What is your True name? | Comments

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  • Holy crap I got my name!!!! And its soooo true about me!! :D

    Your Result: Kassandra or Kassy

    You have the soul of a wanderer yet you stay where you are. You long for someone to love. YOu lack in self confidence but when you write stories the pen seems to fly across the page and you find that your words help you believe. You have great dout in you but you must stay strong. There is a light that shines inside you that is brighter that the nearest star. REMEMEBER, YOUR NOT ALONE... You will always have your one true friend

    Only my name is spelled Cassandra or Cassie not Kassandra or Kassy but that is really freaky!!!!! The part about love is totally me, truthfully I think that was why I was born. For love.

  • i got sadie or saden heres my result: you doubt your self phrophesy but you will see that it tis truley a good day and light will be a grand new way to start a refreshed new day. your hopes for future are brilliant and one day you will become a true leader.

  • KENDRA.???
    I'm not on E! xD

  • Your Result: Mimi or Matt

    You have a gentle nature and enjoy the time you have alone. You are not afraid of your fate and embrace it with no hesitation., You are quick to learn and easiy to read. Your book had many blank sheets so fill the lines in with your own words and throw away all dout of your love and passion. Youare unique and the bes to fhte best. Others depend on you. Blue is good on you and you have the sence of completeness. Enter you own world where you will be offered your own voice so you can speak for yourself like the true leader you are. Embrace your true colors. Your future awaits.

    cool! i Really Like Mimi! i was wondering do you mean all shades of blue or just dark or just light? i really liked this quiz!! and i hope it helps me in the future!!

  • Your Result: Mimi or Matt

    You have a gentle nature and enjoy the time you have alone. You are not afraid of your fate and embrace it with no hesitation., You are quick to learn and easiy to read. Your book had many blank sheets so fill the lines in with your own words and throw away all dout of your love and passion. Youare unique and the bes to fhte best. Others depend on you. Blue is good on you and you have the sence of completeness. Enter you own world where you will be offered your own voice so you can speak for yourself like the true leader you are. Embrace your true colors. Your future awaits.

    cool! i Really Like Mimi! i was wondering do you mean all shades of blue or just dark or just light? i really liked this quiz!! and i hope it helps me in the future!!

  • wow. all i can say is wow. Right on about everything. seriously, are you a phsycic?

    What is your True name?
    Your Result: Kassandra or Kassy

    You have the soul of a wanderer yet you stay where you are. You long for someone to love. YOu lack in self confidence but when you write stories the pen seems to fly across the page and you find that your words help you believe. You have great dout in you but you must stay strong. There is a light that shines inside you that is brighter that the nearest star. REMEMEBER, YOUR NOT ALONE... You will always have your one true friend

  • Kassyhuh..i perfer my name nd all but its agood quiz. and.I am. A girl names axel.a

  • why thank you abilove16! I'm proud to be one!!! oh and great quiz! I got Jane or Jason! :)

  • Kassy or Kassandra! Nice names.... One problem, they ar girls names, i'm a guy! Anyway, your quiz doesnt deserve 2 b called a good quiz..... ITS A TOTALY AWESOME QUIZ!!! Everything written fit in with my personality! Really really AWESOME QUIZ!!!

  • Good quiz. Kassandra. Nice.

  • Stinking boy names....... really?

  • I have a friend nammed Kassandra and she is allot like that, so am I. Good quiz!

  • Your Result: Kassandra or Kassy

    You have the soul of a wanderer yet you stay where you are. You long for someone to love. YOu lack in self confidence but when you write stories the pen seems to fly across the page and you find that your words help you believe. You have great dout in you but you must stay strong. There is a light that shines inside you that is brighter that the nearest star. REMEMEBER, YOUR NOT ALONE... You will always have your one true friend

    Mimi or Matt
    Jasper or Jassie
    Tora or Toren
    Alexzander or Alexzandra
    Jane or Jason
    Adam or Addie
    Eve or Even
    Kendra or Ken
    Sadie or Saden

    this is a really good quiz and so true too. 10 stars for this quiz.

  • ps i know im strong and not alone thats what i have to tell ma friends -_______-

  • kassy or kassandra i would just like to say the only reason i stay where i is is becuase im 11 -_-

  • Kassandra or Kassy. Hahaha. SOOOOO freakily true.

  • Jane or Jason

    You are the bravest of the brave but sometimes pride gets in the way and your vision of right and wrong is clouded. You forget that you have no power over others and must strive to gain back their friendship. The bonds betwwen you and the one you love will break but out there there is someone who truley loves you. REMEMBER YOUR BRAIN IS NOT THE ONLY ONE THERE, SOUL AND HEART NEED A PLACE INSIDE YOURSELF AS WELL. Your pride is your one fault. Try to correct your mistakes, don't leave them sit.

    Uh... no.

  • Jasper or Jassie

    Your life is a sad one and you are willing to die for others. You have much to do in life but will always be turned down by those who see you as the hater and the hated or the one who thinks out side the box, and even the one who they see are truley better than they are. You hjave a life to live so live it and don't give up. Someone loves you and will find you in the most unexpetant place. Hold on to the bar and live your life full speed and risky.

    I had a hard time decoding some of the longer sentences, but I really liked it. I thought it totally described me. =)

  • i lack in self confidence?!? Bull $#!T

  • Um I really don't lack in self confidence... I'm the opposite. But the writing part is totally me!

  • Result is very accurate, but they were girl names, i'm a guy.


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