Why Have You Never Had A Boyfriend? | Comments

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  • Super shy... Yeah I am except online :P

  • Your Result: People Don't Understand Your Uniqueness


    You're unique and you don't really care what other people think of you but sometimes this can lead to people thinking less of you because they perceive this as you being stuck up when that really couldn't be farther from the truth! You don't understand why you're single and you know you have enough love to give, but no one to give it to. Don't worry because I run into the same problem where people are actually turned off by your uniqueness and how you detest the normal. Never lose this because this is rare. Maybe your uniqueness causes people who are too fake feel uncomfortable in their own lives and they don't want that! Either way, someone will see through you and look at the real you inside and fall madly in love with the person you are and is yet to come!

    >.< I don't want people to find out the real me...They'd be scared of me...lol :)

  • Great great quiz but I'm not sure about my result because you said I can't relate to guys but my second best friend's a boy =D

  • You're unique and you don't really care what other people think of you but sometimes this can lead to people thinking less of you because they perceive this as you being stuck up when that really couldn't be farther from the truth! You don't understand why you're single and you know you have enough love to give, but no one to give it to. Don't worry because I run into the same problem where people are actually turned off by your uniqueness and how you detest the normal. Never lose this because this is rare. Maybe your uniqueness causes people who are too fake feel uncomfortable in their own lives and they don't want that! Either way, someone will see through you and look at the real you inside and fall madly in love with the person you are and is yet to come!

    This quiz was really great!! Thank you for making it! :D

  • "People Don't Understand Your Uniqueness" 100% true of me; excellent quiz, 10/10, leatherjacket!

    Bloodred Cherry
  • Uniqueness. Hmm thanks!

  • People Don't Understand Your Uniqueness... I know! Thank you, Stranger! You already know me soo well! x

  • Why Have You Never Had A Boyfriend?
    Your Result: You're Super Shy! 80%

    You're really shy or really reserved even though with your friends or family you're as loud and outgoing as could be. Most likely, you're just overlooked and forgotten about. Maybe it's difficult for you to speak up or be noticed, but if the guys you go to school with or are around don't even so much as notice how special you are inside and can be, then they don't deserve you as a girlfriend! Wait until someone comes along and notices YOU instead you always noticing THEM! That's how you'll know that relationship was meant to be! Just don't let anyone take advantage of you, you're too good for that!

    50% You're Too Young!
    46% People Don't Understand Your Uniqueness
    45% You' re Hard For Guys To Connect With
    6% You're Too Confident!

    I think I'm too unique would be more like it, but whatever. I'm also too young and hard for guys to connect with as well.

  • Your Result: You're Too Young!

    Sweetie, you're too young to be worrying with such complicated things like love and relationships! Most likely, you're thirteen or under or else you just act young. You have the rest of your life to worry with such things, and even though people say they're going out at your age, the most they're doing is hugging and holding hands in the hallway. I'm fifteen and have only had one unofficial relationship that lasted less than a month and have never had a boyfriend. I'm pretty, have long wavy hair, am smart, and am super cool and funny. I don't know why I'm single, but do you need to worry about why YOU'RE single? No! You just enjoy your childhood and undefined relationships with friends!

    .... I'm older than you.... I'm 16.

  • I'm too young which is true but....

  • Thanks! I always try to make my quizzes detailed, and I hope everyone gets something out of this quiz!

  • Yep, I'm too young. But if I wasn't, I think I would get super shy.

  • I got super shy too! *high fives Firey* and that sounds like me so much o.O Great quiz (I especially love the detailed results and the proper English conventions)

  • I'm super shy...
    Holy crap, this is really accurate! 10/10. :)

  • Thanks for taking my quiz!


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