was the one that was carrying. Drake looked down and smirked when he saw me awake. "How long was I out?" I asked and rubbed my eyes. Drake shrugged and smiled. "About oh I don't know 7 minutes maybe. Starfire told me to carry you by the way." Drake explained and his icy blue eyes flicked and he gazed ahead of him. -I like Drake because he doesn't run when I threaten him and the other guys.- Starfire said softly in my head. I smiled and shook my head. "I'll take that as a compliment Starfire." Drake said and smiled. "What about the guys?" I asked. "Shane and Omar are helping Aaron walk while White Fang is in the lead with Jayden annoying him." Drake said. "Ah I see poor White Fang." I said and shook my head. "I agree with you there." Drake grinned and held me closer to him. "Protective much?" I asked and smiled. Drake looked at me and whispered in my ear. "I suppose, but you may never know." He whispered and kissed my neck. I blushed a deep red while Drake smirked and continued on walking while he carried me like how a groom does with his bride. I smiled to myself and leaned my head against Drake's muscular chest. I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of his steady heartbeat. I sighed softly wishing I can stay like this forever, you know just peace and quiet no worries in the world. "_______,_________wake up." Drake's deep voice rang softly in my ears as I opened my eyes. "We're here." He said and sent me down on the ground gently. I was awestruck at what stood before me. It was a I can't even put it into words but this mansion was far larger than the old one. Whole avenues of oak trees were lined up and lead towards the entrance of the mansion, the front door was at least 3 feet off the ground with marble spiral staircases leading up. "Wait so we're staying in this forest?" I asked. "Yup have you seen this forest it makes a great covering so that nobody can find us. The thing about this forest is that it plays tricks with your minds and is also like a labyrinth. Many people have names for this forest but my personal favorite is Skywalking Forest." White Fang explained. "Why do you call it that?" I asked with curiosity. "Because princesa this forest is filled with Skywalking Demons, basically demons that are bonded to the earth and make deals in order to survive. One of my ancestors made a deal with one a long time ago, his soul in exchange for protection for generations on and the deal is still on today so the Skywalking Demons will protect us while we stay here." White Fang said and smirked. We all nodded taking everything in and then exchanged looks and looked back at the mansion. The game was on.
  7. We pretty much all read each others mind, the game is to race against each other and try to grab the best room, every man for themselves and the 50/50 part of this is that we can use our powers to our advantage. I readied myself and flexed my fingers I'm so ready for this and there's no way I'm losing to the guys. Aaron was in the game too since he was fully healed now, his wings were spread out and ready to take flight. White Fang cleared his throat and smirked. "Let's the games.......Begin!" He howled and everyone raced off. Shane, Jayden, and Drake used their speed and zoomed off, Aaron used his wings and flew over the guys, while me and Omar were stuck with our legs to run. Curse the other guys. I pumped my legs as hard as I could and ran towards the mansion. I'm seriously glad I sighed up for track in middle school cause now I was a few yards ahead of Omar. I climbed up the spiral staircase and raced through the already open door. Jayden was rushing up the stairs when his feet suddenly were frozen in place by ice. I raced up the stairs and laughed while Jayden struggled to get out of the ice. "Aw come on Omar that's the second time you've done that!" Jayden yelled and I heard Omar laugh softly and reply. "Sorry Jay but it's every man and girl for themselves." I ran up the stairs and looked in every room, so far none of them have impressed me. I was growing exhausted but I was not going to lose to the guys, not without a fight. That's when I heard White Fang's voice in my head. -Princesa I can help you out, I've been in this mansion longer than any of you. The best and most amazing room is on the fourth floor. Shane is on the second floor while Jayden, Drake, and Aaron are on the third floor. Good luck- -Thanks White Fang- I said and raced up another pair of stairs. When I reached the second floor that's when I realized that Starfire was clinging onto my shoulder. -Think you can help me out Starfire?-I asked telepathically. -You bet- She replied happily. I smiled and nodded. I looked around the floor but I didn't see Shane anywhere, I shrugged and climbed up another flight of stairs.. I stopped when I saw Drake going up the stairs towards the fourth floor while Shane was bounded to the ground by shadows and Aaron was pinned against the wall by Drake? Okay this is confusing. That's when I remembered that Drake has duplication, he probably made duplicates of himself to hold back Aaron.
