Would Ejiro Kirishima Date You | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz Would Ejiro Kirishima Date You.
I was to get Marriage Zoned but dating zoned is good too
Your Result: MARRIAGE-ZONED 92%
Kirishima loves you so much that he's even considered marriage. Your personality is what draws you towards him. Your very beautiful to him and you two always train together, he goes easy on you and you beat on him occasionally. He gets very jealous when someone's flirting with you.
this filled my heart with joy tbh :)
Kirishima loves you so much that he's even considered marriage. Your personality is what draws you towards him. Your very beautiful to him and you two always train together, he goes easy on you and you beat on him occasionally. He gets very jealous when someone's flirting with you.
lovekiri1 -
Also 97%
Kirishima always brags about you to his friends on how strong and beautiful you are but nobody understands the love he feels for you. He always acts strong and stern when your in public but when your alone he's a big softy.
awwwwwww my heart is meltingggg
Noted Icyhot
resultKirishima always brags about you to his friends on how strong and beautiful you are but nobody understands the love he feels for you. He always acts strong and stern when your in public but when your alone he's a big softy.
yasss broooooooooooooo
Dating-zone 93%
I wanna cuddle him..-
same T^T
WHY CANT HE B REAL *sObS*Eri Chan3 -
Wow, marriage-zoned lol
Me too, Im very happy about it
Got friend zoned I just dont really like him anymore anyway and also the image for that result cute :)
TeaTime2 -
Yusss I got a nice result (dating-zone) its not the marriage but Im still happy about it :))
Marriage Zoned. I've never been happier. Too bad he isn't real tho.
cerwas1 -
Im marriage zoned and Im chuckled and on the couch in shock while writing this
Marriage-zoned 76%
I was to get Marriage Zoned but dating zoned is good too
Dating-Zoned yeeeeeee
Turns out I'm dating myself... -
What is with them and murder?!
I got 89% married zoned
I'm happy 😊 🥰 , with my Results 😌 -
Kiri is my BF but he just dont know i exist!ILUVKIRI1 -
Why would I date s---ty hair? Even if I did get dating-zoned..
:O Kiri is so precious- how could you NOT date him?
my sis was tied with marriage-zoned and dating-zoned but she's a lesbian
Wut? But kirishima-kun is lovely qwq, like omfg how wouldnt you?
89% for marriagescrew you s---ty hair
Your Result: MARRIAGE-ZONED 87%
resultKirishima loves you so much that he's even considered marriage. Your personality is what draws you towards him. Your very beautiful to him and you two always train together, he goes easy on you and you beat on him occasionally. He gets very jealous when someone's flirting with you.
MY love child!!
i got : DATING-ZONED i love yay kiri
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