Slim_t's Profile

Joined on May 7, 2010
Status Level: Senior
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Slim_t's Quizzes
- So you think you can fight?[published: Jun 17, 2010, 27 comments]
fighting is a time honored tradition for the human race. fighting is one of our most common……
- Ultimate Power. What's Yours?[published: May 08, 2010, 11 comments]
Magick is the word we use for any ability, or occurence, that we cannot understand. Most of us……
- What Kind of Genuis Are You?[published: May 07, 2010, 11 comments]
What is a genuis? What seprates a genuis from an average person? Can you become a genuis? these are……
Slim_t's Recent Posts
"@zeronightshade yeah I don't think that we ever talked all like that but we probably know a lot of the same generation of people "
"Yeah James usually can be caught sporadically haha I love him to death so it sucks not being able to get a hold of him. And yeah sapphiretwi..."
"Yeah I think I may still have a few on facebook but those accounts are so old I havnt really been able to get a response. I've"
"I think mainly people just use democracy as a layman's term for any social form government. I think also that a republic is a form of"
"That's too bad lol it's been damn near a decade so it's crazy. What have you been up to"
"I had a lot of great friends from back then and a lot of you really impacted my life. So it'd be great to catch up"
"I'm from 2010 so let me know xD I'm tryna see if anyone else ever stops in"
"Hey guys, anyone here started around the same time I did or before?"
"Flat belly is made in the kitchen and on the track. In other words tight core is great but its not gonna produce the aesthetic appeal "
"Indian lands are technically sovereign, so itd technically take their ok to do something like that."
"Superloading in foods that cause estrogen to spike is a great way to increase risk of thyroid disorder and cancer"
"Yeah it was a weird fight for sure.. If didn't know any better id wonder if someone paid off alverez"
"Lol conors the s---. I was disappointed with lvarez though"
"Go team.."
"Overpopulation isnt the hice scary problem its hyped up to be. That being said, extraterrestrial colonization is an awesome idea"
Slim_t's Recent Quiz Comments
I heard into the darkness sucked, but khan in the space seed, and in the wrath of khan was above and beyond badass."
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"lol i love this quiz"
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"ehh it was kinda good "
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"THAT one was hard. 40%"
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"Haha lol violet eyes"
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":D lol thanx"
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"38 :D mi assertive"
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"holy fcking s---! this movie totally took me by suprise. awesome azz quiz. dunno the songs tho..."
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"yikes, lol i gots 20 percent "
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