Which Greek God Are You | Comments

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  • Posideon, I find myself very unique, brave, mysterious and adventurous like them. I really enjoy the water for swimming and drinking as well. Cool quiz mate.

  • Artemis ;)

  • I'm Aphrodite, even though this is one of my other accounts! xD

  • you are athena 86%

    Athena. Wow. The goddess of wisdom. The mistress of math. The lady of literature. Athena is known for her strategies, wits, and well thought out plans. You are a bit like her, or a lot.

  • Which Greek God Are You
    Your Result: you are artemis 78%

    Artemis. Wow. The goddess of the hunt. The mistress of animals. Also the goddess of the moon. Her twin apollo is the god of the sun. Artemis is known for her strentgh and wits. You are a bit like her, or a lot.

    ~marceline101 ~

    Marceline 101
  • Which Greek God Are You
    Your Result: you are hades 83%

    Hades. Wow. The god of the underworld. The lord of the dead. Hades is pretty dark. I am a little scared of him. He is probably intimidating, but he is still a Greek god at heart. You are a bit like him, or a lot.


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