  8. I raced up the marble staircase when I suddenly hit an invisible wall. That's when I realized that it was a forcefield, that Drake put up of course. Why did he have to get those powers? I pounded my fist against the forcefield and groaned. -Starfire can you help me out?- I asked since she is my last option. She giggled inside my head. -Of course I found out a few hours ago that one of my powers is the ability to cancel out others powers- -Wow really?- -Yup- "Alright so can you get rid of the forcefield for me?" I asked her aloud. She nodded and focused on the forcefield, it flickered and then disappeared. I smirked and padded Starfire's head. -Thanks- -No problem- She replied happily and I ran up the stairs faster than I thought I could. I stopped at the top of the stairs and saw Drake walking towards a room with redwood double doors. I used my telekinesis and threw him against the wall, not hard enough that it would hurt him though. "Sorry Drake." I apologized and smiled warmly. Drake smirked and gave a pretend groan. "It's alright you deserve the best room anyway." He replied and stood up. I was happy but a little surprised that Drake would give up the best room for me. "Thanks Drake." Drake smiled and nodded. "I'll go tell the guys you got the best room while you check it out." He said and climbed down the stairs by sliding down on the railing. I smiled and opened the redwood double doors slowly. I gasped and covered my mouth with my hand when I saw the room.
  9. "Oh. My. Freaking. God." I said loudly in amazement. The room was about the size of both living rooms back at the old mansion. The wall across from me was just a large window that overlooked the most beautiful waterfall I've ever seen. The bed was about triple the size of a king size bed and looked super soft. There was a glass fireplace and three doors. Two were on my left one was at the far end and the other was in the center, the other door was on my right. I walked over to the doors on my left and went to the one on the far end. "You have got to be kidding me." I said in surprise. It was a bathroom about the size of an average room that can fit about 10 people. It was filled with white and black tiles. There were two sinks and the counter top was made of granite. A mirror was above the sinks and was large and rectangular. The shower was about the size of a pool and a flatscreen was right above it on the wall. I stepped out of the bathroom and entered the other door on the left which lead to an enormous walk in closet. There two life sized mirrors facing each other on separate walls. The was a place where I can sit like those in the shoe stores where you can sit and try on the shoes, yeah that. I walked out and tried the last door on the right that was across the room. I opened the door and looked to see an indoor pool that took up almost the entire room. "I think I'm going to cry." I said and heard laughter behind me. "Don't cry_________, I know you miss me but I'm here now." I recognized the voice and it was Omar. He hugged me from behind and wrapped his arms around my waist. I rolled my eyes and slapped his arm. "Please I only said that because this room is amazing." I laughed and unraveled myself from Omar. He grinned and looked around the room. "So it is." He said and gazed around the room. "For sure I know it's better than your room." I teased. "Maybe it is and maybe it isn't. You may never know until you come into my room." Omar said and winked. I tried to hold back a smile but I failed. "Yeah I don't think so." I said and left the room with Omar trailing behind me.
  10. Starfire had jumped off of my shoulder and laid down on my new bed before I left the room, so I left the room without her. "White Fang where are you guys." I called out and my voice echoed, wow that was cool. "Second floor living room." He called back. Omar smiled and took my hand. "I'll lead the way so that you don't get lost. I swear this mansion is a damn maze." Omar laughed and lead me downstairs and towards the second floor. Omar released my hand before we entered the living room and sat down on a bean bag that was beside the couch. The living room was about half the size of my room but was big. There were two white couches with a limestone coffee table in the middle, a large flatscreen was against the wall along with two tall speakers on both sides of it. White Fang wagged his tail and motioned me to sit down. I sat down between him and Aaron who I could tell was glad that I chose to sit beside him. White Fang cleared his throat and looked at all of us. "Okay now that we have all settled down,________I would like you to meet someone." I nodded but I was also curious on who White Fang would want me to meet. He jumped off of the couch and left the living room. He returned a few seconds later. "______I would like you to meet Lusa, Lusa this is_______." White Fang spoke deeply and then the golden wolf hybrid from my flashback appeared beside him. "It's a pleasure to meet you_______." Lusa said softly, her voice was soothing like water trickling down a creek and melodic. I faked a smile and nodded. "It's nice to meet you too Lusa." I said. I looked at White Fang and I could tell that he was nervous, but why would he be nervous.....unless. -White Fang please don't tell me that you like her- I said in my mind. -Perhaps- White Fang replied telepathically and smirked in reality. I stifled a laugh and looked towards Jayden who was sitting on the other couch. "Is this what you were howling about in the forest?" I asked and raised an eyebrow. Jayden grinned and nodded. "Also I repeat what I said in the forest, chow White Fang." Jayden laughed. White Fang growled and lowered his head, Lusa smiled and nudged White Fang with her muzzle.
