LilacDouble's Profile

Joined on Feb 1, 2020
Status Level: Newbie
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LilacDouble's Recent Quiz Comments
"I already have braces and you said that I dont need braces. That is very inaccurate. My teeth are very twisted. And overlapping."
1 -
"hi,. me grogo. me took this quiz. me got emo. me dont like this and don't ant date emo. me give this rate 1. out of 1000. me cry for…"
1 -
"This quiz was Awesome! Not gonna mention my 91%..."
2 replies1 -
"I got a 87%!!!!!!!! Id really like to be with you. :)"
1 reply2 -
"I agree. This quiz did not give any words to reprisent me at all. And my result was 1. Not true
And 2. The oppisite of…"
In response to TherianGirl:
"So this wasnt very accurate, and didnt give me…"
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"Well I am sorry but I disagree with YOU!! (Jmdvorkin) This was a HORRIBLE quiz! Also, there is no point!!!"
3 replies-4 -
"I really did not like this quiz"
1 -
"I am so sorry but this quiz was horrible!! Like what kind of quiz is this?? Are you my long lost twin?!?! I am very sorry but I really…"