MorganTheGirl's Profile

Joined on Dec 27, 2009
Status Level: Junior
MorganTheGirl's Quizzes
- The Annoying Neighbor.[published: Mar 06, 2010, 4 comments]
Yes, It's true, most people have annoying neighbors. I do, and this quiz was made out of my frustration.……
- How much of a Gorillaz fan are you?[published: Feb 20, 2010, 4 comments]
There are many fans of many different things... such as the Beetles, cheeseburgers,……
- How luvvy-duvvy are you?[published: Jan 13, 2010, 1 comment]
You see this quiz, and ask youself 'What is 'luvvy-duvvy'???? Don't look it up in the dictionary, it's……
- Do You Suffer Form Chronic Boredom?[published: Dec 28, 2009]
Everyone feels bored at times, but has your boredom become more of a... SICKNESS?! I may not……
- How hygienic are you?[published: Dec 27, 2009, 7 comments]
There are many hobos and homeless people who can't shower or bathe, but some people are just too lazy to……
- Will You Be Famous Someday?[published: Dec 23, 2009, 18 comments]
Look at all the famous people! How did they know they'd become famous? By taking this quiz, of……
MorganTheGirl's Recent Posts
"It's spelled G-O-R-I-L-L-A-Z and they're cartoons not apes, and their music is 100000000000000000000000+ better than all other music! ^,..,^..."
"His hair and his smarts rotfl"
MorganTheGirl's Recent Quiz Comments
"Your Result: Russel
Russel is, quite frankly, the rock of Gorillaz. When times are troubling for you, you still manage to plough…"
1 -
"Twilight?? *facepalm*"
1 -
"Wot does Micky Mouse have to do with a meteor?"
3 -
"Your Result: A+ to B-
result You have lots of friends, you are always positive and/or confident. You try to get good grades in…"
1 -
"XD that was funny... and I can't believe I got saint?! Idk I'm he opposite really"
1 -
"LOL somebody's hungry, better call Jimmy Johns!"
1 -
"You have horrible taste in music. Ugh... American music..."
1 -
"What was #19 a symptom of???"
1 -
"Gawd he's ugly. And his voice sounds like a frickin chic."
1 -
"You have a cool name XD and zombies scare meh"