  11. All the guys then started cheering White Fang on. "White Fang White Fang White Fang!" They all yelled and pumped their fist in the air, Aaron and Drake were even doing it as well. I smiled and joined in with the guys. I looked at White Fang and smiled, he was looking down at the ground and his ears were pinned against his skull. Lusa was smiling but I could tell she was blushing, if wolf hybrids can even blush but I guess they can. White Fang snarled and took a step forward. "That's enough." He snarled and bared his fangs. We all stopped and looked at each other, the guys then got up and raced up the stairs with White Fang chasing them. I got off the couch and shook my head. Lusa laughed softly and shook her head as well. "Boys will be boys." She said and looked at me. I noticed that her eyes were turquoise and beautiful. "I'm with you there." I said and walked over to the bottom of the stairs. I could hear White Fang growling and snarling. "Get back here!" White Fang snarled. "No you can't make us!" Jayden yelled. Then more running and growling. Lusa sat down beside me and flicked her ears from side to side. "How long do you suppose this is going to last?" She asked. I shrugged. "Probably about another good four minutes maybe less." I said. "Jayden look out!" The guys yelled but it was to late. Jayden and White Fang were tumbling down the stairs with no control. Lusa and I backed away so they wouldn't land on us. They hit the floor with a nasty THUD. "Ow my back." White Fang groaned. "Really? Because I'm good." Jayden said happily and jumped onto his feet or should I say paws since he was in his wolf form. Jayden then started prancing around the room like a deer in a meadow. Lusa trotted over to White Fang and nudged him as he got up and shook his pelt. "Are you alright?" Lusa asked with concern in her voice. White Fang smirked. "Yeah I'm fine." He said and got into a hunting crouch. He waited and then pounced on Jayden. I'm guessing the impact was strong because both of them were hurled towards the wall and went right through it, creating a big hole in the middle of it.
  12. Jayden coughed and stuck his head out, he was covered in plaster and his glossy ashy brown fur was now white. White Fang was the same too. They both stepped out of the wall and coughed. White Fang sneezed and some plaster came off from his pelt. The guys came down stairs and stared at the hole in the wall with wide eyes. "How?-" Shane asked but White Fang shook his head. "Don't ask." He muttered and shook his pelt. Drake smirked and shook his head while Aaron crossed his arms. "We barely moved in and your already destroying the mansion Jayden." Aaron said and held a hand out to Jayden. Jayden shifted back into his human form and grinned. He grabbed Aaron's hand and Aaron lifted him up like nothing. "You know it." Jayden said and shook the plaster off from his head. "Jayden go take a shower but before you do that, fix the wall." Drake said. Jayden looked at the wall and smiled sheepishly. "My bad." He said and concentrated on the wall. Soon all the wood pieces formed together and the wall was fixed as if there was never any hole. My eyes widened and I looked at Jayden. "How did you do that?" Jayden smiled. "Easy I have nature as one of my powers. There's more to me than you know_______." Jayden said and trotted up the stairs. White Fang growled in frustration. "I'm going to the waterfall to wash this off." My eyes brightened when I remember how exotic and gorgeous the waterfall looked from my room. "Can I go with you?" I asked and put on my puppy dog eyes. White Fang chuckled and nodded. "Of course you can princesa." He said softly. I smiled in delight and climbed up the stairs to change. Everyone was already somewhere else or most likely in their rooms, I was about to go up to the fourth floor when I heard singing. I followed the voice and stopped at a door that was open slightly. I gently opened the door a little more to peek inside and saw Drake and Aaron singing. They were singing Stereo Hearts, Drake was singing Adam Levine's part while Aaron was rapping Gym Class Heroes' part. I leaned against the wall and listened as they sang, their voices were so good together I couldn't believe that I've never heard them before. They stopped and gave each other a high five I took that time and raced up the stairs before they could see me. I walked into my room and locked the door. I changed into a pair of shorts and a black tank top. I grabbed a towel from the bathroom just in case and climbed downstairs until I reached the first floor where White Fang was waiting. We walked out of the mansion and headed towards the waterfall. I smiled once I heard the sound of the water. White Fang smirked and his eyes gleamed with his mischief, he then took off running. I smirked and raced after him but it was kind of hard because of all the rocks and broken branches, so yeah. White Fang took a flying leap and landed in the water with a large splash. I placed to towel over my shoulder and walked into the water, I saw a rock in the middle and swam over there. When I reached the rock that water was already at my shoulders. I heaved myself up and watched White Fang as he did the doggie paddle and swam around. I dipped my feet into the water and smiled as everything was just peaceful, the birds were finally singing, the wind was blowing with a gentle breeze and everything was just calm. Mist starting rising from the waterfall making things a little more difficult to see. White Fang dove under the water to try and catch a fish. I laughed and stood sitting on the rock with my feet in the water, that's when I started getting an uneasy feeling. I looked around and saw nothing but I still had that feeling. I looked up at the waterfall and that's when I saw it. A tall dark figure was standing on a rock on top of the waterfall, I blocked out the sun with my hand but the mist was making it hard to see. I blinked once and then the figure was gone.

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