Going to Hogwarts with a twist (The Yule Ball) part 2

The Yule Ball is away. Well it's been away but you know. New, news has been broken to you, how do you react to Cedric's confession about you? . .

The Yule Ball is away. Well it's been away but you know. New, news has been broken to you, how do you react to Cedric's confession about you? . .

  1. Cedric's last words shock you into space. Your mind is every where, but no where. You remember the time when Cedric brought you in after you were attacked by a swarm of dementors last year, and how the Twins wanted to say something, but Hermione stopped them before they could. Was she trying to keep Cedric's secret that he liked you? Luckly for you, the song ended and you let go of Cedric.
  2. "Thank you for the dance Cedric," you say, kind of in a hurry. "Uh, I think that I'll be going now." You turn to walk away as Cho and Harry come back so everything can be sorted out. "River! Please, wait!" Cedric calls after you. "Good night Cedric!" you call, hardly looking over your shoulder as you head to some place where you can think this all though. "What's up with River?" you hear Harry ask. "I'm an idiot," Cedric answers.
  3. You find a secluded table in a corner and you take one of the seats there and you admire the poinsettia bouquet. 'Why would Cedric Diggory, CEDRIC DIGGORY, out of all people, like me?' you think to your self. 'I'm a mess, I make mistakes, I'm not perfect, why would he like me?' You sigh and lean your head back and sigh again. "River, are you okay?" you hear Harry asks as he takes the chair across from you. You look at him and you give him a weird smile. "Uh... yeah... just- you know- uh- I should have never made you dance with Cho," you say, putting your face in your hands. Harry smiles and laughs. "It's okay, it wasn't that bad, you know, we actually had some laughs," Harry says, trying to make you feel better. You shake your head and you look back up at him. "No, the dance with Cedric..." you say, not wanting to finish. "What did he do to you?" Harry asks, giving you a conserned look.
  4. You look up at him instantly. "What? Cedric do something mean? No, he didn't do anything, it's just... my emotions..." You look back up. There he is, talking with Cho, but he seems kind of, red, and he's talking to her awkwardly, and he keeps on making weird movements with his hands. Harry catches what you're looking at and then back at you. "You... like him, or, did he say he liked you?" Harry speaks up. You cough a million fake coughs and you look at him. "He doesn't like me, why would he like me, I'm just me, why- why would he like me?" you say, really fast. You're not even sure if you like him back (or are you sure???? lolZ) all of these emotions are just rushing though your mind and you're not really sure if what to think. Harry just looks at you and lifts up an eye brow. "Sorry... girl problems," you say. "It's okay," Harry says, still looking at you weirdly. "I think I'm going to take a walk," you say, standing up. "That's okay, I'll be with Ron if you need me," Harry says, standing up.
  5. You nod at Harry as he begins to walk towards a frankly mad Ron. You slowly stand up and you notice how crowded and hot it is in here, so you decide to go for a walk out side. When you get out side cold air hits you and sends shivers up your spine. You walk along out side. Snow has fallen but the walk ways are cleared, and there's a wonderful water fountain. You look at it and something stands out to you. The wizard in the fountain has a wand pointing outwards, and for some reason, you feel even colder than you already are. Your eyes black out and you feel yourself fall backwards and painfully hit the ground.
  6. You see a flash of green light. You're not sure why you're seeing flashes of green lights, but you are, and you're sure it means something. Then you see a tombstone again, and you're hardly able to make out what it says... Tom R- and then flash, and it's another vision. There, you see a dead body, but it flashed to another vision so quickly that you couldn't see who it was, and then, the last flash. You see stars. Bright, twinkling stars from a laying position.
  7. Finally, the visions stop and you're laying there with your eyes closed. You still feel the pain of the ground under your back. "Oh my God, River!" you hear someone say. You open your eyes and you see Fleur and her date leaning over you. "Are you all right?" she asks in her thick French accent. You slowly nod your head and say, "Yeah I'm fine." You look past her, up at the sky, and there you see stars. Bright stars that remind you of your vision. You start to freak out a little, wondering if someone was here to kill someone else. "Hey, wh- River!" you hear Harry shout as more foot steps rush towards you. You look away from the stars and you see Harry, Hermione, Viktor, Blake, who seems like she's going to rip someones head off, thinking that someone hurt you, her date Leo, and Cedric and Cho. "Are you okay?" Cho asks you. You lean up on your elbows and shake your head. "Yeah... I think I should go to sleep..." you say.
  8. They all look at you, understanding on why you'd want to go to bed as you slowly stand up. "I'm sorry Harry," you say. "It was nice while it lasted." Harry smiled a little and nodded his head. "It's okay River. You don't feel too well, it's alright," he says. You smile small too as you head back into the castle.
  9. You're walking though the hall way towards the Slytherin Common Room and when you turn to the next hall way you see Draco. He looks nice, all dressed up, his hair combed back. He's alone too, and he catches your eyes and smiles. You smile back, but for some reason you feel anger, sadness, frustration, but the thing is, these aren't YOUR feelings. Draco walks over to you and it becomes stronger. "You look nice," he says.
  10. You smile. "Thanks, you too," you say, as he stops in front of you. "So, where's your date?" he asks. "Oh, I started to feel dizzy in there so I left to head to bed," you say. "Harry's back at the ball doing... I don't know actually." Draco gives you a weird expression. "You went with Pot- Harry?" he asks. "As friends, yes," you answer. Draco's face relaxes a little more. "Oh, I thought you had a crush on him," he says. Now it's your turn to cast him the weird expression. "No, Harry's a friend, not a boy friend," you say. Draco nods. You still can't push away the feelings of anger, and it's tugging down at your heart. "Well, let's get you to the common room then if you're not feeling too well," Draco says kindly.
  11. As you two walk, the heavy anger in your chests lifts and you start to feel much better, and Draco and you laugh as if he never knew that you were supposedly muggle-born. You two go into the common room and you find it completely empty. "Well, I suppose that I should be heading to bed then," you say. Draco nods his head. "Yeah, see you tomorrow," Draco says, as he heads towards the boys dorms. You walk into the girls dorm to find it empty and you start to undress. After that you lay down in your bed and you stare up at the ceiling. The feeling of anger, frustration, and sadness come back to you, and you're not sure why you're feeling this way. When you finally fall asleep, you dream of your visions over and over and over again.
  12. HHHHHHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIII!!!!!!! okay, so this quiz wasn't as good, but at least I got the second part of the Ball out, right? so, I'm going to add another fluff one and then the Second Task will be away! Wow the fourth year is going by way faster than i thought! Love ya! KIT

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