What does your eye color say about your personality? | Comments

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  • Blue eyes.

    Peaceful, smart, kind and full of youth and life, blue eyed people have long-lasting relationships and are very energetic. But the most prominent feature among them is their inherent desire to make other people happy. Blue eyed people will go the extra mile just to make sure that you are happy with utmost kindness and sincerity. This one feature is very rare and that is what makes the blue-eyed person so appealing to us. They are very keen on observing things, are extroverts and always happy-go-lucky. A person with blue eyes wants a long-lasting and a full-commitment and a healthy relationship. Once they have that, they will do everything under the sun to make their better-halves happy. We all want a blue-eyed person in our lives, do we not?

  • Whoa! How do you only make one question?

    • BTW I have green eyes

    • The quiz was made 5 years ago. Things have changed since then.

  • Your Result: Grey eyes.

    People with grey eyes and born to be dominant and leaders. Strong in nature, wise and gentle are some of the most important attributes that they possess. One must know that they are very gentle. In fact, people with grey eyes are the least aggressive people of all. They put all their passion in whatever they do, be it profession or personal. They take love and romance very seriously and these are not the kind of people whom you will see fooling around. They are creative and imaginative, and flexible in their attitude the 3 qualities that every great leader possesses. Their inner strength, analytic thinking and rationality given them an upper hand in taking a leading rose in any situation. These are great people to be around and their company will surely have a posiive effect on you as well.

    This is really accurate thank u !

  • Peaceful, smart, kind and full of youth and life, blue eyed people have long-lasting relationships and are very energetic. But the most prominent feature among them is their inherent desire to make other people happy. Blue eyed people will go the extra mile just to make sure that you are happy with utmost kindness and sincerity. This one feature is very rare and that is what makes the blue-eyed person so appealing to us. They are very keen on observing things, are extroverts and always happy-go-lucky. A person with blue eyes wants a long-lasting and a full-commitment and a healthy relationship. Once they have that, they will do everything under the sun to make their better-halves happy. We all want a blue-eyed person in our lives, do we not?

    • Same as me u blue eyed like me

  • Lmao oh well

  • I have brown eyes and the description was the exact opposite of my personality.

  • ^~^ that's great to hear!

  • aw its actualy true i have brown eyes good job

    white tiger364
  • Brown eyes.
    Absolutely accurate! :D
    Great quiz!

  • Thanks for your comment.

  • Thank you both for your comments. ^~^

  • Thanks for your comments. ^-^

    I'm glad that almost all of you are satisfied with your results. ^-^

  • brown described me good too

  • my eyes are sometimes hazel and sometimes brown hazel discribed me perfectly imma go check brown now

  • Dude this describes me perfectly. Why do people think I have black eyes, I have very dark brown eyes. By the way thank you.

  • Dude this describes me perfectly. Why do people think I have black eyes, I have very dark brown eyes. By the way thank you.

  • I have grey ees and it works

  • I have brown eyes and this discribes my personality completely. Amazing job! I wish I could create an eye color with all those colors, just for me because I have one eye color. I did check out all of the colors because I have many friends with a variety of different eye colors. Again awesome job.

    Sophia di Angelo
  • My eyes change colouur according to my mood. So my eyes are like a mood ring to me... kinda wierd. But I'm mostly hazel. And that is SO me!

  • How can you only do 3 questions? I can't do that when creating a quiz. It wasn't really much of a quiz, but it wasn't bad is all I can say. I have green eyes, but I kept doing all the different colors to see what the results were for each one. Of course, it may not always be true and is different for each person, but its not a bad thing to see what this quiz says. Its more like a poll, really.

    Remember Joy
  • Thank you for your comment.

  • That's cool. I can't do that anymore, this quiz is locked thanks to gtq guy. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  • I have Amber eyes so there wasn't one for me to pick

    If you do something like this maybe adding an other would be helpful but I see where that wouldn't work

    It's just some people have different coloured eyes ( eg : one blue one brown )

    I have Amber ( as stated ) I know two girls with grey eyes

    And I know one person with reddish eyes

    Puppet master12
  • ^~^

  • HAZEL: Elegant is the first word that is associated with people with hazel eyes. They are very spontaneous, fun-loving and always up for an adventure at point of time. Going with the flow and adapting easily to any situation is definitely their forte. They are brave and courageous people who encourage diversity and they tend to get bored of monotony very easily. They love to try new things. Their beauty often attracts many people to people with hazel eyes but the relationships of hazel eyed person may not last very long unless you are THE ONE for them. Mischievous and sensual in equal measure, they make for great personalities. One thing that you need to be aware of is their temper. If you can handle that, then you are in for a joy-ride.

    GREEN: People with green eyes are like a gust of strong and fresh winds. They always have a room of mystery and enigma around them and a look into someones green eyes can make you get lost in them within seconds. Intelligent and always curious, green eyed people are always the first to take interest in something new. They have an incredible zeal and zest for life and for living live to the fullest. They are passionate about many things. And of course, with an eye color so enchanting, they tend to be very attractive and beautiful as well. The only negative factor is that they get jealous very soon. But overall, the positives defeat the negative. Youthfulness oozes out of them and the compassion and vibrancy that they bring along wherever they go is contagious.

    Well my eyes are green but change to hazel. So what?


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